Rules and veterinary standards for keeping bees in populated areas
Honey is considered not only a tasty natural delicacy, but also a universal remedy. However, in order
How many bees are there on average in one hive, family composition and life of the swarm
Many people who are interested in beekeeping wonder how many bees live in one
What do bumblebees look like and how long do they live, what do they eat and do insects have hives?
The bumblebee is an arthropod insect that belongs to the class of winged insects and the family Bees
What to do in case of a bee sting and how to treat it, help at home
Bee stings are quite unpleasant. They are accompanied by severe pain and can lead to swelling
Signs of bee swarming and its prevention, timing and how to fight
Almost every beekeeper periodically encounters swarming bees.This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon in which
Why do beekeepers remove swarming queen cells and their differences from fistulous ones?
Queen cells are specially constructed or expanded cells that are designed to grow queens. IN
Types of drinking bowls for bees, drawings and sizes, how to make them yourself
All living things need sufficient food and water, insects are no exception.
How to properly breed bees in the easiest way - 7 options
Buying a whole swarm of bees is a troublesome and quite expensive task. In beekeeping there is
Rules for preparing bees for wintering and forming a nest dadan, when to start
With the onset of autumn, beekeepers need to move on to work that will ensure the insects have a quiet winter.
Description and differences of the queen bee, how the queen appears in the hive
A queen bee is a female insect that is capable of reproducing. This individual is characterized by well-developed
Rules and terms for uniting bee colonies before a bribe
In order for the apiary to develop normally, it is important to strengthen bee colonies. This is done by combining with more
Drawings and dimensions of a bee trap, how you can make it yourself
You can expand your apiary in different ways. For this purpose it is worth buying new families, working on


