Description and characteristics of plum variety Etude, pollinators and cultivation
The plum variety Etude has excellent product and taste characteristics of the fruit. Their tasting assessment, transportability,
Description and characteristics of the columnar plum variety Mirabelle, planting and care
Among the plums there are people from foreign countries who take root well in our latitudes and give
Description and characteristics of plum variety Zarechnaya early, cultivation and care
The Zarechnaya early variety is one of the most popular among plums, as it is unpretentious in
Description and characteristics of plum variety Alyonushka, cultivation and care, pollinators
The Alyonushka plum variety is a real find for breeders. Occupies more and more space in gardens
Description and characteristics of the Stanley plum variety, planting, cultivation and care
A variety of large plum, Stanley or “American,” used to grow in the North Caucasus, but it
Causes and treatment of cherry plum diseases and pests, the best ways to combat them
Cherry plum is a fruit tree with tasty fruits that resemble plums. The fruits of the tree are good for health,
Signs of the appearance of scale insects on plums and methods of control using chemical and folk remedies
The scale insect appears unexpectedly on the plum tree, quickly attacking the tree. From this moment on, fruit trees begin
Why do plum leaves curl, what to do and how to treat them
There are several reasons why plum leaves curl. What should gardeners do for
Reasons why plum leaves turn yellow and fall off and what to do
Even the most unpretentious garden trees are affected by pests and diseases. This is why gardeners often ask
Description and characteristics of cherry plum variety Zlato Scythians, pollinators and cultivation
Scythian gold is a unique cherry plum, suitable for cultivation in cold regions and pleasing with abundant
Description and characteristics of the Kabardinka plum variety, planting and care
The Kabardinka plum variety is the earliest and sweetest crop. Ripens at the end of July, and
How to feed plums in summer, rules and timing of fertilization
Growing crops requires proper care, this includes fertilizing and watering plums in the summer. Such actions


