Characteristics and description of the Mikado tomato variety, its yield
The Mikado pink tomato is the most famous variety of the Mikado tomato series. For any variety
Characteristics and description of the Raspberry Giant tomato variety, its yield
There are many hybrid varieties, of which the Raspberry Giant tomato is the most in demand. The description of the variety is amazing: the tomato conquered
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Pink King (king), its yield
It is rare to meet a gardener who does not grow tomatoes in his garden. wonderful
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Sugar Nastasya, its yield
The self-explanatory name is the Sugar Nastasya tomato. It is clear that you should expect only sweetness from the fruits
Characteristics and description of the Nastena tomato variety, its yield
For most summer residents who grow tomatoes, it is important how many tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. IN
Characteristics and description of the Siberian Giant tomato variety, its yield
Siberian Giant tomatoes are famous for their large size and resistance to temperature fluctuations. This variety was
Characteristics and description of the Red Red tomato variety, its yield
Elite seeds of the new hybrid Red Red F1 are offered to gardeners by Ural breeders. Tomatoes took the most
Characteristics and description of the King of London tomato variety, its yield
The King of London tomato is famous for its large fruits of unusual shape and resistance to various diseases. Characteristic
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Zhenechka, its yield
Super early tomato Zhenechka meets all the requirements of varieties zoned for risky farming zones of the Urals
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Bystrenok, its yield
Tomato “Bistrenok” f1 is one of the earliest hybrids of this type of crop. Early variety
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Emerald Apple, its yield
Fans of experiments will definitely like the Emerald Apple tomato. This variety is considered unusual. The main advantage is
Characteristics and description of the Anastasia tomato variety, its yield
Many people, even without Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary, know the meaning of the word “tomato.” After all, this one


