Description of the tomato variety Severyanin and its characteristics
Experts have developed a group of tomatoes that can withstand severe temperature changes and bear fruit even in
Description of the tomato variety Pink Titan and its characteristics
Tomatoes have taken their rightful place in the beds of gardeners in different regions of Russia. Tomato Pink Titan was
Description of the tomato variety My Love and its characteristics
The My Love tomato was bred by Russian breeders. The plant is intended for all types of greenhouses and open air
Description of the tomato variety Moment and its characteristics
Summer residents of different regions choose for their plots those tomatoes that ripen the very first, so that
Description of the tomato variety Great Warrior and its characteristics
How not to make a mistake and choose the most productive variety of tomatoes? One of these varieties is
Description of the tomato variety Vova Putin and its characteristics
The “Vova Putin” tomato was bred by Chelyabinsk breeder Nikolai Alexandrov. The variety is mid-early, indeterminate, and has unlimited growth.
Description of the tomato variety Ballerina and its characteristics
Small but very productive “Ballerina” tomatoes win the favor of summer residents with their unpretentiousness and beauty. [toc] What
Description of the Dina tomato variety and its characteristics
It is believed that the Dina tomato is much healthier than other tomatoes because it contains a large amount of carotene. Variety
Description of the May Rose tomato variety and its characteristics
Tomato "May Rose" is a variety for those who do not like to grow for a long time and
Productivity, description and characteristics of the Winter Cherry tomato variety
An unpretentious early-ripening hybrid, the Winter Cherry f1 tomato, bred for the northern regions. Where are the weather conditions
Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Handsome
A mid-early variety, the “Krasavchik” tomato, occupies a certain place in the choice of many summer residents. Famous for its productivity
Description of the tomato variety O La La and its characteristics
Plants grown with your own hands bring not only a feeling of joy, but also health benefits.


