This Japanese company is the largest developer and supplier of seed material around the world. SAKATA SEED CORPORATION has existed since 1913 and to this day continues to expand, opening new branches and subsidiaries in different countries. Here they don’t just plant plants and get seeds, but scientifically develop new crops, including hybrid ones, without ceasing to improve their quality characteristics. The goal of Sakata is to provide people with seeds that produce high yields.
History of the company's development
The founder of the company is Takeo Sakata, who not only created his own business from scratch and turned it into a huge holding company with a worldwide reputation, but also made a huge contribution to the development of the Japanese seed industry.
24-year-old Takeo registered his small plant export company in 1913. But gradually the company moved to another level - the sale of flower and vegetable seeds. The business began with the sale of lily bulbs - traditional Japanese ones, and this delicate flower is still the company logo.
Since 1996, Sakata Seeds began to actively cooperate with European companies and merged with smaller companies.
Cooperation of the company with leading global companies
Modern Sakata is not only its own scientific laboratories, vast areas of crops and the sale of the resulting products within one company. The company has long entered the global market and intensively cooperates with partners and distributors from Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
At the same time, Sakata products are guaranteed to meet the requirements of each market.
Today, one of the goals of the Japanese agricultural company is to develop the Russian market, and it is already supplying vegetable seeds, cuttings and flowers. The sale of Sakata products is carried out by large domestic companies - Gardens of Russia, Tvoy Sad, Agro-SOS.
Breeding achievements
Sakata specialists focus their work on two fundamental factors:
- science-based breeding that meets market demands;
- methods that make it possible to select from the available varieties those that are most adapted for each climatic region.
This thorough approach ensured high performance of the company.Since the 1930s, Sakata breeders have been breeding hybrid plant varieties, and already in 1934 they won the first award from the independent expert company AAS for double-flowered petunia.
In 1987, they managed to achieve increased male sterility of cabbage, and, moreover, genetic modification.
Today, most of the crops bred by Sakata Corporation specialists have improved characteristics:
- ultra-early ripening and increased fruit set (for example, cucumbers Uran F1);
- resistance to diseases and pests;
- ability to grow both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground;
- beautiful shape and rich color;
- increased productivity.
Thanks to hybridization with wild plant species, crops are better able to withstand weather changes.
A wide range of
Sakata Corporation offers a wide variety of vegetable and melon seeds and their hybrid, improved forms:
- eggplant;
- zucchini;
- cabbage: white, red, Beijing, cauliflower, broccoli;
- zucchini;
- onion: onion, per feather;
- carrots;
- cucumbers, including gherkins;
- pepper;
- radishes: black, white, daikon;
- radish;
- table beets;
- tomatoes;
- pumpkins;
- watermelons, melons.
In addition, Sakata agronomists have also taken care of flower growers; they offer an amazing variety of flowers: “for cutting”, for tuber cultivation, potted varieties and for creating compositions. And the company's flower collection is constantly growing.
Company advantages
Not every company in the seed industry has such potential and capabilities:
- hybrid crops and new varieties are developed on the basis of a research base - the company has 5 research centers in Japan and 10 in other countries;
- special attention is paid to the taste of crops, productivity and resistance to external factors;
- seed production undergoes strict control at all stages, right up to packaging;
- The company’s specialists maintain feedback with their clients and respond quickly, take into account comments and reviews, improve the product and quality of service.
SAKATA SEED CORPORATION guarantees the quality of its products and, regardless of where the seeds are grown, they 100% meet strict standards.