How to make a spruce bonsai with your own hands, problems and how long the tree will live

Bonsai is an ancient Japanese art that is dedicated to the cultivation of small trees. Its task is to accurately copy plants that occur naturally. Spruce bonsai is considered one of the most attractive plants. However, its cultivation has certain characteristics. In order for a crop to have a decorative appearance, it must be formed correctly.

Description of the art of bonsai

This term refers to the Japanese art of growing small trees that accurately copy large counterparts growing in natural conditions. Spruce bonsai has the most decorative properties. However, growing this variety requires more patience and attention.

The art of bonsai includes many styles and trends. All of them are characterized by general rules and features that relate to the formation of the crown. The following should be taken into account:

  1. A coniferous plant must have branches that have small and lush needles.
  2. Trees should have a cone-shaped crown or divided into tiers.

In most cases, Canadian spruce - common or blue - is used to grow bonsai. This task can be more difficult than it seems at first glance, especially when planting a tree by seed.

Bonsai sizes vary. The smallest varieties are usually no more than 10 centimeters. When growing large species of spruce, you can get a plant measuring 1.5 meters. At the same time, small and large crops may differ in age. Compact trees grow for many years, while large ones reach their size in just 2 years.

It is possible to determine the size of a bonsai even at the initial stage of tree formation. Most often, the rudiments of skeletal branches are present on the plant. The style in which the bonsai will be performed depends on this.

Usually its size is determined by the size of the foliage. Small compositions of different sizes are created from trees with small leaves. A bonsai with long needles should have such proportions that the tree looks harmonious.So, some varieties of conifers are grown up to 1 meter or even more. As a rule, bonsai no larger than 30 centimeters in size are formed from spruce.

DIY bonsai

How to make a spruce bonsai

Spruce bonsai has a truly fabulous appearance. Such a plant can become a real decoration for a veranda or patio. To get an attractive ornamental crop, you need to do the following:

  • place the seedling in a special container;
  • systematically pinch out buds and new shoots - this will help prevent the tree from growing;
  • trim shoots;
  • engage in the formation of a silhouette - this is done by tying a tree or using wire;
  • systematically replant the crop.

You can grow a compact plant from a spruce seedling taken from the wild, or from a crop purchased in special nurseries. However, finding the variety of the required age can be very difficult. That’s why bonsai masters use seeds to produce the crop.

In addition, the choice of spruce variety is of great importance. Bonsai can be obtained from the following crops:

  1. Norway spruce - such a plant can have not only the usual cone-shaped shape, but also a tiered arrangement of the crown.
  2. Blue spruce - characterized by an unusual bluish color of needles. In addition, it is characterized by a beautiful conical crown.
  3. Canadian spruce or Konica is characterized by rather slow growth. In 1 year it increases by a maximum of 2 centimeters. This makes it easier to care for the crop at home.

Spruce trees in the bonsai style can be grown directly on a summer cottage. Thanks to this, it is possible to create attractive ensembles from plants. It is important to consider that such a plant is considered quite capricious and needs specific care.This is especially true in winter.

Choosing a landing site

When growing spruce bonsai with your own hands, it is very important to choose the right place for planting. In order for a composition to always look decorative, it needs to be provided with adequate lighting. If there is insufficient light, the bonsai will lose its attractive color and lose its uniqueness.

DIY bonsai outdoors

Dwarf spruce needs to be illuminated for at least 6 hours a day. However, it is important to ensure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, burns may appear on the plant.

It is recommended to place the bonsai on the right side of the western window sill. It is also permissible to place it on the left side of the southern window sill. An excellent solution would be a coffee table near the window.

Trees that grow outside can withstand the effects of both low and high temperatures. Therefore, there is no need to create a special regime for the plant. However, experts still recommend ensuring that the tree is not kept at temperatures less than -10 degrees.

Preparing and sowing seeds

You can even grow bonsai with your own hands using seeds. Even beginning gardeners can do this. To begin with, it is recommended to soak the seed material for a day in a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. To prepare it, it is recommended to use 3 crystals of the substance per 1 liter of water. Then the water needs to be drained, and the seeds must be transferred to a container with ordinary water for another day.

The next step is to prepare a container with sand. You need to make holes 2 centimeters in size in the substrate and place the seeds in them. The interval between them should be at least 4 centimeters. Plantings should be watered systematically, waiting for the first shoots to appear.

DIY bonsai photo

The container with planting material must be placed in a cool place for 60-65 days. After the specified period ends, the container must be brought into the house and placed near the window. Thanks to this, future plants will receive enough light. After 3 weeks, small sprouts will appear.

When the bushes grow to several centimeters in height, it is recommended to leave 2-4 of the strongest crops. It is important to consider that by the third year, approximately 50% of the seedlings will die.

During the first two years, the spruce must be grown in the same container. At the same time, it needs to be watered in a timely manner and systematically fertilized. After the specified time has passed, the seedling must be moved to a special container and the crown must be pinched. This will help stop the growth of the culture.

Adjusting the direction of growth

In a multi-trunk bonsai, the direction of growth and shape of some of the trunks can be corrected and adjusted through the use of brackets. It will take a lot of effort to complete such work. In this case, it is important to systematically assess the situation so that the wire does not grow into the bark. It is imperative to move the staples regularly.

In order not to provoke damage to the bark by metal objects, it is necessary to place pieces of leather under them. It is possible to change the direction of growth through the use of staples in those places where it is not possible to apply wire.

Needle growth

Ayan and other types of fir trees must be grown correctly using the bonsai technique. In this case, maintaining certain sizes of needles on conifers is of great importance. To get the desired result, it is recommended to break off the tops of young branches.The spruces are allowed to grow a little, after which they are pruned by 50% or two-thirds.

DIY bonsai

Carrying out this procedure helps to awaken new kidneys. Next year they transform into branches. At the end of September, it is recommended to remove old needles that are 3 years old. If you neglect this event, the needles will become too long. This will negatively affect the appearance of the bonsai and worsen its decorative characteristics.

How to water a tree

Konika spruce, like other varieties of conifers, is important to water in a timely manner. This must be done as needed. In this case, it is important to evaluate the dryness parameters of the soil in the pot. Bonsai should be watered sparingly. In this matter, you should focus on the type of plant. Some varieties prefer high humidity, while others start to get sick from it.

It should be borne in mind that bonsai are less tolerant of drying out. This is due to the small amount of soil in the pot. This means that the liquid essentially has nowhere to stay. Each subsequent watering is carried out as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. At the same time, in winter it is recommended to minimize the amount of watering. The exception is increased dryness and air temperature.

Systematic moistening is also required for the green part of the tree. Plants that receive such irrigation always feel great.


Already at the initial stage of growing blue or common spruce, it is important to figure out what shape you want to get. Typically, it is recommended to form the crown using wire.

DIY spruce bonsai

Today there are many options for growing bonsai. However, in this matter there are several recommendations for crown formation:

  1. The spruce must have a conical crown or be divided into horizontal tiers.
  2. The tree should have fairly dense needles.

All this is connected with the key rules of crop growth in natural conditions. Following the basic recommendations helps ensure complete ventilation of each tier of the conifer. In this case, each shoot receives the required amount of light. A unique microclimate is created on all tiers, which ensures the active development of culture. This helps the spruce to develop normally.

It takes a lot of effort to form the crown of dwarf varieties. After placing the spruce in the container, the top part needs to be trimmed. It is important to think about the shape and style of the plant in advance, since the first cutting lays the foundation for the culture. When pruning, it is recommended to get rid of excess branches. As a result of the procedure, only those shoots that match the texture should remain.

Using aluminum wire, you need to form the frame of the future trunk. It also helps to give the branches the required appearance and direct their development in the required direction.

It is recommended to trim the formed spruce regularly. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to maintain the attractive appearance of the crop. Trimming also helps redistribute the flow of energy, directing it from powerful branches above to weaker shoots below.

In the first year, the spruce needs to be cut in the spring - it is during this period that the active development of the crop begins. After this, the need for pruning is explained by the intensity of the development of the culture and the need to get rid of shoots that disrupt the overall silhouette of the culture.

DIY spruce bonsai photo

The rules for cutting haircuts for each variety are significantly different.During such manipulation, it is worth removing dry and injured shoots. To speed up the healing process of the cuts, it is recommended to seal these areas with plasticine.

The formation of the direction of development of shoots must be done in a timely manner. This is done when the branches are still pliable for processing. Also in the first half of summer it is worth removing needles. This procedure promotes rejuvenation of the crop crown.

When forming a tree, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Aggressive pruning of branches is recommended in late autumn or the first half of winter, when the tree is dormant.
  2. When cutting branches, you need to leave a few centimeters near the trunk. This will help encourage new development from the interior of the tree.
  3. After a month, you need to remove the candles to keep the vertical growth of the tree under control.
  4. When removing excess branches and leaves, the viability of the crop suffers.
  5. You should not pinch the buds at the ends of the shoots, as this will cause them to grow and worsen the appearance of the bonsai.

Wiring helps direct the growth of the spruce horizontally or downwards. In this case, you need to fix one end of the material in the pot, and wrap the other around the trunk or branch. This will help move the shoot a little. After some time, the tension should be increased. This will help achieve the desired growth angle.


After moving the seedling into a pot, it requires careful care. In this case, it is recommended to systematically trim the crown. This manipulation is carried out throughout the life of the tree, since every year a new layer appears on it.

Experts recommend not only cutting off excess branches that are developing in the wrong direction, but also systematically pulling back soft young shoots.Such branches are quite pliable, so they can be given the required shape.


Every year it is recommended to clear the bonsai of dry shoots. This procedure should be carried out in the spring. Thanks to this, it will be possible to give the tree a more neat appearance and make it more decorative.

To avoid the development of infection in injured areas, it is recommended to treat them with a solution of garden varnish. To prepare such a composition with your own hands, it is recommended to mix vegetable oil, paraffin and rosin. This should be done in a ratio of 1:2:1.5. The resulting composition must be boiled, cooled and used if necessary. The mixture is generously applied to the cut areas. When removing branches, you need to take into account that if you cut them in very large quantities, the tree will dry out.


Experts note that replanting spruce bonsai should be done in spring or autumn. In the first case, this procedure occurs in March or April, in the second, it is carried out in September or October. To successfully replant a bonsai, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Prepare a new pot for the spruce in advance. It should be larger in size than the previous one.
  2. Prepare the soil. Spruce trees develop well in poor substrate. For planting crops, it is worth using peat and clay.
  3. Fill a new container with soil.
  4. Carefully remove the tree from the old container and remove excess soil.
  5. Be careful not to trim the roots too much.
  6. Plant the crop in a new container and water it.


The easiest way to propagate spruce is from seedlings. You can buy high-quality planting material from a good nursery. After planting in a special container, you can begin to form the crown.

However, many gardeners prefer to grow their own bonsai using seeds. Moreover, finding planting material is not difficult. At the same time, cuttings, which are most often used for propagating ordinary spruce trees, are not recommended in this case.

So, experienced gardeners can grow a tree from cones. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. At the end of January or beginning of February, collect fir cones. It is recommended to do this in frosty weather.
  2. In a warm place, open the cones and pour out the seeds.
  3. Sow the seeds in a container and water. It is important to consider that seedlings will be uneven. Some plants will sprout in a few days, others only after a month.
  4. After a year, discard the seedlings. In this case, it is recommended to leave the strongest crops that have an attractive needle color.
  5. After 2-3 years, plant the seedlings in special bonsai pots.

Bonsai photo

After the plants reach a height of 10-12 centimeters, it is recommended to begin forming a crown.

Possible pests and their control

When growing spruce bonsai, there is a risk of various problems. The biggest problem is caused by parasites. Among them it is worth highlighting sawflies, bark beetles, and horntails. The crop may also suffer from attacks by large pine weevils.

To cope with parasites, you should follow the following rules:

  • remove damaged fragments;
  • treat the plantings with an oil emulsion;
  • with the arrival of spring, spray the tree with an insecticide;
  • apply combined fertilizing.

Preparing for winter

Spruce bonsai should not overwinter in an apartment. In winter, he needs to provide the following conditions:

  1. Young plants should be placed in a greenhouse or covered with film.
  2. Healthy mature crops can overwinter outside.
  3. In regions with harsh climates, spruce bonsai should be kept in a greenhouse or placed on a glassed-in balcony.

Watering the crop in the winter is not recommended. This will negatively affect the root system of the spruce.

How long will such a tree live?

The lifespan of a crop directly depends on its variety and variety. Some gardeners carry out artificial aging of spruce. To do this, it is permissible to use various methods. The easiest way to remove bark and branches is with a sharp knife. However, this procedure is considered quite complex and requires practical skills.

Growing spruce bonsai has a number of features. In order for a culture to develop normally and maintain its decorative appearance, it requires proper care. Systematic pruning and crown formation is of no small importance.
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