Instructions for use of Champion fungicide, mechanism of action and consumption rates
To avoid mass infection of cultivated crops with fungal and bacterial diseases, it is worth carrying out preventive measures in advance.
Description and instructions for use of fungicide Uniform
Fruit and vegetable crops often suffer from rot and other dangerous ailments. To protect
Instructions for use and mechanism of action of fungicide Titan
To protect vegetable crops, fungicidal liquids are regularly treated. There are many effective means, however
Instructions for use of the fungicide Fitolavin, mechanism of action and consumption rates
Finding a universal, safe and effective remedy is no longer a problem. For the protection of garden, garden and
Instructions for use of the fungicide Prestige, safety precautions and analogues
To treat potato tubers and seedling roots before planting, use Prestige, a fungicide and
Instructions for use of the fungicide Saprol, consumption rate and analogues
Saprol is a curative fungicide that is used to protect plants from the most common fungal diseases.
Instructions for use of Acanto Plus fungicide, composition and consumption rate
Acanto Plus is a new product that is considered a 2-component fungicide. The drug protects grains and oilseeds
Instructions for use of the fungicide Oxychom, consumption rate and analogues
The instructions for using the fungicide Oksikhom must be strictly followed. This drug has a pronounced antifungal effect
Instructions for use of Metaxil fungicide, mechanism of action and consumption rates
People who grow fruits and vegetables often experience plants dying due to disease.
Instructions for use of Vivando fungicide, consumption rate and analogues
Vivando fungicide is considered an effective remedy that helps cope with fungal microorganisms. Key indication for
Instructions for use of Orvego fungicide, description of the product and analogues
Orvego fungicide is a popular drug that is used to protect various plantings from fungal infections.
Instructions for use of Nativo fungicide, consumption rate and analogues
Fungicide Nativo is an effective remedy that has a pronounced effect on fungal microorganisms. By using


