When breeding geese, there are many features to consider. First of all, it is recommended to choose a breed that meets high egg production parameters and is a source of tasty meat. Gorky geese are characterized by excellent productivity indicators. To achieve success in raising birds, it is important to provide them with complete and high-quality care.
History of the breed
Geese of this breed were bred in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The main goal of the researchers was to make bird breeding profitable and give birds resistance to adverse external factors. The breed was based on Chinese geese. They have been crossed with several species of birds. As a result, it was possible to obtain high parameters of precocity and endurance, as well as increase life expectancy.
The selection did not end there. To make the fluff better and take weight gain to a new level, scientists crossed the resulting geese with the Ladger breed. As a result, we managed to get the final result.
Description and characteristics of Gorky geese
Geese have white feathers. Sometimes blue and gray birds are found. Gorky geese have a small head. Their characteristic feature is the presence of a bump on the forehead. Directly below the beak there is a small fold of skin. Gorky geese are characterized by a wide body. The chest is not too wide, but rather convex.
On average, ganders gain up to 6.9-8 kilograms, and geese - 5-6.5. They are characterized by very tasty meat. Females of the Gorky breed are considered excellent laying hens. The annual parameters of their egg production are 50-65 eggs. However, these are not the best hens. The maternal instinct in Gorky geese is not so strongly expressed. Puberty occurs 240 days after birth.
Gorky geese are characterized by high fertility parameters. Egg fertilization rates reach 90-100%. At the same time, the hatchability of goslings is at the level of 70-80%, which is considered an excellent parameter.
In addition, Gorky geese adapt well to different climates. Another advantage is the increase in live weight. By 2 months, the weight of the birds is 3.5-4 kilograms. In addition, young birds are resistant to pathologies. Therefore, 80-96% of chicks are preserved.
Pros and cons of birds
Requirements for maintenance and care
In order for Gorky geese to grow and develop well, they need to be provided with a comfortable temperature and lighting. For maximum comfort of birds, it is worthwhile to properly install drinking bowls, perches and feeders. This will help avoid fights over territory. Keeping the litter dry is important. In conditions of high humidity, mold or rot appears on it. This increases the risk of developing pathologies.
Food containers must be kept clean at all times and the water replaced with fresh water every day.
What to feed the birds?
The main difference of this breed is that even with a small amount of grains, the birds can fully develop. However, when creating a diet, it is important to adhere to a number of recommendations:
- Geese need to be given green food. Therefore, it is worth periodically putting fresh greens in the feeders.
- The volume of feed is selected taking into account the purposes of breeding birds.
- Geese should be fed at least 2-3 times a day. The frequency depends on the diet and seasonal factors.
- In warm weather, birds should be released to pasture. Thanks to this, they will be able to find their own food. This will help reduce the number of feedings to 2 times a day.
It is also recommended to take into account the need for mineral supplements. It is also important to add river sand, fine gravel or crushed shells to the feeders. This helps improve digestion and eliminate intestinal pathologies. In the evening, it is worth giving geese a lot of fiber, since birds like to eat at night.
There must be a sufficient amount of water in the drinking bowls. Geese not only drink it, but also use it to rinse their heads, nostrils and beaks.
Breeding Features
Females begin laying eggs in February. The first pair of eggs are usually not fertilized. However, they should be removed from the nest, as the bird may stop producing eggs. One female can hatch 11-17 eggs - it all depends on her size. A month later, the goslings are born. It is recommended to place the first chick so that the female does not leave the nest. After hatching is completed, the goslings should be returned to their mother.
Possible diseases
Despite their strong immunity, geese of this breed are susceptible to the development of viral enteritis.To avoid pathology, it is recommended to remove the cages after each feeding. In spring, birds often encounter vitamin deficiency. This pathology can occur when eating monotonous food or lack of exercise. Gorky geese are distinguished by high productivity parameters. To raise birds successfully, they require comprehensive care.