Why does a ferret stink and how to get rid of its smell at home

It happens that on the threshold of an apartment a guest is greeted by a specific smell. It turns out that the owners cohabit with some animal. The ferret is increasingly chosen for its lively, cheerful disposition and pleasant fluffy fur. But if you treat an animal incorrectly, you can encounter the negative side of its nature. Why can a ferret smell bad and how can you get rid of it?

Do ferrets stink at home?

Animal lovers' concern about smell stems from the fact that wild ferrets defend themselves against enemies by emitting a strong, foul stench.Cute little animals have been kept at home since ancient times. Now the choice has become much larger. Ferrets vary in size and color. It seems that if the unpleasant spirit from a ferret was ineradicable, no one would keep it in an apartment, trying to get dubious pleasure.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The stench can come from anything living, often from inanimate things. Example: a stash of foods that the ferret is inclined to hide under the sofa or in another secluded place to enjoy in complete peace.

The animal itself may emit an unpleasant odor due to:

  • lack of necessary components in the feed;
  • natural secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  • production of an enzyme to attract the opposite sex;
  • illness;
  • secretion of the paraanal glands.

An unbalanced diet causes a change in the composition of sebaceous secretions, enhanced by the odor from excrement. A similar result is observed in diseases, especially of the gastrointestinal tract. Both urine and feces may acquire an additional unpleasant odor.

The sebaceous glands secrete a substance that seems fragrant to some people, neutral to others. For some, such a bouquet evokes negative emotions. But even these people can change their attitude once they get to know the lively, playful character of the ferret. After all, the waste products of a beloved baby do not seem fetid.

During the rutting period, the scent from male ferrets really goes off scale. The smell from the opposite sex is quite tolerable. At this time, ferrets become restless, males become aggressive. They actively mark their territory. Females sometimes also perform this operation. A way out of the situation has long been found.

How to get rid of ferret smell in an apartment

Recommendations from veterinarians and experienced pet owners will help those who have problems.

Castration and sterilization

Ferrets become sexually mature at 7-12 months. In females, the first heat can begin as early as 5 months. The castration procedure is simple and quick. After it, the animal begins a calm life. And the wound only requires disinfection after surgery. Experienced livestock breeders often perform castration themselves. So such an intervention performed by a veterinarian should not cause concern to the owners.

different ferrets

Sterilization of females is more difficult; it would seem that there is no need for it. But continuous estrus exhausts the body. The immune system weakens, the female ceases to be pleased with the care of the owners. Without pregnancy, estrus is unlikely to stop. Owners have the opportunity to choose mating and get offspring of ferrets.

But the breeding periods of this species of animal are repeated 2 times a year. If you don't study ferret breeding for sale, it is better to immediately choose sterilization.

The operation is also performed during estrus. There are 2 ways to get rid of sexual problems:

  1. complete removal of reproductive organs;
  2. ovarian resection.

Veterinarians advise choosing the first method, since with the second, complications are observed in the future. A few days after the operation, if the female is properly cared for, her condition will return to normal. After recovery, the ferret is again cheerful and friendly.

Paraanal glands

These glands are located near the anus. In the wild they are needed: they are often used to scare away enemies with a terrible pungent odor. However, the so-called “smokescreen” soon dissipates, leaving no memories.

In order not to encounter its effects, experts advise not to frighten the animal. In a loving home environment, the ferret feels protected and does not use his secret weapon. You may never try this scent in the entire life of the animal. A puncture is possible only when too active games are started with the ferret.

Based on the above, there is no need to remove the paraanal glands. Even if someone I know recommends it.

The veterinarian will tell you that the operation is not the easiest and can lead to complications and negative consequences. For the animal, this is fraught with constant follow-up treatment. The worst result for the comfort of the owners will be a change in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which are trying to take over the body’s defense. Then the ferret will really “smell.”

Hygiene procedures

An integral part of caring for your pet is cleaning its litter box. The ferret is easily litter trained. The ideal condition will be if every time the owners are at home, they immediately remove the excrement. If after this someone smells something unpleasant, the air freshener will create the desired background in the apartment. The sleeping area is washed every month. When dirt appears in the cage, do a wet cleaning.

You should not get carried away with bathing your ferret. The animal is washed once every 2-3 months with a special shampoo. If you dry out the skin with constant water treatments, the work of the sebaceous glands will increase, resulting in the opposite effect to the desired one. In addition, if the animal has not been able to instill a love for bathing, each time this will be extremely stressful for him. By nature, the ferret does not like water.

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