Rules and schedules for ferret vaccination by age, price and types of vaccinations

If ferret kept as a pet, he, like all animals, must be vaccinated against common and dangerous infectious diseases. Some of the diseases are dangerous not only for ferrets, but also for humans. Let's consider when and how to vaccinate a ferret, at what age, and how to prepare the animal. What vaccines can you choose, what side effects and contraindications do they have?

Preparing the animal

All ferrets kept at home are vaccinated, even if they do not go out for walks.An animal can still become infected; the infection enters the premises through the owner’s clothes, shoes and belongings.

They begin to vaccinate ferrets when they are 3-4 months old. It is not recommended to vaccinate before this age, since the body of a young animal is not yet able to respond correctly to the drug. It is possible to vaccinate after 4 months, but in this case the ferret, remaining unvaccinated, will be at risk of infection. Only healthy pets are vaccinated.

Before vaccinating, you need to examine the animal, check for fever, inflammation, and damage. 2 weeks before the scheduled vaccination, deworming should be done, even if this is not necessary. Also treat the fur against fleas and ticks. Destruction of parasites is mandatory, otherwise the effect of vaccination will be reduced. Internal and external parasites significantly affect the functioning of the immune system, reduce overall resistance, and the development of an immune response is slower than necessary.

Before vaccination and for some time after, the ferret should not be allowed to come into contact with other animals. This will reduce the risk of complications. It is recommended to take a course of an immunomodulatory drug before vaccination to prepare the ferret's body for the load. Although this stage is not required.

ferret vaccination

Vaccination schedule and precautions

There are differences in vaccination by age. At the first stage of vaccination, ferrets under 8 months of age are vaccinated against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, and infectious hepatitis.

A month after this, a rabies vaccination is carried out. Then the animals are revaccinated once a year. Adult ferrets receive all vaccinations at once, in one go.

Contraindications and side effects

You should not vaccinate sick ferrets, pregnant and lactating females, as well as those animals who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. After vaccination, the animal’s body may react to the drug with decreased activity and slight pain at the injection site. In 1-2 days everything should return to normal. If lethargy, drowsiness, and indigestion are noted, reactions such as itching and redness of the skin are also possible - a typical manifestation of an allergic reaction. In this case, you need to take the ferret to a veterinarian for examination, as complications are possible.

Post-vaccination period

For 1.5 weeks, you need to keep the ferret at a constant temperature and humidity, avoid stress, and not allow it to come into contact with animals. You should not bathe or overwork, so as not to overload the body. This is necessary for the development of immunity. If the animal has undergone vaccination successfully, after the post-vaccination period you can switch to the usual regimen and allow the ferret to be more active.

Price and types of vaccines

In Russia, they do not use specialized vaccines for ferrets. In veterinary practice, multicomponent vaccines Nobivac and Eurican are used. At the first stage, when the ferret is 2.5-3 months old, NobivacDHPP+L is used. 3-4 weeks after the NobivacDHPP+RL vaccine is used. The same principle applies to vaccination with Eurican. The injection is given in the cervical area or between the shoulder blades.

If the risk of infection is high, then the Nobivac Puppyc vaccine can be used on 1.5-2 month old ferrets. Adults are vaccinated once a year with NobivacDHPP+RL, that is, the full complex. If the vaccination history is unknown, the animal is vaccinated 2 times and repeated every year.

 a lot of ferrets

Approximate cost of vaccines: Nobivac – 300 rubles. and Eurican – 500 rub.Immunity is formed 1.5 weeks after repeated administration of the drug when using Nobivac and 2-3 weeks after using Eurican. Valid for 1 year from the date of introduction.

Sterile syringes are used for injection; the vaccine drawn into the syringe is administered to the animal immediately. The vaccine is used in a volume of 1 ml (1 dose) subcutaneously in the area of ​​the shoulder blade or in the thigh muscle.

The drugs are transported and stored in a dark, dry and cool place, at a temperature of 2-8 °C. The drug should not be allowed to freeze. The shelf life of Eurican is 1 year, Nobivac is 2 years. After the expiration date has expired, the drugs should not be used under any circumstances; they will have no effect.

The drugs used to vaccinate ferrets are highly effective (about 95%), high quality, and safe when used correctly. Rarely does their use cause side effects or complications. Immunity develops quickly and lasts for the entire period specified by the manufacturer.

Vaccinating ferrets against dangerous infections is mandatory, as is vaccinating all carnivores. Without immunity, which is developed after vaccination, animals, in most cases, become very ill and die. This applies to both adult ferrets and young animals. Therefore, you cannot skip the stages of vaccination, much less ignore it completely. Animals can get sick at any time, even without communicating with their own kind or other living creatures. With immunity they will be safe.
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