Composition and instructions for use of Fertika Lux fertilizer, consumption rates

Many gardeners have to enrich the soil on their site. Not all household plots in the country are located in the black soil zone. And the yield of plant crops largely depends on the fertility of the soil. Fertika Lux fertilizer appeared relatively recently. Today, mineral fertilizing is in demand both among private owners and agronomists. The drug based on pure raw materials quickly became popular.

Composition, release form and scope of application

Fertika Lux contains a set of substances that stimulate plant growth. Macroelements, the main one of which is phosphorus, are beneficial for most garden plants. Fertilizer is also used to support indoor flowers.

The mineral complex is produced in the form of small crystalline granules that dissolve well in water. “Fertika Lux” goes on sale in small 20-gram bags and large packs of 100 grams.

Scope of use of fertilizer:

  1. For feeding fruits grown in greenhouses.
  2. In order to increase the flowering period of domestic plants.
  3. As a stimulator of seedling development.
  4. As a means of accelerating the rooting of vegetable crops after planting in the ground.
  5. For processing flowers during the period of bud emergence. The drug affects the color intensity.

Positive results appear even with minimal use of Fertika Lux.

How does fertilizer work?

The use of mineral fertilizer has a positive effect on the appearance of ovaries, fruit ripening and increases the flowering period.

fertika luxury fertilizer

The effect is exerted by macroelements in the composition:

Name of useful substances Direction of influence
Phosphorus Promotes root development, improves the absorption of other elements
Potassium Responsible for fruiting and flowering of plants
Nitrogen Participates in photosynthesis processes
Selenium Increases sugar content in vegetables and fruits

Mineral fertilizing is applied to the soil after dissolution. To achieve a lasting effect, the procedure is repeated several times. Sometimes granules are used in dry form:

  1. To enrich the soil in which the seedlings will be placed.
  2. During the autumn digging of soil in a vegetable garden or flower garden.

After using undissolved powder, the plants must be watered.

fertika luxury fertilizer

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners note many positive properties of Fertika Lux fertilizer:

  1. Balanced composition of the drug and the absence of toxic elements.
  2. Possibility of use for open ground, for enriching soil in greenhouses and feeding house plants.
  3. Fast solubility.
  4. A pronounced effect from use: increased yield, improved taste and increased shelf life of fruits.
  5. Strengthening the immunity of garden crops.
  6. Achieving results quickly.
  7. Easy to use.

Users do not like the high price of products. But the demand for Fertika Lux fertilizer does not fall. The effect of use can be reduced only if the dosage and other recommendations set out in the instructions are violated. No other disadvantages have been identified in the mineral supplement.

fertika luxury fertilizer

Instructions for use "Fertika Lux"

The fertilizer was developed and produced in Finland. Then the drug began to be produced in Russia. The substance complies with European quality standards. The mineral complex can be used at any time of the year, with the exception of winter. There are no such restrictions for indoor plants.

Water the ground with diluted powder or spray flowers, shrubs or other crops with the solution. To eliminate the risk of chemical burns to plants, it is necessary to comply with the consumption rates of the drug.

Typically, the spring use of additives is aimed at strengthening the immunity of crops, and the summer use activates the processes of fruit set and flowering. In autumn, fertilizer is recommended to be used for cultivating the soil in preparation for the winter period. Support for indoor plants does not depend on the time of year. The main condition is that after applying the product, the flower pot is not left in the sun, but is transferred for a short time to a shaded place.

fertika luxury fertilizer

Application rate and terms

Recommended dosage for different types of plants:

Direction of use Watering rate and frequency
For indoor and garden flowers 1 tbsp. fertilizers per 10 liters of water. In summer, fertilizer is added with each irrigation, in winter - every 2-3 times.
When growing seedlings In 20 liters of liquid, dilute 1 tbsp. drug. Water at the root every week
For feeding vegetable crops For 10 liters of water take 1 tbsp. facilities. Moisten the soil once every 7 days

Before preparing the solution, it is recommended to place the granules in a separate container and dilute with a small amount of water. After stirring, add the mixture to the remaining liquid, and then begin irrigating the soil.

Fertilizer application time:

  1. In early spring - used to maintain seedlings.
  2. From May to July, “Fertika Lux” is used for processing garden crops.
  3. Used year-round for home flowers.

fertika luxury fertilizer

The mineral complex can harm dormant plants. Do not apply fertilizers immediately after planting, especially in enriched soil.

Storage rules

Packages with “Fertika Lux” are stored in sealed form for 5 years. After breaking the seal of the package, the contents are placed in a glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

The fertilizer should not be mixed with food, medicine or animal feed. For storage, choose areas where children cannot reach. Packages are placed in a dry place, protected from sunlight.

What can be replaced

If this substance is not available for sale, you can purchase analog products. Gardeners use Flower Paradise fertilizers or complex fertilizers for rhododendrons and azaleas.Long-acting Omu Universal or Etisso for lawns show good results. You can also use Organic Mix.

Fertika Lux fertilizer has been appreciated by many gardeners and gardeners. The effect of using the mineral complex is noticeable after the first watering. Plants become stronger, flowers delight with rich, intense shades. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for using the product.
Comments: 2
  1. Marina

    Hello. If it’s in a cemetery, flowers are planted for relatives. How to use FERTIKA LUX correctly? Thank you in advance.

    1. photo_2020-04-24_21-24-201-80x80[1]

      There is an ambivalent attitude towards vegetation in the cemetery and graves. Some people prefer to completely destroy everything. And someone is planting flowers.If you planted plants in a flowerpot or open ground, they, of course, need to be looked after. As for Fertika, all the recommendations are set out in the instructions. Just read it carefully. And then make a solution and treat the flowers. The standard recommendation is 20 grams per 10 liters of water for irrigation.

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