There are many ways to grow garden strawberries in garden beds. Planting strawberry seedlings on a black cover
Many summer residents in the Moscow region receive a good harvest of strawberries, despite the fact that the region is difficult
A personal plot can be as large as desired, but there is always not enough space for a passionate person.
In addition to greens and flowers, you can successfully grow strawberries at home. There are several famous
The Elsanta strawberry variety has proven itself well in gardeners' beds and in industrial cultivation. Plant
Special varieties of strawberries are bred for cultivation in central Russia. They tolerate cold well
In winter, when there are so few vitamins, you want to enjoy fresh berries from your garden. But often
Few people know that, in addition to the tendrils, strawberries reproduce by seeds. They cover the berry, not
The Polka strawberry variety is the result of Dutch selection; it first became widespread in Poland.
Many farms are now growing strawberries for sale. They purchase varieties for planting,
Garden strawberries are not that easy to grow. The culture is demanding of care and compliance
Remontant strawberry varieties are characterized by the fact that they bear fruit several times in one season. Particularly convenient