Description and characteristics of the Polka strawberry variety, cultivation and propagation

The Polka strawberry variety is the result of Dutch selection; it first became widespread in Poland. The plant was quickly recognized by the European market due to its amazing taste and yield. Despite such a long period of cultivation, the popularity of the variety has not decreased.

More information about Polka strawberries

Each variety has characteristics characteristic of it. Gardeners rely on them when choosing one species or another.


The main feature of the Polka variety is its unpretentiousness and excellent productivity. The plant takes root well in most regions.

Characteristics of bushes

The bushes have the following distinctive features:

  • do not differ in height (reach 12-15 cm) and branching;
  • powerful structure;
  • prone to overgrowing;
  • stems are thick, with edges;
  • the leaf blade is medium-sized, with a jagged edge, green in color with a dark tint, with a wrinkled structure;
  • forms many tall, strong peduncles.

Description of berries

During the ripening period, the fruits have a scarlet color. A fully ripe berry acquires a dark red hue with gloss. The weight of the berries ranges from 45 to 65 g. The pulp is pink in color.

strawberry shelf

Taste is the main advantage of this variety. The fruits are juicy, with a caramel flavor. They are perfectly amenable to processing, drying, freezing. When processed, the berries do not lose their aroma.


The variety is not characterized by increased productivity. It is 1.4 kg per bush. The plant bears fruit well in open beds and in greenhouse conditions.


The plant forms mustaches very quickly. To avoid depletion of bushes, they must be removed on time. With proper care, they produce a stable harvest.

strawberry shelf

Advantages of the variety

During the cultivation process, the following advantages of this variety were revealed:

  • in sunny weather the harvest is maximum;
  • the berries are dense, which ensures good transportability;
  • taste characteristics;
  • appearance indicators;
  • resistance to low temperatures, in mid-latitudes does not require shelter during the cold period;
  • unpretentiousness, resistance to powdery mildew and gray rot;
  • does not affect garden mites;
  • Tolerates hot weather and dry conditions.

strawberry shelf


When choosing a variety for cultivation, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of the variety, but also the disadvantages:

  • the amount of harvest decreases in the 3rd year of cultivation;
  • requires constant updating of plantings;
  • during the dry period, taste indicators deteriorate;
  • the bushes quickly overgrow.

Nuances of caring for strawberries

To obtain the desired result, it is recommended to use tips on caring for strawberries. The bushes produce a small number of tendrils, which makes caring for the plant easier.

strawberry shelf


Strawberries need plenty of watering, but do not over-water them. Irrigation is carried out when the soil layer on top dries, approximately twice a week. Drip irrigation is considered optimal. Water flows to the root, and the soil does not become waterlogged or dry out. Watering is carried out from April to autumn. Afterwards, watering is reduced by half.

Top dressing

During flowering, it is recommended to use the complex preparation “Ryazanochka”. The product provides protection against fungal infections, increases the amount of harvest, and improves taste characteristics. It is recommended to use organic fertilizers in the form of mullein and bird droppings.

strawberry bush

The first feeding is carried out in the spring. During the fruiting period, the plant needs potassium fertilizers, chicken droppings, and ash.


This is a way to reliably protect fruits from diseases, harmful insects, weeds, and dirt. First, the plant is mulched in the spring, when the ovaries appear, then the flower stalks will not come into contact with the ground.After harvesting, remove the mulch and, towards the end of autumn, spread it again to protect it from freezing. In the spring, when growth begins, the mulch is removed.

The following materials can be used:

  • leaves;
  • straw;
  • dry grass;
  • pine needles;
  • agrofibre;
  • paper;
  • sawdust;
  • tree bark.

mulching strawberries

But not every one of them is suitable for winter. In winter, it is better to use pine needles, dried grass, and straw. The mulch is spread not on the plant, but around it.

Weeding and loosening

Loosening the soil helps increase productivity. Polka, like other strawberry varieties, needs light soil. After watering, you need to loosen to soften the crust. It is important to remove weeds, as they become the culprits in the spread of diseases.

Preparing strawberries for winter

After harvesting the fruits, clear the bushes of damaged and diseased leaves. Then it is important to carry out treatment against parasites and diseases, and enrich the soil with organic fertilizers.

ripe strawberry

It is recommended to cover young plantings with material or straw for the winter to prevent freezing. Productivity depends on how the plant survives the winter. Natural protection is the mass of leaves grown over the summer. Ideally, when there is a lot of snow, it serves as a heat insulator. The soil does not freeze. During winters with little snow, strawberries need shelter. Spruce branches are ideal as covering material. They retain heat well and the plant does not rot.

The nuances of planting strawberries

To obtain the desired result, it is important to pay great attention to planting, which is carried out in accordance with certain requirements.

Selecting a location

Select an area with good lighting, a slight slope, 2-3 degrees. Preference should be given to beds located in the southwest; the northeast side should be avoided.

planting strawberries

Planting material

Strawberries reproduce:

  • by seeds: rosettes are grown from seeds;
  • mustache: rosettes from the mother bush;
  • dividing the bush.

Each gardener chooses the most convenient and optimal planting material.

Landing dates

The plant must be planted from August to September. The optimal distance between bushes is at least 0.4 m. In autumn, seedlings take root better. It is important to pay attention to watering, since it is very hot at this time and young bushes may dry out. If strawberries are planted in the spring, fruiting occurs the following year.

planting strawberries

Soil preparation

Soil preparation includes: digging, removing weeds, fertilizing with mineral and organic agents. The soil should be slightly acidic. When digging up soil, it is necessary to add2 6-7 kg of manure and 50 g of mineral preparations. Preparations are carried out two weeks before disembarkation.

Strawberries are prone to root damage by fungal diseases. To prevent infection in stagnant waters, it must be planted in sandy loam soil.

Which planting scheme to choose

Depending on the availability of space and preferences, the following planting schemes are selected:

  1. Horizontal in one or two lines. In the first option, the distance between rows should be at least 0.75 m, between bushes - 0.2 m. Two lines: row spacing is 0.3-0.35 m, bushes at a distance of 0.25 m.
  2. Vertical. Ideal for small areas. The ridges are located on special structures, which, like pyramids, are lined up in several rows. Boards and beams are suitable for construction. Floor height is 0.2 m. The method is especially convenient when growing in a greenhouse.
  3. For agrofibre. First you need to lay narrow paths from boards. The distance between bushes and rows is the same as for horizontal planting.Using a sharp knife, make cross-shaped holes in the agrofibre, turning the corners inward. Plant seedlings.

strawberry bush

Step-by-step description of landing

After marking the beds, planting occurs according to the following scheme:

  • make holes at a distance of 25 cm;
  • pour a liter of water;
  • shorten the roots of the seedlings slightly, this will stimulate the growth of lateral roots;
  • lay out the seedlings;
  • sprinkle with earth;
  • pour water.

Strawberry propagation

Each gardener chooses a convenient and suitable method of propagation. Each of them has its own characteristics.

strawberry bushes

Propagation by seeds

Hybrid species do not lend themselves to this method. Only varietal strawberries can be grown from seed material. The advantages of this method:

  • the result is healthy bushes;
  • increased productivity;
  • The berries are large, with excellent taste.

To obtain seeds from a good, healthy berry, cut off the skin with seeds and dry. Before planting, soak for a day and sow into a prepared container, cover with a lid, and refrigerate for two weeks. Then place in a warm place. Transplantation is carried out after the formation of two full-fledged leaves.

Strawberry seeds

Planting strawberries with a mustache

Mother plants are selected that are over 2 years old, healthy, not affected by pests, and producing a constant harvest.

Action plan:

  1. The first rosette is used for planting.
  2. It must be attached to the ground, without separating it from the main bush.
  3. In August, cut off the tendril from the mother plant and remove the rosette with a lump of earth.
  4. Plant on a prepared bed. By winter, the bush will grow the necessary number of leaves for protection during the cold period.

strawberry mustache

Other methods

For propagation, the method of dividing an adult plant is used. But there is a risk that the rosette will not take root on the new ridge.The period of adaptation can be quite long. Often such a bush begins to bear fruit only in the next season.


  1. It is carried out in the spring or after harvesting berries.
  2. Take a plant at least 3 years old. With a shorter age period, plants will not take root.
  3. For planting, it is recommended to use a substrate: soil mixed with humus and sand in parts of 2:2:1.
  4. Dig up the bush, remove dried and damaged leaves.
  5. To facilitate separation, place the bush in water.
  6. Divide the bush into parts, each containing a whole rosette.
  7. Trim the lower root part and place it in a manganese solution for disinfection.
  8. Plant and cover with film to speed up rooting.

strawberry shelf

Plant diseases and pests

Despite the plant's immunity to a number of diseases, in particular to gray rot and powdery mildew, it does not have immunity to verticillium. The lesion is caused by a parasite. The root system suffers. These microorganisms suck out the juice of the plant and then poison the strawberries with metabolic products. The damage eventually spreads to the flower stalks. If the bush is damaged severely enough, it will not be possible to save it.

Collection and storage

Strawberries are considered a universal table variety. It has a pleasant taste, which is why it is popular. It has good transportability, since the berries are dense and do not release juice. If strawberries are to be transported, they must be picked unripe, with whitish tips. Place the container with berries in the cold, the optimal storage temperature is not higher than +5 OWITH.
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