Where and in what natural areas do musk oxen live, what do they look like and what do they eat?
The musk ox is a mammal, artiodactyl animal of the Bovid family. The Latin name – “ovibos”, or “ram-ox”, reflects
Description and characteristics of Holstein cows, their pros and cons and care
Among the many Western breeds, the Holstein is one of the best in terms of milk yield and meat productivity.
Description and characteristics of the Jersey cow breed, pros and cons of cattle
The Jersey cow can be considered one of the best, as it combines high
Description and characteristics of Aberdeen Angus cattle, breeding and care
Among beef cattle, representatives of the Aberdeen Angus breed stand out. Their main feature is meat with thin
Description and characteristics of Danish red cows, their contents
To increase the productivity of animals, breeders are constantly developing new breeds and improving existing ones. Especially
Description and characteristics of the Ayrshire cow breed, pros and cons of cattle and care
The Ayrshire cow is a well-deserved leader among dairy cattle breeds in terms of milk yield, quality and
Description and characteristics of Galloway cows, maintenance rules
Galloway cows were bred in Scotland. This type of livestock is bred primarily for the purpose of obtaining
Description and characteristics of black-and-white cows, maintenance rules
The black-and-white breed of cows has long been used in the countries of the former CIS. Farmers everywhere choose this
Description and characteristics of the Yakut cow breed, rules for their maintenance
The Yakut miniature cow is not like other representatives of the horned tribe. The humpbacked babe has remarkable
Description and characteristics of red-motley cows, their contents
The youngest agricultural breeds of milk-producing animals are represented by the red-motley breed of cows. They came out as a result
Description and characteristics of Angler breed cows, maintenance rules
Farmers highly value Angler cows and bulls due to the quality of their products. The Angler breed demonstrates
Description of the breed of Scottish cows, their characteristics and care for Highland cows
The Scottish unpretentious cow bears little resemblance to an ordinary cow. The animal looks more like a wild yak or


