Causes of umbilical sepsis in a calf, treatment and prevention of inflammation

Umbilical sepsis (omphalitis) is an infectious disease that affects newborn animals. Pathology develops as a result of pathogenic bacteria entering the tissue through the umbilical cord. If a calf has an inflamed navel, treatment must be carried out immediately. Otherwise, blood poisoning will occur and the animal will die. Most often, the disease is detected in calves during the first ten days.

Why is umbilical sepsis dangerous?

Chronic omphalitis does not pose a threat to the life of a newborn, but significantly undermines the patient’s health:

  1. Development of hematological diseases.
  2. Damage to joints and lungs.
  3. The appearance of cardiovascular diseases, including low blood pressure, tachycardia, myocarditis, pericarditis.
  4. Toxic hepatitis.
  5. Respiratory failure.
  6. Indigestion. Prolonged diarrhea leads to dehydration and a significant decrease in the calf's weight.
  7. Necrosis of tissue around the navel.
  8. The appearance of metastases in organs.

The acute form of the disease leads to the death of the animal in just a few days. Advanced chronic sepsis can cause a calf to become comatose.


The disease most often occurs within the farm without any external influence. The most common causes of sepsis:

  1. Unsanitary conditions in the premises where livestock are kept. Cleanliness is especially important during calving. Newborn calves are most susceptible to infection. If the room is dirty, pathogenic microorganisms immediately enter the open wound and provoke sepsis. Usually the source of infection is dirty bedding, dishes, and unwashed hands of personnel.
  2. Introduction of pathogenic microflora at the time of administration of drugs into the navel to revive the fetus.
  3. Thinness of the skin of the fetus caused by malformations or prematurity.
  4. Decreased immunity due to improper feeding of the cow.
  5. Immaturity of the umbilical cord vessels.


Symptoms of the disease

Signs of umbilical cord inflammation at the initial stage develop very quickly. Approximately 10 hours after calving, the following manifestations are observed:

  • thickening of the umbilical cord;
  • navel pain;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • problems with bowel movements (constipation);
  • there is no regeneration of the umbilical wound;
  • soon you will notice that the navel has become festered (phlegmons appear - deep ulcers);
  • the calf refuses to drink mother's milk;
  • weight gain stops;
  • purulent rashes appear on the skin;
  • skin hemorrhages are observed;
  • dyspnea;
  • convulsions.

the calf is sick

Diagnostic rules

Monitoring the condition of animals during the calving period allows us to collect the necessary clinical data for diagnosing the disease. To accurately identify pathology, diagnostic tests are used:

  • analysis of changes in the umbilical cord;
  • analysis of changes in surrounding tissues and the entire skin (presence of pustules and other negative changes);
  • bacterial culture;
  • blood test for pathogenic microorganisms;
  • checking the frequency and rhythm of breathing.

It is important to distinguish omphalitis from other similar diseases. The latter include:

  • dysentery;
  • dyspepsia;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

How to treat umbilical inflammation in calves

Treatment of umbilical sepsis is carried out according to one of the following treatment regimens:

  1. Administration of the antibiotic intramuscularly for 3-6 days. On the first day, use “Celendant”, on the first and fifth days – “Trivit”, on the first and fourth – a solution of novocaine (intraperitoneal).
  2. On the first and second days, antibiotic injections are given - one part at the base of the umbilical cord, the other intramuscularly. On days 3-6, antibiotic injections are given intramuscularly, then the first regimen is followed.
  3. Antibiotic injections are given intramuscularly for 3-6 days. On the first day they inject Selendant. “Trivit” is used on the first and fifth days, and on the first, second and third days, injections of novocaine solution are given (inside the abdominal wall around the problem area, the dose is divided into parts and injected into the navel from 3-4 sides).On the first and fourth days, the same drug is injected intraperitoneally into the area of ​​the right hungry fossa.

Important Notes:

  • before using an antibiotic, it is important to check the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to this drug;
  • when injecting bulls, you can easily hurt the bladder, which is extremely undesirable;
  • Before administering the drug, the solution must be warmed.

the calf is sick


The main actions to prevent the development of umbilical sepsis in calves are:

  1. Delivery in sterile conditions, observing all hygiene rules. The permissible number of microbes per cubic meter is no more than 50 thousand.
  2. After calving, newborns should be dried with a clean, dry cloth.
  3. Cut the umbilical cord if it does not break on its own. The operation is carried out with a treated instrument. In this case, 7-8 centimeters of fabric are left.
  4. Then it is necessary to remove Wharton's jelly and treat the area with antiseptics (iodine, ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, chlorhexidine or dioxidine solution).
  5. Keeping the area where animals are kept clean.

If signs of umbilical sepsis occur in calves, the sick animal must be provided with urgent veterinary care. The acute form of omphalitis occurs over several days, so there is very little time left to save the calf. In some cases, in the absence of treatment, the pathology becomes chronic, but no less dangerous. Compliance with preventive measures will help prevent the development of pathology.
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