Description of broiler diseases and causes, symptoms and treatment methods

There are a large number of broiler diseases, each of which has different characteristics. They can provoke the appearance of various disorders. Sometimes dangerous diseases cause paralysis and even death. Timely detection of the disease and choice of treatment tactics for the pathology help prevent such problems.

What diseases do broilers have and how to treat them?

Most often, young birds are susceptible to diseases, since at the stage of formation and development the body is most sensitive to adverse factors.

broiler cobb 500


This pathology is characterized by dysfunction of the digestive organs. Symptoms often appear in day-old chicks due to dietary disturbances. The body of young birds is highly sensitive and requires careful control of the quality of feed.

The causes of the problems include poor nutrition and temperature violations. The key manifestation of the disease is diarrhea. Chickens lose their appetite and mobility.

To cope with the disease, chickens are given a 0.03% soda solution. They should introduce acid broth cultures into their diet. The menu should include fermented milk products, herbs, vitamins, easily digestible food, and meat and bone meal.

dyspepsia in broilers


This disease poses a great danger to broilers. Sick birds take on an unkempt appearance, lose their appetite, and their body weight decreases. Often birds begin to cough.

To cope with the pathology, it is recommended to take 1.5 cups of soda ash and mix with 3 liters of hot water. Add a solution of bleach - 1 glass per 7 liters of water. Leave the product to brew and add water to get 20 liters. Treat the poultry house with the resulting mixture.

It is permissible to use Norfloxacin or Penicillin to treat chickens. Among folk remedies, tinctures of nettle and ginseng are suitable.

Bronchopneumonia in broilers


Deficiency of vitamins and microelements leads to the development of various diseases. Vitamin A deficiency is accompanied by loss of appetite, developmental arrest, weakness and decreased motor activity.As the disease progresses, digestion is disrupted and damage to the nervous system occurs.

A lack of B vitamins causes disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs, conjunctivitis, developmental problems, and apathy. Treatment is carried out with the help of vitamin supplements.

It is worth introducing greens, meat and bone meal, and sprouted grains into the chicks’ diet.

Hypovitaminosis in broilers

Marek's disease

This disease is caused by a viral infection that is present in the DNA. It causes paralysis of the goiter and damage to the nervous system. Symptoms of the pathology include changes in the color of the iris, loss of appetite, weakness, pain in the legs, deformation of the limbs and neck.

There are no effective drugs to treat Marek's disease. The virus persists in the feathers of birds for a long time. Therefore, when the first signs of illness are detected, the bird has to be slaughtered.

Marek's disease


This infection is caused by infection with Eimeria tenella. The risk of developing the disease increases in warm and humid weather. Coccidia enters the body through water, bedding, and food. When infected, the digestive organs and nervous system are affected.

1-2 days after infection, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and weakness appear. Feathers become ruffled and skin becomes pale. Chickens die after 4 days.

To cope with the disease, drugs such as Cokcisan and Baycox are used. Birds need to be isolated and medications added to food and water for 4 days.

Coccidiosis in chickens


This is one of the types of salmonellosis. The causative agent of the disease is Salmonella pullorum-gallinarum. The risk of developing the disease increases in unsanitary conditions and high humidity in the chicken coop.

The key symptom of the disease is diarrhea with white impurities.Birds become depressed, lose their appetite, and experience severe thirst. The disease is characterized by general weakness, respiratory failure, and increased temperature.

To combat the disease, antibacterial drugs are used - Biomycin and Sulfadimezin.

It is recommended to isolate infected birds. The remaining individuals should be treated with antibiotics and antiviral agents.

Pullorosis in broilers

Newcastle disease

As the disease develops, birds experience coughing, apathy, and loss of coordination. They become sickly and lose weight. Infected individuals often stagnate in one place.

Because this is a contagious disease, it is recommended that affected birds be isolated. However, there are no effective remedies for the pathology.

Newcastle disease in broilers


The development of pathology is caused by E. coli present in chicken feces. Infected masses can be released into water or food, which can affect all chickens.

The first manifestations of the disease include diarrhea, apathy, and a blue tint to the beak. Young chickens are most often affected. The cause of the pathology is a violation of sanitary conditions.

It is possible to cope with the disease only at the initial stage. For this purpose, antibiotics are used - Enronit, Lexophone. If the entire flock is infected, the birds have to be disposed of. Their meat is prohibited from being eaten.

Colibacillosis in broilers


This is an infectious pathology that can spread by airborne droplets from healthy birds to sick ones. The disease is characterized by lacrimation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, growth retardation, and swelling of the legs.

If salmonellosis is detected, the entire livestock should be given Levomycetin. Sometimes there are no symptoms of the disease, so identifying it can be difficult. Typically, the first symptoms appear a few days after infection.

To prevent the disease, it is worth using mineral supplements. Sometimes the drug Enroflon is used.

Salmonellosis in broilers


This is a fungal disease that affects the respiratory system. This causes wheezing and coughing. Pathogens enter embryos through the shell. Preventing fungal infections in chicken litter will help avoid problems. Places near feeders and drinkers should be systematically cleaned.

As the disease progresses, chickens become lethargic and lose their appetite. For treatment, you should contact a veterinarian who will select the optimal medications.

Aspergillosis in chickens


This disease is caused by a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus. This is due to irregularities in the diet, rare walking of birds and close housing. The pathology is accompanied by softening of the beak, gait disturbance and bouncing when walking, developmental delays, and ruffled feathers.

In broiler chickens, the disease may appear on days 8-10 of life. With the acute nature of the disease, there is curvature of the bones, distortion of the body, enlargement of the head against the background of a small body.

To cope with rickets, it is recommended to make adjustments to the birds’ diet. At the same time, it is worth increasing the amount of grain and greens. It is also worth giving the chicks fish and meat and bone meal, chalk, and limestone. Vitamin complexes are prescribed as medications.

Rickets in chickens

Bird flu

This is an infectious pathology that is transmitted to domestic chickens from wild birds. When infected, the motor activity of birds decreases, body temperature increases, thirst appears, and loss of appetite is observed.

The mucous membranes turn red, diarrhea occurs, and the feathers become ruffled. As pathology develops, the respiratory and digestive organs suffer. Depending on the form of the disease, death is possible in 10-100% of cases.

If signs of pathology are detected, you should notify your local veterinarian. Today there are no effective treatments for avian influenza. The meat of sick birds should not be eaten. That's why they are slaughtered and burned.

Bird flu

Chicken pox

The pathology is viral in nature. You can get infected from sick birds, insects, and rodents. The infection enters the body through damaged areas and mucous membranes. There are several forms of the disease:

  1. Skin – considered the easiest. In this case, red warts appear on exposed areas of the skin.
  2. Diphtheria is the most acute type. In this case, the respiratory organs, esophagus, larynx, and mucous membranes are affected. Chickens cannot eat food. Death occurs in 50% of cases.
  3. Mixed - in this case, the virus affects the skin and mucous membranes.

Only the mildest form of the disease can be treated. In this case, infected individuals are isolated and given a solution of Furacilin or Anfluron. It is recommended to treat the poultry house with formaldehyde and disinfect it. Healthy birds should be vaccinated immediately.

Chicken pox


This disease spreads quickly. If infected individuals are identified, they must be immediately isolated. Chickens can become infected from wild birds. Dust or objects containing a virus also cause the problem.

The first symptoms of sinusitis are yawning, wheezing, and coughing. In addition, chickens experience swelling of the eyelids, discharge of fluid from the eyes and nose, convulsions, sneezing, and feathers on the head stick together.

If therapy is not started in a timely manner, there is a risk of the process becoming chronic. At the same time, birds lag behind in development. Antibiotics are used to treat sinusitis. Terramycin is considered the most effective drug.It is administered by aerosol or placed in food. Chlortetracycline also helps to achieve good results. The product is mixed into food or water.

Sinusitis in chickens

What to do if the disease cannot be recognized?

If you suspect the presence of a disease, you should immediately take your chickens to a veterinarian. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after laboratory tests.

Based on the research results, the specialist will prescribe medications and select preventive measures for the rest of the livestock.

Preventive actions

The accumulation of chickens and the rapid change of generations lead to the emergence of various infections. To avoid problems, it is worth promptly disinfecting equipment, drinking bowls and feeders. It is recommended that all these devices be thoroughly washed and treated with special solutions.

The premises need systematic ventilation. It is recommended to bleach and dry them regularly. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the feed. Birds are strictly prohibited from feeding sour or moldy foods.

broiler at the veterinarian

It is worth periodically using liquid additives and monitoring water quality. Compliance with temperature, light, and humidity conditions is of no small importance.

There are many diseases of broilers that can lead to their death. Each pathology is characterized by certain manifestations. To cope with the problem, it is recommended to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner and select adequate treatment.
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