Symptoms of worms in chickens and treatment at home, methods of prevention

Many poultry owners are faced with infestation of chickens with worms. Even careful prevention is powerless against the ubiquitous parasites and their larvae. Worms cause weight loss in chickens, disruption of internal organs, and if severely infected, can cause the death of the bird. Let's look at the types of helminths, symptoms, ways to cure and protect laying hens from new infections.

The harm that helminths cause to chickens

Worms are a whole group of worms that parasitize the body of chickens, animals and humans. Parasites live in different organs and lead to exhaustion and weakening of the host. Damage caused by helminths:

  • worms deprive chickens of a significant part of the nutrients from the feed and lead to weight loss;
  • waste products of parasites poison the body and lead to intoxication;
  • when migrating, colonies of worms and larvae destroy the mucous membranes, infection penetrates more easily through the damage, chickens lose immunity;
  • the larvae develop in different organs of the bird - lungs, heart muscle, liver, destabilizing their activity;
  • If there is a significant accumulation of worms in the digestive tract, patency is impaired, and the bird may die.

The worms feed on the food and body tissues eaten by chickens, which leads to a noticeable deterioration in the health of the birds.

Causes of infection

Worms enter the body through the nutritional route, that is, through the digestive tract. Chickens eat contaminated feed or drink inseminated water and spread parasites throughout the chicken coop through their excrement. The causes of infection are:

  • low-quality (inseminated) feed and water;
  • sick chickens or other contact animals;
  • dirt, unsanitary conditions in chicken coops, infrequent cleaning;
  • high humidity, in which helminths multiply quickly and feel comfortable;
  • slugs, rodents - carriers of worms;
  • newly arrived infected chickens, chicks;
  • Poultry feed on pasture - free range (earthworms, insects).

A person himself can bring helminths into the chicken coop on clothes and shoes. Note that worms are ubiquitous.

worms in chickens

Important: the factor that provokes infection is weakened immunity in chickens, which often occurs due to unbalanced nutrition and poor living conditions.

Symptoms and types of worms

The disease in chickens is caused by helminths of various types; the pathogen can be determined by the type, nature of the lesion, and laboratory tests. Symptoms depend on the severity of the lesion. Many chickens with good immunity, being carriers, are outwardly healthy and have no signs of illness.

Symptoms of all helminthiasis are a lack of interest in feeding in chickens, lethargy to the point of complete apathy, dirty, unkempt plumage, and discoloration of the comb. Eggs become fragile, with uneven shells, often without an outer shell. Feces take on an unnatural appearance, pieces of parasites and mucus are noticeable. Egg production decreases.


The causative agent is Amidostomum anseris, a nematode up to 2 centimeters. Worms are localized at the top of the digestive tract. Signs: apathy, lethargy, respiratory problems, uneven, unsteady gait.

worms in chickens


The disease is caused by Capillariidae nematodes. The main carriers of parasites are earthworms, which laying hens peck when free-range. The disease, dangerous for birds, is characterized by a sharp decrease in appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, and body tremors. The feathers are raised, become dull, dirty, the earrings and comb turn white.


Syngamosis is caused by Syngamidae worms that live in the trachea. The disease is dangerous for chickens; young animals die in 80-100% of cases. Signs of infection:

  • head shaking;
  • cough with wheezing and whistling;
  • frequent, uneven breathing;
  • neck stretching;
  • secretion of mucus from the beak.

The mucous membranes and comb turn pale, the chickens are inactive and apathetic.

worms in chickens


The disease is characterized by lesions of the digestive tract and general intoxication of the body. The causative agents are large (2-7 centimeters) Ascaridia worms. The most common type of helminthiasis in chickens. Young chickens become infected when shared with adult chickens; chicken mortality is 30%. Signs are apathy, bloody diarrhea, sometimes vomiting and disturbances in nervous activity.


A common name for several (7) different types of helminthiasis. The size of worms ranges from 0.5 millimeters to several centimeters. Different parts of the digestive tract are affected. Signs: thirst, exhaustion, stool disorders, breathing problems, convulsions. Cestodoses are observed in unkempt chicken coops, where chickens eat low-quality feed.

various worms


The disease is caused by protozoan parasites - Coccidiida, which live in tissue cells. They multiply in the intestines, causing damage to the mucous membranes and the addition of infections. Chickens suffer from thirst, the plumage becomes dirty and disheveled, there is sticky mucus on the litter, and there is blood in the feces.


Helminthic infestation with localization of Prosthogonimidae helminths in the genital organs (oviduct) of chickens. A dangerous disease for laying hens that often leads to death. It is characterized by an increase in temperature, bloating and hardening of the abdomen, and impaired release of eggs. Instead of an egg, thick mucus comes out. The chicken becomes inactive, does not move from its place, and has an unsteady gait.

Treatment methods

At the first signs of worm damage, chickens need to be treated to avoid livestock losses. Antiparasitic drugs have been developed to destroy helminths, and there are proven folk methods.

worms in chickens

Treatment for chickens includes:

  • introduction of anthelmintic drugs or folk remedies into the food;
  • thorough removal and burning of manure, cleaning the chicken coop, disinfection;
  • isolation of sick chickens in clean rooms;
  • use of dietary rations for sick chickens.

You need to especially carefully monitor the condition of chickens, since infection with worms is more dangerous for them and often leads to death.


When choosing a drug, you should seek help from a veterinarian. Many medicines constantly used in the region lose their activity, as worms develop resistance to their action. Tips for choosing a drug for worms at home:

  • use a wide range of medications that are effective against different types of worms;
  • strictly follow the dosage - medications are toxic and unsafe if the dose is exceeded;
  • study the instructions for use;
  • follow the recommended frequency of application, otherwise the worms will again begin to reproduce from larvae;
  • use medications for chickens (not for cats or dogs).

krm for chickens

Birds are not given injections; medicine is added to the water or feed. The volume of the drug is usually selected based on the total weight of the chickens.


A strong anthelmintic drug, effective against various types of worms. Sick chickens should be treated in an isolated room with a concrete floor. Before the dacha, Flubenvet is not fed for 10 hours. Dry powder is combined with feed at the rate of 60 grams per 20 heads.

It is recommended to isolate patients for a week after treatment. Excreta is regularly removed and burned. The drug has increased toxicity; the dosage must be strictly observed. It is eliminated from the body in two days.

Piperazine and Pyrantel

The most popular anthelmintic drugs, effective in treating and preventing infection. They are low-toxic products. Dosage – 1/3 tablet per kilogram of bird weight.The tablets are crushed into powder and added to food or drinking water.

Piperazine and Pyrantel


  1. Piperazine. Give 2 times with an interval of a day, then again after a month. Chickens - one dose. Effective against ascariasis. Use eggs and meat 4 days after taking the medications.
  2. Pirantel. The drug is given to the bird 3 times with an interval of 6 days. Intended only for adults, not for chickens. Eggs are used no earlier than 4 days after therapy.

During the treatment period, birds are supported with increased feeding enriched with vitamin A.


The drug has anthelmintic and immunostimulating effects. The medicine is available in the form of solutions and powder in different dosages. The drug is used as an additive in food, drinking water or by injection. Eggs can be used a week after treatment of chickens, meat - after 3 days.

Information: the drugs are toxic, so the dosage must be observed; chicken products are used for food within the time limits specified in the instructions.

Folk remedies

Most poultry farmers use folk remedies as preventatives. Home methods cannot destroy colonies of worms in the body of chickens. If the infection is minor, you can give herbal infusions and feed additives; strong immunity and medicinal plants will help chickens overcome worms. No toxic chemicals will be required.

feeding chickens

Herbs against worms

Many plants have anthelmintic properties and are used for treatment and prevention in chickens:

  • tansy - when infected with roundworms;
  • pumpkin seeds are a universal remedy for various types of worms;
  • onion feathers;
  • wormwood expels round and tape parasites;
  • Celandine (root) will cope with worms living in the intestines.

When using herbs, you must observe moderation and the recommended doses, since worms are destroyed by the poisons contained in the plants.


Garlic cloves are finely chopped and added to poultry feed. To prevent infection with worms, garlic is given once a week; in case of illness, every day for a week. In the summer season, it is useful to add garlic arrows and feathers to green food to protect against worms and boost immunity.

heads of garlic

Danger to humans and preventive measures

A person who comes into contact with sick chickens can become infected with worms. The main types of chicken helminths are also dangerous to humans. To reduce the risk of infection from poultry, it is recommended:

  • care for poultry, clean the chicken coop in overalls;
  • after visiting the chicken coop, wash your hands with hot water and soap;
  • regularly carry out anthelmintic measures for poultry, do not use dishes and equipment outside the chicken coop.

To protect chickens from worms it is necessary:

  • regularly clean the poultry house, remove manure, and if worms are suspected, burn excrement in designated areas;
  • use high-quality poultry feed, support the immunity of laying hens;
  • quarantine new chickens;
  • keep chickens separately from adult birds;
  • ensure normal humidity in the chicken house.

Destroy rodents, insects, do not allow your chickens to come into contact with strangers and wild animals and birds.

beautiful trigger

Is it possible to eat meat and eggs if chickens have worms?

If worms are found in laying hens, it is not recommended to eat meat and eggs. Once cooked, exposed to high temperatures, the risk of infection is minimal, but contaminated foods in the kitchen are a source of increased danger, especially for children.

Parasitologists strongly advise that you first destroy the worms and wait the time recommended for the drug so that the parasites and drug residues leave the laying hen’s body. After this, you can eat meat and eggs without the risk of infection.

Compliance with preventive measures protects chickens from infection with worms. A balanced diet strengthens the immune system of birds; maintaining cleanliness and humidity in the chicken coop prevents parasites from infecting the entire flock. Modern anthelmintic drugs will help cure helminthiasis and prevent loss of livestock and property damage.
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