Descriptions of the 11 best breeds of broiler chickens for breeding at home

Without exception, all breeds of broiler chickens are actively gaining weight. It only takes 1.5-2 months to grow them. Chickens gain 40-65 grams in just a day, although they eat the same amount as ordinary birds. Broilers do not require any special care. The main thing is cleanliness and regular feeding. In 2 months they eat no more than 2 kilograms of feed, and at this age they already weigh 2.5 kilograms.

How were they brought out?

Broilers are a hybrid variety bred by crossing several breed lines. To obtain hybrids, meat and meat-egg directions are used. Broilers are not a breed at all, but a popular name for meat chickens. Birds are specially bred for their meat. The word "broiler" is translated as "fry", which means that chicken meat is suitable for frying over a fire.

Initially, in order to obtain hybrids, they took breeds of birds such as Cornish and White Plymouthrock. The Cornish were attracted as fathers, and the Plymouthrocks as hens. To breed new broiler chickens, breeds such as New Hampshire, Brahma, Betta Cornish, Langshan, and Jersey Black Giant are used.

The broilers obtained from crossing are distinguished by their developed meat forms, high weight, large breast and excellent taste characteristics of the meat. Broiler chickens grow quickly and gain weight. They eat the same amount as ordinary chickens. It takes 2-3 kilograms of dry food to raise a broiler for up to 2 months (before slaughter). At two months of age they weigh 2 kilograms or more; the weight of an adult chicken is almost 5 kilograms.

When producing chickens, special requirements are placed on the commercial quality of carcasses. The bird should not have dark feathers or dark skin. Parent breeds must have dominant, snow-white plumage and yellowish (pale) skin.

hybrid variety

As a result of crossing, chickens with light (sometimes red) feathers are obtained. Hybrids have a large body, small head, and muscular legs. Birds have poorly developed combs and barbs. Chickens are sedentary and have a calm character.

Broilers are characterized by active gain of live weight. At 6-9 weeks of life, chickens are ready for slaughter. At this age, their weight is 2.45-3 kilograms.Broilers lay eggs well and produce about 120-180 eggs per year. However, all the positive qualities of their parents are not passed on to their offspring. Broiler chickens are bred only through selective crossbreeding.

In order to breed broilers, you need to buy ready-made day-old chicks or hybrid hatching eggs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of broiler breeding:

  • active weight gain;
  • low cost of final products (meat);
  • wonderful taste and product characteristics;
  • crosses have high immunity and good survival rates.

Disadvantages of growing:

  • low egg production rates;
  • insufficiently strong bones due to rapid weight gain.

white chickens

The best broiler breeds

In science, all broilers are called crosses. These hybrids took all the best characteristics of the parent breeds. A large number of broilers have been bred.


broiler ROSS-308

Chickens of this variety recover quickly. Every day, young broilers gain 56-66 grams in weight. Birds are killed at two months of age. By this time they weigh 2.45 kilograms. Adult chickens lay eggs well and can produce 186 eggs in a year. This cross is short in stature, has large bones, well-developed muscle mass, light plumage, and pale skin.


chickens COBB-500

These are broilers with snow-white plumage and yellowish skin. The hybrid has a light and large breast. Birds can be slaughtered as early as 45-60 days. At this age they weigh 2-2.55 kilograms. Broilers are recovering very actively.


chicken COBB-700

These are large chickens with snow-white plumage and a yellowish carcass color. Unlike other broilers, this cross does not have large thighs, but has a large breast. Young animals are ready for slaughter at 1.5 months. During this period, the birds weigh 2.56 kilograms.


Broiler ROSS-708

Improved hybrid from cross ROSS-308. Young chickens recover and grow quickly. With regular feeding, at the age of 40 days they weigh almost 2.45-3 kilograms. Due to too rapid development, the meat and skin do not have time to acquire a yellowish color, so the carcasses have a pale appearance. The cross has light feathers, a large chest and medium-sized hips.

Broiler 61

chickens Broiler 61

This species belongs to four-line meat crosses. Birds quickly gain weight. By the age of 1.5 months they weigh 1.8 kilograms. The birds have snow-white plumage and yellowish skin. Adult laying hens can produce 144 eggs in a year. Chickens have high survival rates.


broiler Gibro-6

A four-line hybrid obtained from crossing two maternal and two paternal breeds. When the birds are 1.5 months old, they weigh 1.5 kilograms. Chickens have yellow skin, subcutaneous fat, and white thick plumage. The comb looks like a leaf. Adult laying hens produce about 155 eggs per year.

Cross Change

Cross Change broiler

A hybrid obtained from crossing 4 breeds (domestic and foreign). Chickens have a muscular body and snow-white feathers. Birds are actively gaining weight, every day their weight increases by 56-60 grams. Chickens are killed on the 40th day, their weight at this age is 2.3 kilograms. In addition to meat, laying hens can produce up to 165 eggs per year.



The hybrid was created by crossing mini-chickens and the Red Yerevan breed. In addition to meat, these chickens can produce up to 162 eggs per year. True, birds begin to lay eggs at the age of six months. Broilers are bred for their meat. They are slaughtered when the chickens gain 2.5-3 kilograms. At two months of age, broilers weigh 1.9 kilograms.

Hubbard F-15

broiler Hubbard F-15

A hybrid characterized by high productivity. At two months of age, young birds weigh about 3 kilograms. These are chickens with developed forms, a large white breast, and light plumage. With good nutrition, adult birds can gain 8 kilograms. Laying hens produce almost 200 large eggs per year.


Competitor-3 broiler

A cross obtained by crossing the ROSS-308 breed and the Plymouth Rocks. The birds have snow-white feathers, a strong build, and a wide chest. At the age of 1.5 months, chickens weigh 2.15 kilograms. Adult laying hens can produce 165 eggs in a year.

Arbor Airex

Arbor Airex

This is a heat-loving bird that is raised for its dietary meat. Chickens have light plumage, strong bones, a large breast, and well-developed thighs and legs. At 1.5 months, the chicken weighs 2.45 kilograms.

Features of cultivation

Broilers are profitable to raise for meat. In just 2-2.5 months, chickens gain up to 2.5-3 kilograms of weight. Broilers are kept like regular poultry. Purchased chickens are provided with a temperature of 30-33 degrees Celsius. Small chicks are kept in cardboard boxes. When the birds grow a little, they are transferred to a regular chicken coop. The air temperature should be 22-25 degrees Celsius.

The room where the chicks are kept must be warm and clean. Small chickens are fed with special starter feed, millet, cottage cheese, egg yolk, and greens and vegetables are gradually introduced. Adult crosses are given granulated feed and various cereals.

The chicken coop must have a drinking bowl with fresh water.It is advisable to give birds vitamins (Biovit) and minerals, as well as medications (Enrofloxacin, Baycox) for prevention.

chickens in the coop

Home Breeds

Broiler birds can be raised at home, just like regular chickens. In 1.5-2 months, the hybrid gains 2-2.45 kilograms of weight. Among the rapidly growing crosses, ROSS-708 enjoys well-deserved authority. After 40 days, the chickens already weigh 2.89 kilograms. This is the largest and meatiest bird. No less interesting is the ROSS-308 cross. Every day the weight of chickens increases by 56-66 grams. At 2 months, chickens already weigh 2.45 kilograms.

No less productive chickens COBB-500. These are early maturing animals, which by 1.5 months gain weight of more than 2 kilograms. True, the productivity of the breed depends on the conditions of detention. Chickens grow better if they are fed properly and regularly. This breed has high chick survival rates.

Those who plan to raise birds for meat and eggs can be advised to purchase the Broiler-M cross. This is an unpretentious hybrid breed of chickens that feels comfortable in a chicken coop or cage. A laying hen can produce 165 eggs in a year. The weight of one is 65-70 grams.

To raise broilers, first of all, you need to purchase young stock. Day-old chicks cost 0.3-0.5 dollars. Hatching eggs are cheaper. Their cost is 0.2-0.3 dollars. Each bird up to two months of age eats $0.25-$0.50 worth of feed. But on a finished carcass you can save 3-5 dollars.
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