Description and characteristics of black Indonesian roosters, pros and cons

The black Indonesian rooster is considered a representative of the Ayam Tsemani breed. These birds are characterized by a very unusual appearance. They differ sharply from other chickens in appearance with their black color. Indonesia is considered the homeland of these birds. Translated from the language of this country, the name means “black chicken”. It is noteworthy that this color is characteristic not only of feathers, but also of the insides.

Description of the breed

Unusual chickens come from the Indonesian islands - the outskirts of the town of Solo, which is located in Middle Java. According to scientists, the ancestors of modern black chickens first appeared there.

Black chickens belong to the Ayam Tsemani breed. However, according to experienced breeders, there are no purebred representatives of this breed. All of them are considered half-breeds to one degree or another. For a long time, such birds remained unknown to Europeans. Dutch settlers began to study them only in the twenties of the last century.

Appearance and features

The main characteristic of the breed is its color. The chicken should be completely black - no light areas on the chest, metatarsus or tip of the tongue. Representatives of this breed are small in size. The weight of adult chickens is 1.5 kilograms, while roosters weigh 2.

A characteristic feature of this breed is its well-developed legs. Chickens run quite quickly and with pleasure. Therefore, the enclosure must be fenced. Doors must be opened very carefully to prevent birds from slipping out.

Ayam Tsemani chickens are characterized by a trapezoidal body shape. In this case, the chest protrudes forward. The head is small. It has a short beak and a medium-sized carved comb. Roosters have a bushy tail with pronounced raised braids.

Despite the fact that the breed is considered quite ancient, the birds have not lost their cockiness. In general, they do not tolerate the presence of people well and are afraid of them, trying to find a secluded place. Birds do not like to be touched and can become defensive, becoming combative. Therefore, it is better not to disturb chickens unless necessary.It is recommended to observe these unusual birds from afar.

Conflicts are only possible between roosters. At the same time, they are in the nature of competitions. After the dominant positions are confirmed, the competition ends. All individuals are characterized by great curiosity. In addition, they have a tendency to communicate noisily with each other.

Black rooster (Indonesian)

Selection and domestication did not affect basic instincts. That's why chickens don't abandon their nests. They take care of the chicks. At the same time, the survival rates of young animals are at the level of 95-100%. Incubation has a standard period and lasts 21 days.

Distribution area

Representatives of this breed came to Europe in 1998. They were brought to Holland by the breeder Steverink. Currently, such birds are bred quite rarely. They are mainly found on farms in the Netherlands, Germany, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. These birds are also raised in the USA, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Distinctive features of purebred individuals

Real purebred chickens of this breed must be completely black. This color is characteristic of feathers, comb, beak, throat, paws and claws, and skin. It is the color that is considered the main distinguishing feature of representatives of this breed.

Bird productivity

The Ayam Tsemani breed is not highly productive. However, the quality of the products obtained from these chickens fully justifies the cost and effort of growing. Black chicken meat is considered quite in demand not only because of its unusual appearance, but also due to its high protein content, low fat content and excellent taste.

Adult roosters weigh no more than 2 kilograms, and chickens - 1.5. The disadvantage of the breed can be considered a long maturation period.Males reach maturity and are ready to breed only at 10-12 months, and chickens at 6-7 months.

Black rooster (Indonesian) photo

One hen can produce approximately 120-130 eggs during the year. In terms of composition and other properties, the product is no different from other varieties. The main feature is considered to be a hard and thick shell, which is characterized by a light pink tint. During the molting period and winter, chickens produce fewer eggs - 1-2 per week.

What do chicken eggs look like?

Chickens of this breed produce cream eggs, which are light pink in color and weigh about 45 grams.

Nuances of breeding

Black chickens are highly sensitive to loud noises. Any noise makes birds more restless. Therefore, the poultry house must be placed in a quiet place. It should be located on a hill or deep in the yard.

Birds tend to spend their time actively. Therefore, it is not recommended to populate the barn too tightly. There should be a maximum of 2 adults per 1 square meter. The floors and walls of the chicken coop must be insulated, since Indonesian laying hens do not perceive the effects of cold well. As for the height of the room, it should be 2 meters. The walls need to be treated with lime. This will help avoid active reproduction of pathogens.

An important requirement for arranging a chicken coop is to create a high-quality ventilation system. Adequate air exchange is required for the health of birds. The temperature regime suitable for Ayam Tsemani is +15-25 degrees. It is important to ensure that the indicators do not drop below, as this will lead to the cessation of egg laying. To maintain an optimal indoor microclimate, it is recommended to heat the chicken coop in winter.

Black rooster (Indonesian)

The floor should be covered with sawdust with the addition of peat. Every month it is necessary to add fresh material.In spring and autumn, the litter is completely changed. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out a general cleaning of the chicken coop. In this case, the floor, walls and tools must be treated with disinfectants.

Chickens need roosts to rest at night. Representatives of the Ayam Tsemani breed fly well, so the perches can be placed 80-100 centimeters from the floor. Each bird should have 30 centimeters of perch. The installation of nest boxes is of no small importance - 1 piece for 5-6 birds. They need to be covered with straw or sawdust and placed in a dark place that is reliably protected from drafts.

It is recommended to place feeders and drinkers in such a way that they can be approached from each side. It is recommended to allocate 15 centimeters of feed tape for 1 individual. Separate containers should be used for dry grain mixtures and wet food.

When caring for birds, it is important to take into account that they have a timid nature. It is recommended to enter the poultry house with extreme caution. In this case, you should not make noise or make sudden movements.

Representatives of the Ayam Tsemani breed are considered very temperamental and active birds. During the warm season, they need to spend more time outdoors. Therefore, birds need to equip an aviary. It should be attached to the poultry house on the south side. To prevent birds from flying out of the walking area, it is recommended to fence it with a net. Moreover, this is done not only around, but also from above.

Ayam Tsemani photo

When breeding Ayam Tsemani chickens, it is imperative to take care of their health. These birds are susceptible to the same pathologies as other chickens. It is recommended to vaccinate purebred laying hens against such diseases;

  • coccidiosis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • Marek's disease;
  • salmonellosis;
  • infectious bronchitis;
  • adenovirus infection.

To protect birds from dangerous viruses, it is important to keep the chicken coop clean and ensure that rodents do not enter the room. To prevent infection of birds with skin parasites, it is important to systematically treat the floor, walls and tools. In this case, it is recommended to use insecticidal and acaricidal agents.

In the chicken coop it is necessary to place a basin with a mixture of sand and ash. Chickens bathe in this bath, and it helps clean their feathers of mites, fleas and bedbugs.

What to feed Ayam Tsemani

Ayam Tsemani chickens eat the same food as regular laying hens. The basis of the birds' diet should be ready-made feed. In this case, it is worth giving preference to compositions for egg breeds. These include nutrients that birds require and vitamins to increase egg production.

Ayam Tsemani

In addition to feed, it is permissible to use the following for nutrition:

  • wheat sprouts;
  • fresh or dried herbs - it is permissible to use dandelions, plantain, nettle;
  • boiled fish without bones;
  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • vegetables - you should use cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • mineral supplements - suitable options include shell rock, chalk, fine gravel, yeast, fish oil.

In the summer, chickens need to be fed twice a day. This should be done in the morning and evening as the birds feed outside and will eat grass, worms and bugs. In winter, birds should be fed three times a day. During the day they need to be given wet mash.

It is important to avoid overfeeding birds. The appearance of excess weight in chickens negatively affects their reproductive functions. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the amount of feed.Experienced farmers advise feeding birds as much food as they can eat in 30-40 minutes. Excess must be removed.

Advantages and disadvantages of birds

The advantages of representatives of this breed include only their unusual appearance and excellent taste of meat. At the same time, Ayam Tsemani chickens have many disadvantages. The main disadvantages include the following:

  • high cost of chickens;
  • difficult breeding;
  • cocky and timid character;
  • low productivity;
  • low stress resistance;
  • demands on growing conditions.

The black rooster is considered a representative of the Ayam Tsemani breed, which has a number of characteristic features. These birds have an unusual color and tasty meat. However, they are very expensive, so they are considered quite rare.
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