Characteristics and description of the Chinese silk chicken breed, cultivation and maintenance

Raising poultry involves choosing the right breed. In addition to the usual varieties, there are unique breeds. Many breeders are afraid to experiment, preferring familiar options; some believe that exotic species of unusual bird breeds require special care. When purchasing a Chinese silkie chicken, you should keep in mind that it differs from conventional breeds in several ways.

Origin of the breed

The breed of Chinese crested aborigines has been known since the beginning of the 8th century. China is considered the birthplace of this breed. Chickens appeared in Europe after the 18th century, at which time scientists identified the main reasons for the appearance of the variety:

  • mutation of the gene that is responsible for the production of melanin;
  • mutation of the gene that is responsible for the growth and formation of feathers.

Description and characteristics of Chinese silk chickens

Chinese Aboriginals differ significantly from related breeds. The main differences relate to appearance.

Appearance of birds

Chinese silky chickens are classified as ornamental domestic chickens. Externally, hens differ from roosters in several ways:

  • hens have black combs, roosters have purple combs;
  • the skin of chickens and roosters is black, the meat has a gray tint;
  • paws have 4 or 5 toes;
  • The weight of roosters reaches 3.1 kilograms, hens can weigh up to 2.2 kilograms.

The peculiarity of the plumage of silky chickens is explained by the fact that the structure of the feather does not have hooks. The feathers do not join together, remaining soft, creating a downy covering. The color of feathers can be different: from golden to light white.

Characteristics and description of the Chinese silk chicken breed, cultivation and maintenance


Chickens begin laying eggs at 5-6 months. Every year they bring from 80 to 160 pieces. The eggs weigh about 35 grams. The color of the shell is light, creamy.

When shearing, you can get up to 150 grams of fluff from one chicken, but this process is carried out on the eve of molting so as not to deprive the chicken of its natural protection for a long time.

Character and temperament of birds

Chinese silky chickens are often kept in petting zoos.They are friendly and make contact with children. Birds do not show aggression and do not start fights with each other.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the breed are the excellent taste of meat and spectacular appearance. Many breeders note the friendly nature of the birds. The disadvantages include the high cost of specimens, the unusual color of the meat, and low egg laying rates.

fluffies in the coop

Conditions of detention and care

There are no special conditions for Chinese silky chickens. Particular attention is paid to the cleanliness of the cells.

Information! Chinese chickens are very clean.

Chicken coop

Chicken coops are equipped with low perches, this is due to the fact that the breed does not fly. The nests are placed low, making them spacious and warm. For a comfortable stay, double cleaning is carried out daily.

chicken coop

Requirements for a walking area

Walking for silky natives is arranged in any area. For the purity of the fluff, a place with reserves of green grass, without unnecessary objects, will be an advantage. In addition, the range must be protected from predators so that the chickens feel safe.

Advice! To avoid fights and brawls that can provoke other breeds, Chinese chickens are walked separately.

Installation of feeders and drinkers

Feeders and drinking bowls for chickens washed daily. No food residues should accumulate at the bottom. Feeders and drinkers are installed at a low level so that the chickens have easy access.

Frost resistance of the breed

The breed is resistant to low temperatures, however, to maintain health, birds need insulation for the winter period. Chickens do not like drafts, so the cracks in the winter racks are carefully sealed.

frost resistance of the breed

Seasonal molt

Chinese Silky chickens moult annually in the spring. There is a natural change of feathers, this period lasts up to 4 weeks.It is characterized by:

  • stopping egg laying;
  • slowness, weakness of chickens.

At this stage, breeders recommend increasing the amount of vitamins for chickens.

Planned herd replacement

A rooster lives in a flock for about 3 years; hens are usually replaced after 4.5 years. The herd is replaced in stages. To do this, choose one of the methods: crossbreeding is carried out, where there are from 7 to 10 chickens per rooster. Or they buy chickens, which greatly simplifies and shortens the replacement process. Chickens of this breed are prone to brooding, so there are no problems with feeding and keeping chickens.

rooster with spots

What to feed the birds

Feeding birds is of great importance; the rate of egg laying, as well as the taste of meat, depends on it. The daily norm is divided into 3 meals, the diet includes:

  • concentrated feed;
  • potatoes and peelings (50 grams per chicken);
  • bread crusts soaked in water;
  • green and succulent food;
  • protein feed (buttermilk, whey).

Chickens are often given leftover food, but make sure it is small enough to be chewed. During the summer season, worms and small insects are caught on the chicken's range.

Warning! Overfeeding or underfeeding negatively affects the general condition of chickens.

concentrated feed

Selection and crossing options

Selective crossing is carried out to improve parental qualities. When crossing white meat chickens and Chinese silkies, the mutated gene will dominate. Home conditions are suitable for crossing; the only requirement is that the birds being crossed be kept separately.

Information! Crossing closely related chickens results in weak offspring.

Breeding Features

When raising chickens, follow the basic rules:

  • after hatching from the egg and in the first weeks of life in the house, the air temperature is maintained high - up to +30 degrees, then gradually reduced to +18;
  • the feeding regime includes frequent feedings: up to a month, chickens are fed every 2 hours, after 1 month - every 3 hours;
  • the diet is expanded gradually: yolk and cottage cheese are introduced, concentrated feed and special vitamins are started.

Chinese chickens

Hatching instinct

The best option for raising chickens is brooding. Silky Chinese chickens have a highly developed brooding instinct. Chickens of this breed are often paired with other chickens; they show patience and constantly take care of future offspring.

Chicks from the incubator

Hatching eggs are selected from the morning clutches of chickens, and eggs that are too large or too small are not taken. It may take 15 to 20 days to hatch in an incubator. The period before pipping is associated with maintaining the correct temperature and humidity. If the rules are violated, biting may not occur. After the chicks hatch, they are placed under a lamp to dry and adapt, then they begin nursing.

Key signs of a healthy chicken:

  • stands firmly on his feet and moves independently;
  • has a reaction to sound or light;
  • the pecking instinct is developed;
  • wings pressed to the body;
  • the belly is soft and smooth.

Advice! Weak chickens are marked with green paint so that their development can be closely monitored.

raised in an incubator

Nutrition of young animals

For young animals, a special diet is provided. It should consist of 60 percent grains and vegetables. Young chickens are given boiled carrots with mashed boiled egg yolk. Cottage cheese is gradually added.After reaching one month of age, they begin to add grain.

Silk chicken diseases

For silk chickens, humidity in the poultry house poses a particular danger. It often provokes the development of numerous diseases that lead to death.

Adults are susceptible to:

  • pulmonary inflammation;
  • poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • rickets;
  • coccidiosis.

For chickens, infestations of fleas and ticks pose a danger.

To prevent diseases, take the necessary measures to help prevent complications.

  1. To increase immunity levels, be sure to include vitamin complexes for chickens in the diet. A course of prophylactic administration is carried out in autumn and spring.
  2. Controlling water purity matters. Drinking bowls must be free of debris, clean and filled with fresh water.
  3. The poultry house must be insulated in winter and ventilated in summer. Chinese chickens do not like drafts and temperature changes.

Information! High humidity poses a danger to chickens. In addition, they should not be left wet overnight.
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