Description and characteristics of the Rhodonite chicken breed, subtleties of keeping and breeding

The prevalence of Rhodonite chickens is associated with their good egg production and adaptability to environmental conditions. The cross is suitable for breeding and keeping in private farmsteads and on an industrial scale.

Breeding history

Rhodonite chickens are considered an industrial cross, bred by crossing two egg crosses: Rhode Island and Loman Brown. German researchers began breeding and obtained 2 strains. In 2002, chickens entered Russia, where research was continued by employees of the Sverdlovsk breeding poultry plant.

The breeders' task was to breed chickens adapted to the country's changing climatic conditions.

Description and characteristics of the Rhodonite rock

Cross Rhodonite inherited the characteristics of both varieties used in crossing. When planning to breed birds, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the detailed description and characteristics of the breed.

Appearance and color

In appearance, most of the offspring are similar to their ancestors from the Loman Brown breed. Some chickens inherit the characteristics of the Rhode Island species. Rhodonite chickens are characterized by the following appearance features:

  • small head with a large leaf-shaped comb;
  • the beak is yellow with an orange stripe in the central part;
  • structured and well-developed red earrings;
  • brown feathers that fit tightly to the body;
  • light and simple body structure;
  • weight of chickens is up to 2 kg, roosters - 3 kg.


Layers can be distinguished from males at an early stage of development by their characteristic features. Females have lighter circles, brown down, and the head and back are the color of baked milk.

Character and maternal instinct

Chickens are distinguished by their mobility and constant activity, and do not show aggression towards other birds and people. Since the Rhodonite cross is the result of selection, the maternal instinct of incubation is almost completely lost. To raise chickens, you need to use an incubator.


Rodonit chickens begin to lay their first eggs at the age of 4 months. During the year, each individual is capable of producing about 300 eggs. The mass of each of them is 60-65 g.

1.5 years after the start of egg production, the productivity of laying hens is noticeably reduced. When keeping chickens in industrial poultry farms, this problem will be eliminated by using a special vaccine, which doubles the high level of productivity.

chickens Rhodonite

Main positive and negative aspects

Many beginners and more experienced farmers are breeding Rhodonite chickens due to its many benefits. The positive aspects include the following:

  1. Birds painlessly perceive changing environmental conditions without loss of productivity. Even when exposed to low temperatures, chickens lay a sufficient number of eggs.
  2. Cross Rhodonite is characterized by a high survival rate of small and adult individuals.
  3. Chickens are unpretentious to a nutritious diet. It should be borne in mind that the quality of eggs directly depends on proper feeding.
  4. You can raise chickens on small private farmsteads or on large poultry farms.

The main disadvantage is the underdeveloped brooding instinct. The use of incubation equipment does not cause any particular difficulties, but it increases the costs of the process of breeding offspring.

appearance of eggs

Conditions of detention

Despite the fact that Rhodonite chickens easily adapt to any environmental conditions, adults and young animals should be provided with a favorable environment. This is especially important for laying hens, since housing conditions affect the ability to lay eggs.

Chicken coop

The birds spend most of their time in the chicken coop, which is recommended to be equipped taking into account standard requirements.Ventilation must be provided inside the room to eliminate unpleasant odors and circulate fresh air. It is important that there are no gaps in the walls and roof that could cause through blowing.

The optimal height of the chicken coop is 1.8 m. The temperature should vary between 15-25 degrees. The free space in the room should be determined at the rate of 2 chickens per square. Perches are located at a height of about 1 m. To prevent diseases, perches and floors are whitewashed. Baths with ash or sand are left inside the poultry house.

keeping in a chicken coop

Walking yard

Next to the poultry house you need to build a yard for walking chickens and fence it off with a fence. It is recommended to install a canopy inside the courtyard if there are no large trees nearby that cast sufficient shade. The top of the patio should be covered with a net to protect it from birds of prey.

Walking chickens is important for small and medium-sized livestock. The presence of vegetation in the yard allows you to save on feeding the birds, since they will independently find green food rich in vitamins. At the same time, most of the chickens usually walk near the poultry house, and the grass cover is quickly trampled down. The exit point from the yard should always be kept dry and disinfected so that the chickens do not bring parasites and large amounts of dirt into the house.

You can release chickens outside around noon, when the main egg-laying time has passed. In cool weather, it is better to limit access to the patio to reduce the risk of developing diseases.

bird on the run

Tolerance to cold and heat

The ability to withstand extreme temperatures is one of the benefits of keeping Rhodonite chickens. Birds do not reduce their productivity while being at low temperatures in an unheated room.In hot weather, it is enough for chickens to have a canopy under which they can hide in the shade.

Diet of chicks and adults

In the first weeks of chick development, special attention should be paid to nutrition. Young animals should receive sufficient amounts of calcium and vitamins. To feed chickens, it is recommended to use special combined feeds, which contain all the components necessary for proper growth. A lack of vitamins in chickens can be noticed by their general depressed state. In adult roosters, a lack of nutrients leads to redness of the comb.

For mature hens, you can use compound feed or natural products in the same way as for chickens. Fruits, herbs, grated vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin), and mowed grass are suitable for feeding chickens. Minerals play an important role in the diet. To improve egg production, you can include meat or fish broth in your diet. Wheat and corn grits can be used as dry food. Laying hens will benefit from the use of chalk and shell rock.

feeding chicks


Due to insufficiently developed maternal instinct, females do not hatch eggs on their own. Breeding birds requires the use of an incubator. The presence of a rooster in the flock for breeding is not necessary, since the productivity of laying hens does not depend on it. The only reason to have at least one rooster in the coop is to keep the birds in order and protect the hens from possible danger.

raise chickens

Diseases and prevention from them

Any variety of birds is susceptible to diseases that lead to deterioration in egg production.The causes of infections are contamination in the chicken coop, incorrect diet and unfavorable living conditions for chickens. Chicks at the stage of early development are most susceptible to diseases. Common diseases are:

  1. Pullorosis. The infection affects chicks under two weeks of age and is fatal. You can notice the development of pullorosis by lack of appetite, drooping wings and closed eyes.
  2. Pasteurellosis. The disease is typical for chicks less than three months old. Symptoms include mucus from the nose, overheating of the body, and yellow excrement. Treatment of chickens involves the use of antibiotics under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. Coccidiosis. A sign of the disease is frequent loose stools with blood or mucus due to damage to the gastric mucosa. Treatment requires drugs with anticoccidal action. In the case of the acute phase of the disease, the death of chickens occurs within 3-5 days in the absence of treatment.
  4. Tuberculosis. The disease most often causes damage to the lungs. A sick bird stops laying eggs, loses its appetite and quickly loses weight. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the birds are sent for slaughter.
  5. Mycoplasmosis. The disease is manifested by the formation of a tumor under the eyes. In addition, infected birds make high-pitched, unusual sounds. Mycoplasmosis leads to a decrease in egg production in chickens and is treated with the help of special drugs “Tylosin” and “Tilan”.

in birds Coccidiosis

As preventive measures, you need to keep the chicken coop clean and regularly carry out disinfection measures. Birds should be examined periodically to detect signs of disease early.Having noticed the primary symptoms, you should begin treatment yourself or seek help from a veterinarian.

Where to buy and what are the prices?

It is recommended to purchase birds from trusted factories, where a quality guarantee and a certificate of absence of diseases are provided. Finding cross Rhodonite is not difficult due to its high prevalence. The cost of adult birds varies between 200-300 rubles. Each poultry farm owner sets specific prices independently.
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