Description and characteristics of the Shabo chicken breed, maintenance features

Dwarf chickens of the Japanese Shabo breed have been known in poultry farming since ancient times. Miniature chickens were first brought from Japan to China at the beginning of the 17th century; representatives of the breed migrated to Europe only in the 19th century. A distinctive feature of the breed is short legs and curly plumage. Currently, Shabots are raised on private farms to produce eggs and add decorative value to chicken flocks.

Description of the Shabo breed

A feature of the breed by which Shabot can be unmistakably identified in the chicken community is its short legs, contrasting with its powerful, squat body. These decorative chickens lead a sedentary lifestyle, are distinguished by a calm disposition and tolerance towards their relatives.

Birds exterior

Features of the appearance of chickens of the Japanese Shabo breed:

  • short legs in contrast to a powerful body;
  • small head with a small crest hanging to the side;
  • ponytail without braids;
  • short back;
  • wings touching the surface of the earth;
  • color - combinations of different shades: from white to silver-black.

Short legs are the genetic standard of the breed. Colors include golden and yellow.

Shabo chickens


It is quite difficult to distinguish between cockerels and hens, especially at a young age. Females are smaller than males and weigh about 500 grams. Also, there are no sharp feathers on the tail of laying hens; the head of females is smaller than the head of a rooster.


Cockerels in a flock can be identified by their behavior; they are more active and strive to protect the chickens. In addition, males are noticeably larger, the chest of males is more powerful and wider, the tail is more magnificent, the wings are long and wide.


Japanese decorative chickens Shabo are known for their friendliness and highly developed herd instinct.

Chabots cannot be kept alone or in pairs; the chicken community must contain at least 10 individuals.

small breeds

Females have a pronounced maternal instinct. Farmers often use Shabot hens to hatch eggs from chickens of other breeds.

Due to their short legs, Shabots lead a sedentary lifestyle; the life expectancy of miniature birds is short.

Chicken productivity

For decorative breeds of chickens, Shabot's productivity is average, up to 85 eggs per year, with an average weight of one egg of 30 grams.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Asian Shabo chicken breed include:

  • flexible, calm and friendly character;
  • highly developed maternal instinct;
  • Small areas are used for walking;
  • When growing, a small amount of feed is used.

Among the disadvantages, farmers highlight:

  1. It is possible to keep in a flock only with other miniature breeds of birds.
  2. The chicken community must consist of at least 10 laying hens and 1 rooster.
  3. Nutrition should be of high quality and balanced.
  4. Short life expectancy.
  5. Average egg production and small egg size.

Shabot are beautiful decorative chickens suitable for growing in small private farms.

hen and rooster

Features of the breed

In order for the birds to feel good and not get sick, it is important to ensure a stable thermal regime in the chicken coop and create a microclimate. The room should be dry, with good ventilation, without drafts.

Climate and thermal regime

Shabot is a heat-loving type of chicken; in rooms with low temperatures, birds often get sick and die. All walls, floor and ceiling in the chicken coop must be insulated. The optimal ambient temperature in the poultry house is +18 0WITH.

Straw and sawdust are used as bedding on the floor.

On a note! Do not use polystyrene foam as a material for bedding; birds will begin to peck at it, which will disrupt their digestive system, resulting in death.

keeping warm

Setting up a chicken coop

Chabots spend the night on perches, which must be installed in the house at a height of 130-150 centimeters. The length of the perch is 5 meters.

In the room with chickens, install 2-3 nests with straw bedding. Feeders and drinkers are placed in different parts of the poultry house so that leftover chicken feed is not mixed with drinking water.

It is important to regularly clean the chicken coop, promptly remove any remaining uneaten food, and change the water twice a day.

The air ventilation system in the chicken coop needs to be adjusted., and there should be no drafts. Residues of feed from the feeders should be regularly removed; mold and dampness should not be allowed to develop in the room with the chickens.

keep in a chicken coop


Despite their sedentary lifestyle, Shabot chickens love to walk. Walking for birds must be provided in the warm season. It has been noticed that egg production increases at this time, chickens happily pluck grass and dig for worms and insects.

It is recommended to install a canopy over the walking area that will protect the chickens from rain and bright sun on a hot day. In winter, Shabots do not go for walks; the birds get sick and die from low temperatures.

walk outside

What to feed the birds?

Chabots eat little, but skimping on the quality of food is not recommended. Birds need additional vitamins and microelements during the period of molting and hatching chicks.


The diet of adult birds is different from that of chickens. It is recommended to feed young animals with the yolk of a hard-boiled egg; later, soaked wheat bran and rice flour and boiled vegetables are introduced.

At the age of 3 weeks, chalk and mineral supplements are added to the chickens’ food, and additionally given cottage cheese.

chickens eat


Shabo standard diet:

  • meat and bone meal;
  • fresh chopped herbs;
  • corn;
  • cottage cheese;
  • corn;
  • curdled milk with bran.

You can use specialized industrial feed for ornamental breeds of chickens. Be sure to have trays with a mixture of sand, eggshells and wood ash in the chicken coop. Birds peck at grains of sand and small pebbles, which birds need for digestion.

Chickens must be provided with constant access to clean drinking water.

meat and bone meal

How to breed the breed

Young chickens are ready for breeding at the age of 6 months. Strong, developed individuals with bright plumage and crest are selected for breeding.

Shabot hens are natural hens, protecting their offspring from the moment they hatch their eggs. Experienced farmers use this quality to care for young chickens of other breeds, placing foreign eggs in the laying hens.

One hen can lay about 5 eggs, the chickens hatch small and weak. The mortality rate among young animals is 30%.

When choosing a breeding pair, a little trick is used: a cockerel is selected with longer legs than a female, or vice versa. It has been noticed that the offspring of Shabot with too short legs turn out to be weak. It is necessary to renew and rejuvenate a flock of chickens every three years.

new herd

Possible diseases

The most common disease of miniature Shabot chickens is tuberculosis, followed by coccidiosis. In case of mass infection, the livestock has to be completely destroyed. Asian chickens have average immunity and can catch various infections.

Experienced farmers recommend vaccinating breeding birds, monitoring the cleanliness and microclimate in the chicken coop, and promptly removing chickens with initial signs of illness or illness from the poultry house into quarantine.

The key to bird health is proper, high-quality nutrition. Chickens should not be overfed, but the birds should be provided with vitamin feed without the addition of hormones and antibiotics.
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