Siberian Roughnecks are considered a rare breed of chickens that have a rich history. A distinctive feature of birds is their resistance to frost. Also, the birds are considered undemanding to living conditions and have a calm character. Therefore, many farmers are engaged in their cultivation. In order for birds to develop normally and not get sick, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet and proper care.
This breed existed in Siberia back in the seventeenth century.There are documents that confirm the purchase of birds by Dr. White from Boston. The first information about Siberian moths appeared in 1878. There are also references to participation in exhibitions in 1905.
Changes in the political system and military events led to the extinction of the breed. It was only in 2009 that chickens were accidentally discovered in the village of Pavlovo. After which scientists began to revive the breed. To do this, they crossed the found Siberian mossfoot with Pavlovsk silver rooster.
Appearance and characteristics of Siberian chickens
In terms of external characteristics, Siberian moths resemble more popular breeds of Russian chickens. They are characterized by the following features:
- Cockerels weigh 3 kilograms, and hens - 2-2.5. Crossing with the Pavlovsk breed allows you to obtain greater mass parameters.
- The color of the plumage can be white, blue or black. However, additional tones are not allowed. Such birds are culled.
- Hens and cockerels are covered with feathers. They must have a lush crest that covers the entire head and crest. Sideburns should also be full. They gradually turn into a neat beard, which protects the ears and earrings from the cold. The body is covered with dense plumage. Chickens are characterized by a straight and long tail. There are beautiful pants on the paws. They cover your legs right down to your toes. There are 4 toes on the paws. If the number of individuals is different, they are discarded.
- Birds of this breed are characterized by a long neck and a rounded head. The earrings, comb, earlobes, and face are distinguished by a red tint. The beak is short but wide. It is distinguished by its black color. The beak is also dark gray.
Advantages and disadvantages
The key disadvantage of birds is the rarity of the breed. Therefore, acquiring young animals can be quite difficult.
Features of maintenance and care
These birds are considered very hardy and unpretentious. Siberian moths can easily withstand any conditions. However, with proper care it is possible to achieve high productivity and good immunity.
Siberian moths can easily withstand any climate and are able to adapt to different conditions. Birds tolerate frosts well - they do not harm earrings or combs. The special structure of the V-shaped ridge helps to withstand even the most severe frosts. Warm feather pants cover your legs and toes. Thanks to this, the birds do not freeze. It is permissible to keep moths in central Russia or in areas with harsh climatic conditions.
Equipping your home for the winter begins with high-quality insulation. In this case, it is worth making small perches. Their height should be no more than 30 centimeters. Chickens cannot fly high. However, a slight elevation helps them feel more comfortable in winter. To keep the feathers beautiful, it is important to control the cleanliness of the litter. It must remain dry at all times. High humidity and dirt lead to loss of decorativeness of birds.
Diet of an adult flock
In order for birds to remain consistently productive, they need high-quality nutrition.1 chicken requires 80 grams of feed. It is recommended to feed birds wheat, corn, oats and other grains. They also need greens and foods high in animal proteins.
When preparing a diet for these birds, it is recommended to follow the following rules:
- The intervals between meals are 5-6 hours. The best option is three meals a day. At the same time, birds need to be walked regularly.
- It is recommended to feed chickens wet mash. They must contain sufficient nutrients. In this case, such mixtures need to be prepared one time at a time. Their composition is of great importance. It is important that the consistency is crumbly and not viscous.
- Chickens need mineral supplements. They need to be given chalk or shells. It is also permissible to use special substances. It is especially important to provide such food during active laying - in summer and spring.
- The use of vitamin complexes helps improve egg production parameters and appetite. Such products maintain the beauty of plumage.
- It is recommended to place a separate container with small stones. It will help you better absorb food and activate digestion.
Subtleties of breeding
Roosters of this breed take care of their family. Chickens are characterized by a pronounced brooding instinct. They sit quietly in their nests. Due to the high fertility of eggs, it is possible to quickly increase the number of livestock. The chickens hatch together. Their body quickly becomes covered with feathers.
Frequent illnesses
Birds have strong immunity and almost never get sick. Survival rates among young and adult birds are 97-99%. Chickens do not suffer from colds.
The greatest danger to them is parasites. In addition, ticks carry serious infections.To minimize the likelihood of pathologies occurring, it is recommended to perform vaccinations and preventive treatments.
The Siberian moth is considered a rare breed. At the same time, it has many advantages. That's why many farmers want to raise these birds.