What determines the egg production of chickens at home in winter and ways to increase it

What measures should be taken to increase the egg production of chickens at home in winter? The number of eggs laid is influenced by many factors. Winter is not the best time to increase this indicator, but you can deceive the bird by creating a microclimate for it that resembles summer. We should not forget about good nutrition, vitamins and microelements. The choice of breed of laying hens is also important.

What determines the egg production of chickens?

Egg production is the productivity of a laying hen and is determined by the number of eggs laid per year. The productive period of chickens lasts from 2 to 5 years. Depends on the breed and weight of the bird, which should be at least 75% of the optimal weight for this species.

Important. In order for a chicken to lay eggs regularly, it needs to be properly and nutritiously fed, kept clean, and allowed to go for walks..

Breeds whose main purpose is to lay eggs begin to lay eggs at the age of 4-5 months, mixed species and broilers later - 6-8 months. You can identify a chicken with good egg production by its appearance. She has a strong body, a small head, a curved chest, thick plumage, bright earrings, a powerful curved beak and clear eyes.

How to increase the egg production of chickens in winter at home

By providing laying hens with favorable living conditions, attentive care and proper nutrition, you can significantly increase the laying of eggs, improve their quality and taste. Let's consider the factors affecting the egg production of a chicken.

Domestic bird

Suitable breed

The breeds that are productive in egg production include the following species:

  1. Leghorn. This shy breed produces up to 300 eggs per year. The absolute record is 371 eggs. Laying begins at 5 months.
  2. Hysek. This is a Leghorn hybrid, productivity - 300 eggs per year. The breed is resistant to disease and is not afraid of the cold.
  3. The Loman Brown breed has a calm character and high egg production: the annual clutch is 320 pieces. The bird quickly adapts to changing living conditions. The disadvantage of the breed is its short productive life - after a year and a half, the number of eggs laid decreases sharply, and the hens need to be replaced.

On a note.Choosing the right breed of chickens that require little care and have high egg production will help you get the most out of your small poultry farm.

Haysek breed

Forced shedding

Typically, this procedure is used in poultry farms so as not to exchange an older hen for a young laying hen and to extend the period of egg production. Using certain zootechnical techniques, chickens are induced to molt. Its duration is shorter than natural, it occurs simultaneously in the entire flock. The process promotes rejuvenation and the emergence of a new egg laying cycle.


For regular laying, a chicken needs 12-14 hours of daylight. Under natural conditions, this is possible only in the summer. In winter, you need to create the illusion of summer in the bird. For this purpose, artificial lighting is used. In the poultry house, lighting lamps with a power of 100 watts are installed for every 10 square meters.

If possible, install automatic lighting, which is adjusted to the required mode in terms of time and illumination.

It is important that there is an alternation of light and dark times of the day.

sat in the chicken coop


In winter, it is cold and humid outside, so that the laying hens feel comfortable, the room needs to be heated and ventilated. Humidity is maintained at no higher than 60%, temperature – 10-12 degrees. It is best to install a forced air exchange system. The usual opening of the windows reduces the temperature and provokes drafts, which is not safe for the bird.


Poultry needs movement, otherwise it will become fat and stop laying eggs. Walks are also organized in winter, but the following conditions must be observed:

  1. The air temperature outside is not lower than 10 degrees below zero.
  2. There should be no rain, snow or strong wind.
  3. The walking area is covered with a bedding of hay, sand or sawdust.
  4. To prevent frostbite on the delicate skin of the comb and earrings, they are lubricated with Vaseline.
  5. To combat parasitic insects, install containers with a mixture of sand and ash, the ratio of the components is 1:1.

Compliance with these conditions will make your walks safe and rewarding.

walking in winter


You can increase the egg production of chickens in winter at home with the help of a balanced diet with increased calorie content, because additional calories are needed to maintain optimal body temperature in cold weather.

The following products are used for feeding:

  • grain mixtures;
  • vegetables:
  • mixed feed mixture;
  • useful microelements;
  • vitamins;
  • water.

What should this feed consist of?

the birds are eating


For feeding, they use various cereals that are available in the poultry house. They can be mixed or given separately. Sprouted grain is useful - it contains a large amount of vitamins. Grain is given in the evening, due to its calorie content, this is necessary to warm the chickens during sleep. It is useful to scatter it on the litter, which will entertain the bird, forcing it to look for food.


Vegetables are given fresh, chopping them first. This could be: any beets, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin.

Vegetables are a source of carbohydrates and fiber, vitamins, and amino acids.


The mash is made from mixed feed by stirring it in water. To enrich animal protein, milk or whey is used as a solvent. Rapeseed or sunflower cake, bone meal or fish meal are added to the mixture.

bucket of feed

Healthy Supplements

It is recommended to include mineral and vitamin supplements in the winter diet of laying hens.It is better to purchase special complex preparations that contain everything necessary for proper nutrition. Dried herbs would be a good addition. These can be brooms made from nettle or burdock, prepared and dried in the summer. Chickens love to indulge in this delicacy.

We should not forget about minerals in the form of ordinary pebbles, pieces of shell rock or gravel.

nutritional mixtures


Without water, a bird simply cannot exist. Be sure to have a sufficient number of drinking bowls with clean water. It is necessary to add liquid there in a timely manner and monitor its quality.

In winter, the chicken should have three meals a day. Decent care and compliance with all the above recommendations will help maintain high egg production of chickens in winter.

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