Reproduction of livestock and production of healthy offspring are one of the main tasks of horse breeding farms. Pregnancy and childbirth in mares, caring for young animals require increased attention from the owners. It is necessary to provide enhanced nutrition, comfort and care before and after childbirth. Let's look at how many months a pregnant horse walks, how to determine pregnancy and help the mare give birth to a healthy foal.
Mares hunting
At the age of one and a half years, mares become sexually mature and ready to conceive. But the first mating is usually allowed only at 3-4 years, when the body is fully formed and ready for gestation.
Hunting in mares is the time, state of the body and behavior during which the animals actively want to mate and allow horses to approach them. This period lasts from 2 to 14 days, most often a week, occurring, on average, every 20-21 days. Hunting time can be determined by a number of signs:
- frequent neighing;
- excretion of urine in small portions;
- often lifts tail, places hind limbs wide;
- slight swelling of the genitals and whitish discharge;
- loss of appetite.
When a stallion approaches and mounts, the horses do not fight back and show readiness to mate. At stud farms, specialists should monitor the appearance of heat in mares, and if not, contact a veterinarian. The specialist will determine the sexual cycle and the time suitable for mating.
Information: the best time for mating is considered to be March-April, but not later than mid-July. This will create favorable conditions for young animals.
Determining whether a horse is pregnant
Pregnancy can be determined by eye only after 6 months. Such deadlines are not convenient for horse breeders. 2 weeks after conception, pregnancy can be confirmed by ultrasound diagnostic methods and laboratory methods, which cannot be called cheap.
Pregnancy can be detected by external signs - behavioral characteristics of the mare:
- decrease in activity and agility - the mare sleeps more;
- increase in appetite;
- When kept in a herd, he avoids others.
At home, owners determine conception by the lack of desire to mate, which appears regularly in non-foaling horses.In the later stages, pregnancy can be recognized by the recumbent position, which becomes the mare’s favorite, and by the enlargement of the udder. Veterinarians determine pregnancy by rectal and vaginal examination; upon palpation of the peritoneum, a lump is felt on the left side.
How long does it take to bear a baby?
The average gestation period for a baby is 11 months (340 days). This time is enough for the full development of the fetus. In reality, the deadlines can be shifted and depend on a number of factors:
- the horse's health status;
- features of the course of pregnancy;
- multiple births;
- a first-time mare carries longer – up to 12 months;
- Pregnancy with a male foal lasts an average of 2 weeks longer.
Mares can go pregnant for 310-370 days, this is within physiological norms.
Number of foals
In most cases, one foal is born. The birth of twins is a rare and unsafe event. During childbirth, one of the babies most often dies. In the absence of proper assistance with foaling and effective nursing, you can lose both. The surviving foals lag behind their peers in development.
How to care for a pregnant mare
Timely detection of pregnancy makes it possible to adjust the diet, exercise and care of the horse, which will help the fetus develop and prepare the animal for childbirth. Necessary care elements:
- Feeding. The first months the fetus grows slowly, the diet is increased by 40% by the end of the period (last 3 months). Portions are reduced, fed in fractions (5-6 times) to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. Only high-quality feed is used - without signs of rot or staleness. Avoid foods that cause fermentation. Include vitamin supplements, fresh apples, carrots.
- Water is only warm; cold water can cause miscarriages and colds.
- Works.The loads are gradually reduced, although the mare can perform light work almost until giving birth (released 3 weeks before the expected due date).
- Walking. Mares need daily walking to prevent swelling of the limbs and abdomen. At the end of pregnancy, the horse wants to lie down, which leads to stagnation of fluid and difficult birth. You need to walk your mare regularly, except in bad weather. Ice is especially dangerous.
- Content. The stall needs to be ventilated, provide ventilation, warmth and comfort. The bedding is changed regularly. When kept as a pasture, they are taken to the stable at night.
- Care. Rough handling and heavy work are excluded. Screaming, disturbing the horse's calm, or using a whip is prohibited.
In the second or third month, the mare may go into heat. You need to monitor the animal and avoid contact with the stallion, which could cause a miscarriage.
What you need to prepare before giving birth
A special stall where the mare will be foaled is prepared in advance. It is better to choose a quiet place, away from other horses. The room is cleaned, objects that could cause injury are taken out. Walls and floors are disinfected. Pour clean straw. If other horses are standing nearby, the lattice partitions are covered.
In most cases, during a normal birth process, the mare will cope on her own, without any need for help. The vanity and care of a person will only hinder her.
Signs of an approaching foal
The fact that labor will soon begin can be understood by a number of signs:
- Behavior change. Anxiety, fussiness - a foaling horse gets up, lies down again, looks at its tail.
- Genital organs. Swelling of the labia, thinner discharge. Lubricant liquefaction occurs 1-2 days before foaling.
- Swelling of the udder, sometimes the appearance of colostrum.
- Some mares experience excessive sweating.
The mare’s pelvis turns into a “birthing” one, the ligaments weaken, their structure becomes loose and more pliable. Changes start 12-36 hours before foaling.
Childbirth process
It is better not to disturb the mare during childbirth - the process consists of pushing, during which the fetus moves along the birth canal. When exerting effort, the horse becomes covered in sweat and often rolls over. Mares give birth in a lying position, less often standing. During the normal course of foaling, the forelimbs and the adjacent head of the foal appear first. If this happens, the further process will proceed normally. A veterinarian's help may be required if there are two fetuses or the baby's hind legs appear first.
The amniotic sac often ruptures on its own; if necessary, it is cut. After giving birth, the horse usually stands up and the umbilical cord breaks naturally. If there is no rupture, the tourniquet is cut with sterile scissors. The foal's umbilical cord is treated with iodine.
Childbirth usually lasts 30-40 minutes; when twins are born, the second appears at an interval of 20 minutes. The foals are weakened, often aggressive, they are separated, and the necessary assistance is provided. The mare sometimes recognizes and feeds only one baby.
Reference: the foal's weight is 30-40 kilograms - this is 10-15% of the mother's weight. Larger horses (draft horses) give birth to larger babies.
Postpartum care
Immediately after giving birth, the horse carefully licks its baby and remembers its smell. Licking acts as a strengthening massage and serves to boost the foal’s immunity.
For mom
Bedding soiled during childbirth should be removed from the stall and replaced with fresh straw. The afterbirth comes out within an hour, you need to make sure that it comes out completely by spreading it out and checking for integrity.Otherwise, the remains of the placenta in the uterus will lead to the development of inflammation. The horse often eats the afterbirth; you should not disturb it - it contains many valuable substances. When the mare is dry from sweat (it is important to ensure that there are no drafts), she is given warm water and fed with high-quality hay.
If the birth took place without pathologies, the horse does not need special care. The litter is changed every day, as bleeding continues for 7-8 days. Monitor the condition of the udder.
After 2-3 weeks, the mare’s body recovers, and she begins to estrus again. The owner decides when to carry out the next mating. It is believed that you need to give the horse a rest for 1-3 months before another pregnancy.
Behind the foal
The mother sniffs and licks the baby, barely catching her breath. If the woman in labor is too tired, the foal needs to be dried. Veterinarians usually check for breath. In the first hour, the foal is already on its feet; the condition of the limbs should be monitored. The baby quickly begins to look for the udder (after 1-2 hours). If the foal does not try to suckle, the horse's milk is expressed and watered from a bottle. Meconium comes out in the first 2-3 hours. If there is no stool, the baby is given castor oil. For 5-6 months, the foal must be with its mother in order to eat on time and fully develop. In the first months, the baby sucks the udder up to 40 times a day.
Possible problems
Complications can occur during childbirth and after foaling:
- the fetus is walking with its hind legs - urgent veterinary assistance is required;
- labor is weak, the fetus does not move every 10 minutes;
- the placenta does not come off - manual extraction may be required;
- the foal is not breathing, the heart is not beating - the baby will need resuscitation, cardiac massage;
- ruptures, red color of the bubble - the foal needs resuscitation measures;
- infection can be assumed by the yellow or green color of the bubble, the unnatural color of the baby - treatment of the mother and foal will be required;
- meconium does not pass - help is needed to empty the intestines;
- the baby cannot stand up - congenital pathologies of the limbs.
A mare in labor should not be disturbed; sometimes grooms and other staff become overly interested in the process, distracting and frightening the woman in labor. The veterinarian should help only if problems arise - labor slows down, the fetus is not delivered correctly.
In most cases, horses cope well with foaling on their own and bring the baby themselves. During pregnancy, you need to feed the mare well, not put her to heavy work, and monitor stress or training. Then by the time of birth the horse will be healthy and strong, her instincts will tell her the right actions, and she will give birth to a healthy foal.