Growing such an exotic fruit and vegetable will not cause much trouble. Try planting it on your plot or dacha. Armenian cucumber is a hybrid mixture of cucumber, melon and pumpkin. A heat-loving plant native to Africa and Asia. This strange tasting and looking vegetable has several names (Armenian cucumber, Tarra, snake melon). Refers to melon crops. It was brought from Armenia, hence the name.
Description of the fruit
This exotic hybrid, a mixture of melon and cucumber, has an original appearance. The variety is early ripening, 75–80 days pass from germination to ripening.The plant is tall, with long vines reaching 4 meters. Some features of the vegetable compared to cucumber:
- huge size of fruits - length up to 50 cm;
- sweetish taste, like regular cucumbers;
- the peel is covered with soft fluff and does not have a bitter aftertaste;
- The pulp is soft, juicy, white.
The fruits are bright green with light stripes. This variety has a very high yield. The fruits should be picked when they are young; when ripe, the skin will harden and become tough. The leaves are large, round in shape, similar to melon leaves. Does not require peeling and can be consumed directly with the peel.
The fruits are much larger than ordinary cucumbers. Crispy, juicy, with the taste of melon and cucumber, it has a refreshing and tonic effect. He became famous for his rich harvest. From one lash you can collect 7 - 8 fruits.
Beneficial features
This rather strange plant, different from ordinary cucumbers not only in appearance, but also in taste, contains a number of useful substances.
The vitamins included in the composition have a beneficial effect on the human body:
- promote mental performance;
- prevent cancer;
- reduce blood pressure;
- help recovery from stressful situations.
The melon fruit does not need to be brought to full ripening - it must be picked young, having reached a size of no more than 20 cm. Use immediately, fresh, or store in the refrigerator. Serpentine melon has proven itself on the positive side, with high productivity and long fresh storage. People who have tried this vegetable leave the most positive reviews.
Technology of growing Armenian cucumber
Although this vegetable appeared in Russia relatively recently, growing it does not take much effort.The plant is quite unpretentious and does not require special attention. This exotic plant can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground.
Planting and care is not much different from caring for other vegetable crops. It is grown in greenhouses, film shelters and in open ground. Since the plant is heat-loving, the best place for planting is in a greenhouse.
Preparing seeds for sowing
Growing seeds is normal. In order for the seeds to sprout quickly and quickly, the soil must be light and fertile. Before sowing, the seeds need to be soaked in warm water for several hours and then immediately planted in the ground. Disinfection should not be carried out - the seeds of the Armenian cucumber do not have an outer shell. The first shoots should appear within a week.
If you decide to plant in seedlings, the most optimal time would be mid-end of April. Seeds are planted at a depth of 4–5 centimeters to make it easier for side shoots to grow. The first time after sowing, the seeds should be watered as needed.
Planting seedlings in open ground
When the first seven leaves appear, Serpentine Melon cucumbers are planted in open ground. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse and under film in mid-May, in open ground - depending on climatic conditions, but when frosts are no longer expected.
Armenian cucumber is an unpretentious variety. Growing and caring for the plant is as follows:
- the soil must be loosened regularly;
- timely weeding of the site;
- water and feed as needed.
Organic fertilizers are best suited for feeding. During the growth period of the Armenian cucumber, organic matter should be alternated with a complex of mineral fertilizers.
It is advisable to use mullein in liquid form.To protect vegetables from diseases and pests, it is recommended to water them with garlic and onion infusion.
There are several types:
- Armenian cucumber White Bogatyr;
- Silver melon.
All these species grow equally in greenhouses and in open ground. The taste is almost the same, the only difference is the color and appearance of the fruit. In enclosed spaces, monitor air humidity. This culture does not tolerate excess moisture.
The fruits should be removed from the vine along with the stalk. Leaving the stalk on the stem greatly reduces the quality of storage. As the plant grows, it is necessary to prepare strong supports for tying the cucumbers.
Use in cooking
Armenian cucumber is widely used in cooking. It is pickled, salted, stewed. Perfect for grilling, an important ingredient in salads, and eaten fresh.
Experienced gardeners, for whom growing vegetables is a common thing, advise everyone to try planting Tarra on their plot.