Why are cucumbers bitter in the greenhouse and in the garden, and what should be done?

The problem of the unpleasant taste of cucumbers often worries gardeners. Few people know why cucumbers are bitter, what contributes to this, but scientists identified the cause of the problem a long time ago. The point is this: the degree of bitterness depends on the amount of cucurbitacin accumulated in the vegetable. The more of it, the more bitter the cucumber seems.

Causes of bitterness

In different periods, scientists put forward various reasons for this phenomenon. Many are sure that the appearance of an unpleasant taste is due to the peculiarities of watering: either there is not enough water, or watering is too abundant. This is not entirely true.

There are many more reasons why cucumbers are bitter. Here are the main ones:

  1. Presence of large amounts of cucurbitacin. The substance begins to be produced at the moment when the plant experiences stress. This happens for the reasons listed below.
  2. Very bright light or shade. It is recommended to plant cucumbers in open ground in well-lit places, but preferably in the shade of trees, that is, daylight should be diffused.
  3. Poor quality of seeds and errors during procurement. If the material is taken from the back of the vegetable, then you cannot count on a good harvest: with a high degree of probability, the vegetables will become very bitter. Ideal for harvesting are those seeds that are located in the upper part of the fruit.
  4. Insufficiently moist or too moist soil. Since the homeland of cucumber is India, the crop prefers to grow in warm, moist soil, but oversaturation of the soil with water should be avoided.
  5. Land with high clay content. This is one of the reasons why cucumbers are bitter in a greenhouse, where the conditions are close to ideal.
  6. Lack of nutrients. So, for cucumbers, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance, enriching it with nitrogen. It is ideal if the gardener has the opportunity to fertilize the soil with chicken droppings.
  7. Sudden changes in air temperature. This factor is especially relevant if bitter cucumbers are not grown in a greenhouse.
  8. Dry air.
  9. Watering with water at a low temperature, which is strictly prohibited.

bitter cucumbers

In general, cucumber is a rather delicate crop, easily responding to every change in climate and growing conditions. This is the main reason why cucumbers in a greenhouse become bitter and explains the nature of this phenomenon. In order for the fruits to grow tasty, they try to eliminate the impact of negative factors on the crop.

How to prevent bitterness

To create conditions in which cucumbers grow sweet and tasty, you must follow some growing rules. This way you can guarantee the absence of bitter fruits in cucumbers. These requirements are simple; even a novice gardener can fulfill them.

First of all, you need to remember: watering should be carried out exclusively at the root and only with warm water.

In warm, dry and hot climates, irrigation must be done twice a day. You should be careful when choosing the time of day. At this time, the sun should not “burn” too much. The best option is to water the plant early in the morning and late in the evening, before sunset. Compliance with this condition will allow you to never subsequently wonder why cucumbers are bitter and what to do with them.

cucumbers growing

The choice of “neighbors” plays an important role in preventing the appearance of an unpleasant taste. It’s good if broccoli or Chinese cabbage, dill or celery, asparagus or spinach, radishes or legumes, onions or beets grow next to the cucumber bed.

Cucumber is a delicate plant that quickly responds to changing conditions. Five hot days and warm nights are enough for the harvest amount to increase sharply. If plants are cultivated in the garden, during the sunny season it is necessary to cover them with agrofibre. If this is not possible, you can plant the vegetable in places that are slightly shaded.

You can protect your cucumber bed from temperature changes by using a film to cover the plants at night. This method is used when it is not possible to equip and maintain a greenhouse. This protection will help stop and prevent the production of cucurbitacin, and the cucumber will remain sweet.

watering cucumber

You can prevent the formation of bitterness in fruits by organizing plant feeding. Cucumbers grow especially well in soils enriched with nitrogen. To prevent the appearance of a bitter taste, peat, wood ash, potassium humate and organic additives can be added as fertilizer.

How to remove bitterness from cucumbers

If you do get a harvest whose fruits are very bitter, you can still correct the situation. The easiest and most affordable way is to soak greenhouse cucumbers in water. The time during which the fruits should get wet is at least 12 hours. The water should be cold. You can pickle the crop, since cucurbitacin does not withstand heat treatment.

After the canning process is completed, the bitter taste of the fruits will disappear and they will become tasty.

Housewives have learned to quickly reduce the level of bitter substance. To do this, you need to cut off the tail and peel at the top and quickly rub the cut. This must be done until foam appears. This is an indicator of the removal of cucurbitacin, a substance that causes the bitter taste. The vegetable becomes suitable for preparing salads and other dishes in which the cucumber should not be subjected to heat treatment.

In some cases, the bitterness is contained only in the peel. The bitter skin can be cut off, and only the sweet part should be used for food.

Sometimes it is not possible to eradicate the unpleasant taste. Even bitter fruits can be eaten. Some doctors are confident that the bitterness in cucumbers can prevent such serious diseases as cancer. Such fruits will not bring gastronomic pleasure, but can be beneficial for health.

How to grow a sweet cucumber

Getting a harvest without bitterness is quite possible.To do this you need to follow some simple rules.

  1. The beds must be made in places located to the north of tall crops - this is necessary for access to diffused sunlight.
  2. It is best to plant cucumbers as seedlings in early May.
  3. Before planting, make sure there is no threat of frost.
  4. When preparing a place for planting after the first fertilizing, it is not recommended to water the soil for two weeks.
  5. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil for cucumbers and remove weeds.
  6. It is recommended to water at approximately the same time, if the climate is very hot - twice a day.
  7. It is important that pests do not infest the plants, so inspections should be carried out regularly.
  8. Monitor the condition of the plants: old, diseased leaves must be plucked off in a timely manner.

In some countries, cucumber is considered a fruit - on the dinner table it has equal rights with desserts. Of course, something sweet cannot be bitter, which is why it is so important to monitor the plants and follow all cultivation rules so that the unpleasant bitterness in cucumbers does not overshadow the harvesting process and spoil the taste. By thinking in advance about why cucumbers in a greenhouse are bitter and what to do to prevent this, you can guarantee a high-quality harvest.

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