How to plant and grow cucumbers in 5 liter bottles

Hardworking gardeners are constantly using new technologies for growing vegetable crops. Planting cucumbers in 5 liter bottles saves space in the beds and in the greenhouse, and reduces the time before harvesting the first harvest. The method allows you to receive products a month earlier than usual.

What is it for

Gardeners in small plots try to observe crop rotation. This improves the soil health. But a problem arises: the number of beds is limited. We have to ignore the rules of agronomy.

In greenhouses, completely or partially replacing the soil is hard work. Autumn greening of the soil partially eliminates the negative. But when replanting cucumbers for autumn consumption, it is not possible to improve the soil. Simple technology solves the problems of gardeners.

Planting cucumbers in 5 liter bottles is used:

5 liter bottles

  • in unheated greenhouses;
  • in open ground;
  • on a glazed balcony or loggia.

The results are impressive: the plants are strong and the yield is high. The roots of the bushes are not gnawed by the mole cricket. At an early stage of development, seedlings do not suffer from mosaic disease. Water consumption is reduced.

in open ground

Usually, after the first wave of fruiting, the bushes rest. Summer residents renew the vines and apply fertilizers. Plants require care, take up space, and do not produce fruit. Then the second harvest ripens. It's not that plentiful.

Growing cucumbers in 5 liter bottles allows gardeners to renew fruit-bearing bushes. The first batch is prepared in March, then in April and June. Old plants are composted. Plastic containers are washed and disinfected. The soil is replaced. Labor costs are minimal. Young bushes always delight with an abundance of fruits.

on the balcony and loggia

Bottled cucumbers: growing

Competent gardeners know: plants accumulate harmful substances. Only food containers are suitable for placing cucumbers. General rules for preparing five-liter containers for planting:

  • wash the bottles thoroughly;
  • cut off the top third (leaving a small connection);
  • At a distance of a centimeter from the bottom, use a soldering iron to make holes for water drainage (this perforation serves for subsequent separation of the bottom).

wash the bottles

Cucumbers can also be planted horizontally in five-liter eggplants. The bottle is cut lengthwise. Holes are made at the bottom to drain excess water. Soil is poured into a third. It turns out to be a mini-greenhouse.Disadvantage of the method: the tap root system of the cucumber is easily damaged during transplantation. The plant is sick and does not form ovaries. Fruiting is delayed.

Particular attention must be paid to the soil mixture. Cucumbers are planted in limited plastic containers. During the period of growth and development, the plant consumes nutrients. The soil must be fertile.

drawing diagram

It is ideal to make a mixture of equal parts of humus, turf soil, and sand. Coconut substrate will increase the breathability of the soil. Please note: harmful bacteria and insect larvae may be present in the soil. The substance should be disinfected: pour hot water, pink solution of manganese, copper sulfate.

Growing cucumbers in bottles depends on the quality of the soil. Some gardeners prefer to purchase ready-made compounds. This requires analyzing the components. It is often necessary to supplement the soil with compost and nitrogen fertilizer.

perfect mixture

For small plantings, use a liter container.

How to prepare seeds

Bottled cucumbers are easy to grow. It is important to properly prepare the material for sowing.

Seeds from a reputable manufacturer have undergone preliminary preparation. Some companies treat planting material with a mixture of mineral fertilizers. When water gets in, the glaze dissolves and the seedling receives nutrition.

prepare correctly

Own seeds are planted 2-3 years after harvesting. Cucumbers in five-liter bottles will be healthy if the rules for preparing the material are followed. The gardener should:

  • check germination (place dry seeds in a saturated solution of table salt (2 teaspoons per glass of water): empty ones will float);
  • disinfect suitable ones with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • accelerate germination by pickling in aloe juice, potassium humate (hold for 2 hours);
  • germinate in damp cloth.

in damp cloth

Three seeds are placed in a plastic bottle cut across. After one true leaf appears, weak plants are removed.

With a plastic bottle divided along the length, proceed as follows. Holes are made at a distance of 15 cm. Two seeds are placed in them. After germination, leave one. The plant to be removed is not pulled out, but pinched. Growth stops.

check germination

Secrets of the success of “bottle” technology in open ground

Cucumbers are planted in open ground in two ways:

cover the sprout

  1. Temporarily. Cover the sprout with a bottle with the bottom cut out. It is buried 10 cm into the ground. The plug is not screwed in. Cover with lutrasil (in cold weather). When warm weather sets in, the shelter is removed. A convenient method for summer residents who rarely come.
  2. Seedlings are grown in a greenhouse or at home. Before planting, the bottom of the bottle is cut off along the perforation. The jar, together with a lump of earth, is placed in a dug hole (the soil level must coincide with the internal one). The top third is removed.

Advantages of the method: saving space, water. In case of cold weather, the bed can be easily covered with film or non-woven material.

easy to cover

The disadvantage of growing cucumbers under five-liter bottles in open ground in the second case is limited nutrition. The gardener should constantly fertilize with nitrogen and mineral complexes.

Twine should be placed in the bottles to twist the plant during the growth period. Then you need to remove the top third of the eggplant: it has completed its task.

during the period of growth

How to plant cucumbers under bottles in a greenhouse

You can plant your cucumbers in plastic bottles in greenhouses. This is beneficial: an additional greenhouse is created in a small area. When using warm beds, a heated greenhouse is obtained.

In the area where you plan to grow cucumbers in plastic bottles, you should remove the top layer of soil using a spade. Place rotted horse manure in half with straw. Fill with half the soil. Pour hot water over it and cover with film. After three days, dig in a jar of seeds or seedlings. Cover the top with additional lutrasil.

germination in a greenhouse

Then the gardener continues to grow the stronger bushes in the open ground or leaves them in the greenhouse. The upper third of the container is removed and the lashes are tied up. Harvesting cucumbers is convenient, and fertilizing is easy.

When planting cucumbers under a bottle, it is recommended to monitor the flow of liquid. Combine moderate watering with fertilizing. It is effective to spray nitrogen fertilizers on the leaves.

monitor the fluid

How to grow cucumbers for a summer resident without a dacha

Gardeners without a summer cottage can plant cucumbers using the “bottle” method. To do this, it is enough to have a glazed loggia or an insulated balcony. Parthenocarpic (self-pollinating) varieties and hybrids should be selected.

5 liter bottles need to be divided crosswise. Cut off (not all the way) the top third. Make drainage holes in the bottom. Fill with nutrient soil. Plant prepared seeds (3 pieces per five liters). Deepen by 1.5-2 cm.

cucumbers without garden

When the true leaf appears, leave one plant. Carefully remove the rest. The success of growing cucumbers under plastic bottles depends on proper feeding with organic matter and mineral mixtures. On the balcony, a tropical vegetable grows at low air humidity. The plant needs to be sprayed.

Spider mites love dry air and high temperatures. The leaves should be inspected. If white spots appear on the back side, spray with insecticide. Increase air humidity.

houses in bottles

Cucumbers should be shaded from the bright sun. Form according to the instructions of seed producers. You can use 1.5-2 liter containers. In this case, you should sow one seed at a time.

Growing cucumbers in bottles is convenient and profitable. A gardener without a dacha receives early vegetable production. The balcony is surrounded by tropical vines. A person improves his skills.

 convenient and profitable

Brief conclusions

Every summer resident can grow cucumbers in a bottle. Strict adherence to recommendations and knowledge of the basics of biology guarantee the presence of fresh cucumbers on the table throughout the season.

The grown products taste no different from cucumbers from the garden. The gardener remembers: what fertilizing he did, what he treated the plantings with. Environmental cleanliness is under control.

ecological cleanliness

You can be proud of the plants planted in plastic bottles. The bushes are healthy, the root system is well developed. The applied fertilizers do not spread over the surface, but are digested. Cucumbers delight with an abundance of ovaries and fruits.
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