It's not enough to just grow hazelnuts. How to properly store these nuts so that they do not lose their properties? After all, it is known that this particular variety has the longest shelf life if all the necessary conditions are met. The supply of useful and nutritious substances in nuts does not change for a long time.
Requirements for choosing hazelnuts
Hazelnuts are grown both for personal consumption and for profit. The choice of variety depends on the final goal.As a rule, gardeners give preference to frost-resistant or drought-resistant varieties, and only then pay attention to the characteristics of their fruits.
In varieties with round fruits, the kernels are mainly stored, since when they are split, minimal debris is formed. Nuts contain a lot of vegetable fats and proteins. Varieties with a cone-shaped fruit are usually stored together with the shell. Varieties with oval-shaped nuts are almost never subjected to industrial processing, and at home they are stored in their shells.
Basic recommendations for the storage process
The rules for keeping hazelnuts in storage allow you to preserve vitamins and nutrients for a long time and minimize the risk of spoilage:
- Immediately after harvesting or purchasing the finished product, it is necessary to sort it out and dry it thoroughly.
- If the nuts are dirty, it is recommended to rinse them before drying.
- Those specimens that float up during the washing process can be safely thrown away - they will turn out to be empty in the middle.
- It is recommended to eat the preparations within six months, otherwise the hazelnuts will change their taste characteristics.
- Nuts that are collected and sent for storage, from which the shell is not removed, are placed in fabric or paper bags to ensure good air circulation.
- Hazelnut kernels are stored in closed zip bags, plastic containers or ordinary glass jars covered with a nylon lid, since the presence of air significantly worsens their quality and reduces shelf life.
- You can store hazelnuts at room temperature and average humidity, but under no circumstances should they be exposed to direct sunlight or sudden temperature changes.
- Nut kernels can be stored in their purified form for up to six months, subjected to quick freezing: the product is placed in a container and sent to the freezer. The product must not be re-frozen.
- The shelf life of harvested hazelnuts is extended, and the taste is improved if you send the nuts home to dry, under standard home conditions.
How to store peeled hazelnuts at home
Experts recommend peeling hazelnuts no earlier than an hour before eating. This is explained by the fact that the kernels have the ability to quickly absorb extraneous aromas and moisture, which negatively affects their quality. If the nuts have already been peeled, then they are sent for storage in a dry, tightly closed ceramic or glass container.
Condensation may form in bags or plastic containers, which can lead to the rapid appearance of mold.
It is recommended to store peeled hazelnuts at a temperature of +3 ... +10 ° C and air humidity of 10-15%. Such conditions are considered optimal and ensure a shelf life of the finished product of 4-5 months. The longer shelled hazelnuts are stored, the greater the likelihood that they may go rancid, so it is recommended to consume the nuts as soon as possible.
Features of storing unshelled nuts
Hazelnuts are stored in shells to protect the kernels from external factors and extend shelf life. There are some rules to simplify the procedure and make it as effective as possible, as well as protect the crop from mold infection:
- To store unshelled nuts, prepare fabric bags, avoiding synthetic materials and polyethylene, which interfere with the normal “breathing” of the product, as a result of which it quickly becomes moldy.
- To preserve hazelnuts, select a place with low humidity and temperature, protected from direct sunlight.
- To preserve unshelled nuts for up to 1 year, the air temperature should be maintained at +3...+12 °C, and humidity within 12-14%. At lower temperatures (0...+3 °C), the shelf life of the product increases to several years.
- Hazelnuts should not be stored near substances or products with a strong odor, since the porous structure of nuts allows them to quickly absorb aromas from the environment and reduce their taste characteristics.
- If you place hazelnuts in the refrigerator, they retain their original properties for up to 1 year, but in the freezer this period extends to 3 years.
- It is important that a relatively constant temperature and air humidity level be maintained while storing nuts in storage, otherwise the product may become moldy from condensation.
How long can you store?
It is known that at room temperature, peeled hazelnuts retain their qualities and beneficial properties for up to 2 weeks. In a refrigerator or dry basement, this period increases to 3-4 months, and in a freezer - up to six months.
It is worth noting that the shelf life of hazelnuts is largely determined by the chosen form of storage. In the shell, this period is significantly extended, but peeled nuts quickly lose their taste characteristics and absorb third-party aromas and moisture. If peeled hazelnuts are stored in the refrigerator for only 5-6 months, then in shell this time extends to 9-12 months.
If even small spots of mold were noticed on the nuts, this indicates that they are unsuitable for consumption. Even if you quickly get rid of the mold, the harmful substances will already have time to penetrate deep into the structure of the nut kernel and you can easily become poisoned by such a product. In addition, it will have an unpleasant bitter taste.
You cannot store hazelnuts from different harvests or batches in the same package, and even more so, it is forbidden to mix them with other types of nuts. Do not store hazelnuts in open containers, since the kernels quickly become bitter and gain moisture. Also, a young nut that has not had time to ripen on the tree is not suitable for planting.
A sign of hazelnut quality is a fresh, classic smell. As soon as notes of bitterness or mold begin to be felt in it, then you can no longer eat such nuts. Due to violations of storage conditions, the product loses most of its beneficial components and nutrients, so you must carefully follow all recommendations and not deviate from them. Only in this case can you be sure of the quality and safety of the stored harvest.
Roasted hazelnuts have a short shelf life. If all necessary conditions are met and the temperature is maintained at +3...+12 °C, this period does not exceed 3 months, so it is recommended to cook it in small portions.