Description and characteristics of Hampshire sheep, maintenance rules

The Hampshire sheep breed has certain characteristics. These are semi-fine-fleece animals that belong to the meat-and-wool category. Sheep of this breed are bred in different countries, including Russia. The animals are characterized by a strong build and massive body. It is wide and deep, with rough bones. To raise pets successfully, it is important to properly care for them.

Description and characteristics of the Hampshire sheep

The Hampshire sheep breed belongs to the meat-and-wool category. It was bred in Great Britain.This happened in Wiltshire, Hampshire and other areas in the early nineteenth century. The breed was based on meat rough-wooled and local dark-headed sheep and Southdown animals. As a result, it was possible to obtain large sheep that are distinguished by a wide and deep body. They are hornless. These animals are characterized by high parameters of early maturity and excellent meat forms.

The live weight of rams is 94-104 kilograms, ewes – 58-63. Fertility parameters are 115-130 lambs per 100 queens. From 1 animal it is possible to obtain 7 kilograms of wool. The length of the fur is 7-8 centimeters. It is mainly used for making knitwear. Sheep of this breed are raised in different countries of the world - they have become widespread in the USA, Germany, and Great Britain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sheep that belong to the Hampshire breed are characterized by a number of advantages. The main advantages of animals include the following:

  • excellent parameters for early maturity of lambs;
  • high percentage of wool yield after washing;
  • easy adaptation to different climatic conditions;
  • fast development.

The only disadvantage of animals is considered to be not very high fertility. This disadvantage should be taken into account before starting to raise animals.

Requirements for maintenance and care

Sheep are considered very docile animals, characterized by a pronounced herd instinct. In summer it is recommended to graze them on pastures. During the winter season, animals require an insulated room. It should provide adequate ventilation.

At the same time, there should be no drafts in the room. It is recommended to begin adapting the sheepfold to winter in mid-autumn.Don't put this off until cold weather arrives.

At the same time, it is important to insulate the walls, make a feeding trough, and organize a complete ventilation system. It is important to ensure that the room temperature is at least +6 degrees. During the lambing period, the temperature should be at least +15 degrees.

The weak point of sheep is their hooves. Therefore, it is recommended to make the floor in the room plank. It should be covered with a straw bedding on top. Regular cleaning and trimming of hooves is important. If this is not done, there is a high probability of joint problems.

Hampshire sheep breed


In the summer, problems with feeding sheep usually do not arise if there is a sufficient amount of pasture around. It is recommended to pay special attention to feeding animals in winter. At this time, it is permissible to use rough varieties of feed, which should be prepared in the summer. Sometimes sheep even eat dry leaves, which farmers use as bedding.

To keep sheep calm in winter, they need to be fed 3-4 times a day. In good weather, it is recommended to do this outside. In addition to hay, it is worth using silage and straw for feeding. It is also permissible to include root vegetables in the sheep’s diet. It is advisable to give the sheep food at the same time. Breeding rams require more careful care. You should definitely add oats and potatoes to their food. At the same time, the hay must be of high quality.

How to breed the breed

Lambing for these sheep occurs once a year. It is worth bringing animals together during a hunt, which lasts 18-36 hours. A sheep is capable of giving birth at 6-8 months. However, for the first time it is better to cover it at 1 year.

The gestation period is about 5 months.At this time, sheep need good nutrition and proper care. It is best to carry out fertilization so that the lamb is born in winter. In this case, by the time grazing begins, the cubs will eat greens. This will allow them to gain decent body weight by autumn.

During the second part of pregnancy and lactation, sheep require increased nutrition. However, the diet should not contain sour silage or other products that can provoke fermentation in the body. During pregnancy, sheep should be given the following types of food:

  • hay;
  • roots;
  • compound feed

During the first week, lambs should be fed their mother's milk. Such food fully saturates their body with valuable substances. Already for 2-3 weeks it is permissible to introduce carrots and small hay into the diet. It is also worth giving vitamins to animals. By 4 months, lambs can be grazed on pastures separate from their mother’s.

Hampshire sheep breed

What are they sick with?

To keep sheep from getting sick, they need proper nutrition and certain living conditions. It is important that animals remain well-fed and receive maximum vitamins from food. In summer, sheep are bothered by insects. They not only bite them, but also leave an infection in the damaged areas.

Therefore, the livestock should be systematically inspected for damaged areas. If they are detected, treatment with disinfectants is required - it is better to use iodine.

To avoid the development of various infectious pathologies, vaccination is recommended. It is important to do this under the supervision of a veterinarian.

The Hampshire sheep breed is very popular among farmers. These animals are a source of quality meat and wool. For pets to be productive, they must be properly cared for.A balanced and high-quality diet is of no small importance.
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