Description and characteristics of Karakul breed sheep, breeding rules

Karakul is considered one of the most common breeds of sheep in the world. These animals are raised for wool, milk and meat. Moreover, more often the Karakul breed of sheep is bred precisely to obtain fur, which is cut from the lambs. The wool of young animals is soft and has an attractive appearance, so it is often used in the manufacture of clothing.


Karakul sheep appeared several thousand years ago. The history of this breed is unknown.It is believed that the first representatives of this species appeared in the territory that today belongs to Uzbekistan. It is believed that the breed was developed in Central Asia. The Karakul breed differs from other varieties in that it quickly adapts to new living conditions, tolerates climate change well and demonstrates high endurance.

Selection carried out in Asian countries has brought some changes to the Karakul sheep breed. These animals have a fat tail, which appeared as a result of mixing with fat tail lines.

Appearance and characteristics

Karakul sheep are medium in size. The height at the withers of an adult animal reaches 78 centimeters. Rams weigh 70-75 kilograms, females - over 50 kilograms. Externally, representatives of this breed are distinguished by the following features:

  • pear-shaped and strong body;
  • straight back, but rams develop a hump over time;
  • deep sternum with a bag-like protrusion (not everyone has it);
  • elongated limbs with strong hooves;
  • Long neck;
  • Aquiline nose;
  • S-shaped fat tail.

Karakul breed of sheep

The length of the coat, which becomes tough as it matures, reaches 20 centimeters in adult individuals. The color of 60% of animals is black. But in 25% of cases the fur becomes gray, and in 5% it turns white or pink. It is also noteworthy that the pigmentation of the color lasts up to 1.5 years. Later the fur becomes white.

A characteristic feature of the Karakul breed is that horns develop exclusively in rams.

Types of karakul

There are many types of karakul. The most common are the following:

  1. Valek, or Uzbek karakul.The fur of such animals is thin, with a specific pattern formed by curling hairs. The wool of the Uzbek karakul has no value. Therefore, roller fur is used for mass production of clothing.
  2. Astragan, or Afghan karakul. These sheep have wool that is dense and coarse, with an intense and normal shine. Due to its increased wear resistance, astragan fur is valued on the market.
  3. Swakara, or African doodle. The fur of such animals is tightly twisted into small lumps and is characterized by high strength, lightness and ductility. In this regard, African astrakhan wool is used in the manufacture of various clothes.

Representatives of breeds with a sur color are also considered in demand. This color is found in only 10% of Karakul sheep.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the Karakul breed are the following:

  • ability to quickly adapt;
  • unpretentiousness, both in terms of content and diet;
  • strong skeleton;
  • ability to withstand temperatures up to +40 degrees;
  • high survival rate among young animals with a sharp deterioration in living conditions;
  • lambs' wool is valued in the fur industry;
  • a wide variety of skin colors;
  • Suitable for breeding for meat and milk production.

The Karakul breed does not tolerate high humidity. In such conditions, general indicators decrease: the volume of wool and milk decreases. It is also not recommended to overfeed animals, as this will lead to the reduction of livestock. High humidity provokes similar consequences.

Karakul breed of sheep

Requirements for maintenance and care

It is recommended to keep Karakul sheep in insulated and dry pens with good ventilation.The minimum temperature that animals can tolerate is +6-8 degrees. The room in which the doodles are kept must be disinfected periodically. These animals require regular change of bedding (mainly straw is used).

Doodles require daily walking. At the same time, they can be driven out to pasture only after the dew has dried.

How and what to feed the breed

During the year, the daily diet of Karakul sheep should include:

  • legumes;
  • grass;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • oats, rye, corn or wheat;
  • fresh vegetables or root vegetables;
  • salt.

It is recommended that the winter diet be composed of grains (comprising at least 25% of the volume of complementary foods) and Pancake Day cake (13%). It is also recommended to give salt (1%) and dicalcium phosphate (1%) during this period. It is forbidden to feed adult animals with sour grains, beets and marsh grasses, and young animals with bread.

In addition, sheep need to be provided with free access to clean water (sheep consume up to a liter per day).

Features of breeding Karakul sheep

Puberty in Karakul sheep occurs at 6-8 months, but the first mating is recommended no earlier than 1.5 years. Females are capable of producing up to 130-150 lambs during their lifetime and subject to constant walking on pasture. Mating is carried out during the hunting period. The latter manifests itself in the form of aggressive behavior, swelling and redness of the genitals, and the release of characteristic fluids. Moreover, this period lasts no more than two days. Mating is recommended to be carried out no more than once a year.

If the animal is healthy, then childbirth takes place without human intervention. Each lamb appears approximately 15 minutes apart.1-1.5 weeks before birth (occurs 5 months after fertilization), it is necessary to prepare a separate room for the female.

Karakul breed of sheep

Frequent illnesses

Doodles have strong immunity, so they get sick mainly due to non-compliance with the rules of keeping them. In particular, young animals experience digestive disorders. Infectious diseases are not typical for doodles. However, this breed is not fully protected from the development of rabies, brucellosis, tuberculosis and other infectious pathologies.

Breeding areas

The Karakul breed is bred in 50 countries around the world. Mostly these animals are kept in regions with a warm and dry climate: in Central Asia, Ukraine and the USA. Doodle farms are also found in Europe and Africa.
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