How long to wait for lambing of a pregnant sheep and how childbirth takes place at home

Sheep lambing has many features. In order to promptly notice the onset of labor, it is important to take into account the animal’s behavior and a number of external signs. This will help to carry out preparatory measures and, if necessary, provide assistance to the female. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications. They can negatively affect the newborn lamb and the ewe itself. In such a situation, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian.

What is birth called in a sheep?

The birth of a sheep is called lambing or lambing. In this case, the process of bearing offspring was called “suyagnostvo”. These periods have a number of features. In general, lambing cannot be considered very difficult. In most cases, females do not require human assistance. However, pregnancy cannot be left to chance. You need to prepare for the birth of babies.

How many lambs does a ewe bear and give birth to at a time?

Typically, birth occurs 146 days after mating. This means that pregnancy lasts 5 months. However, sometimes lambing occurs earlier or later than the specified period. This is influenced by the quality of food and the health of the animal.

With an unbalanced diet, the fetus develops slowly. As a result, births occur later. A similar situation is observed with weakening health. Therefore, during pregnancy, sheep must be given mineral supplements. These include table salt, crushed chalk, and bone meal.

Not only the duration of pregnancy, but also the number of lambs depends on nutrition. This indicator is also influenced by the characteristics of the breed and the health of the female. On average, sheep give birth to 2 lambs. Sometimes 3 babies can be born. Certain breeds are characterized by increased productivity. Thus, Romanov sheep are capable of giving birth to 5 viable individuals.


Animal behavior before lambing

Before the onset of labor, the sheep behaves restlessly. She begins to move around the paddock a lot and constantly look around. The animal’s appetite also worsens. Immediately before lambing, the ewe constantly gets up and lies down.

Preparatory activities

Preparation for childbirth should begin in advance. 1 month before the expected lambing, it is recommended to trim the hair around the udder.2 weeks before lambing, the sheep are moved to a separate room. It should be warm and spacious. It is important to ensure that there are no drafts. Adequate illumination is of great importance. There must be at least 2.5 square meters of area per individual.

It is recommended to clean the room, ventilate it, treat it with disinfectants, and place a dry bedding on the floor.

For a successful birth during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to monitor the lamb’s nutrition and drinking regime. It is important to give her food that is easy to digest. The sheep needs to be watered 2 times a day.


The lambing process and how to deliver a baby

If a ewe gives birth at home, she may need help. That’s why it’s so important to familiarize yourself with the main stages of labor. At the first stage of lambing, the uterine os opens. Under the influence of uterine contractions, the amniotic sac moves into the birth canal. This stage lasts 1-2 hours. At the same time, contractions intensify and become more frequent, the udder and labia become bright red and become very swollen.

Towards the end of this phase, a bubble emerges from the vagina, it ruptures, after which the water breaks. A sheep licks amniotic fluid. After this, the next phase begins. It is called expulsion of the fetus and lasts 5-50 minutes. At this moment, the sheep's contractions become more frequent. At the same time, she makes rhythmic movements with the animal.

At this stage, a lamb can be seen from the burst bubble. During the normal course of the process, it should come out with the forelimbs and head. In the intervals between contractions, the lamb rises, sniffs and licks the amniotic fluid.When the front hooves and head come out, the baby falls out and the umbilical cord breaks.

After the lamb is born, the female cleans its nose of mucous masses and amniotic membrane, and then licks it completely. Contact between mother and calf is considered an important aspect of lambing. If there is more than one cub, after 10-45 minutes the female gives birth to a second one. Since the birth canal is already open, the fetal expulsion stage begins immediately. After a certain time, the remaining amniotic membrane comes out. After another 4-6 hours the afterbirth comes out. At this point lambing is completed.

When one baby is born, labor lasts, on average, 5-9 hours, and when two babies are born, it lasts 6-10 hours. With a larger number of lambs, the process can last 10-18 hours.

To assist in giving birth to a sheep, it is recommended to prepare the following:

  • towels;
  • iodine;
  • hot water;
  • sharp scissors - they must be sterile.


Human assistance is required if the lambs emerge backwards. In this situation, it is important to remove the baby's head from the amniotic sac as quickly as possible. Otherwise he may suffocate. If the lamb comes out sideways, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

The sheep needs help if the umbilical cord has not come off. In this situation, it is recommended to disinfect the scissors with iodine and trim it. This should be done 8-10 centimeters from the lamb’s belly. Then it is recommended to clear the baby’s nose of mucus. This is done with a cloth soaked in water. It is also acceptable to use a baby suction for mucus. This procedure is required if the female did not do this herself.

What to do after lambing a sheep

After the sheep has lambed, no special actions should be taken. Within a few days after giving birth, the female recovers on her own.In this case, it is recommended to take the lambs away from their mother, since she can behave unpredictably. Cubs can only be allowed near their mother for feeding. Babies should eat every 3 hours.

If several lambs were born from different sheep, it is permissible to keep them in the same room. The female can find her cub by smell.

It is recommended to closely monitor the condition of the sheep for several days after lambing. Even with normal labor there is a risk of complications. Most often, postpartum paresis occurs. This pathology can provoke the death of the animal.


You can stop monitoring 8 days after lambing. During this time, fluid is released from the genitals. This is considered a variant of the norm. If the process continues for more than a week, this indicates damage to the genital organs. It is worth considering that in the first time after lambing, the female is reluctant to go for a walk and does not want to graze. This is due to anxiety due to the lack of lambs. But after a while it goes away.

What complications can there be?

Sometimes there are situations when a sheep cannot give birth on its own. This is usually observed when the baby is positioned feet first. In such a situation, it is better to involve a specialist. If this is not possible, you must give birth yourself.

It is recommended to wash your hands well before attempting to help the sheep. Then you should rupture the amniotic sac, release the fluid and unwrap the baby. It is important to carry out this procedure with extreme caution.

Another problem after lambing may be a lack of milk. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the cubs with milk from another sheep. If this is not possible, cow's milk must be used.However, it is important to consider that it is less nutritious. Therefore, it is recommended to use more product. To monitor the development of lambs, it is worth keeping a weight gain chart.

Expert advice

In order for a sheep’s pregnancy to proceed safely and end with the birth of healthy offspring, it is recommended to pay attention to its diet. It must contain a sufficient amount of mineral supplements.

It is also important to notice the onset of labor in a timely manner. This will help provide assistance to the animal. If complications occur, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

Lambing of a sheep has a number of features. For childbirth to be successful, it is important to properly prepare for it. If necessary, it is necessary to provide the female with timely assistance. Equally important is proper care after lambing.
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