Gardeners have recently become interested in planting exotic trees. They are also engaged in the propagation of garden peach. The fruits have excellent taste. They are grown by seed and vegetative methods: cuttings, layering, grafting. Each method has positive and negative sides. Having little experience, gardeners, using the grafting method, improve taste and obtain various fruits from one tree.
Features of breeding peaches
Peach is a heat-loving plant. The planting site is chosen to be sunny, protected from northern winds.The culture loves well-drained soil and does not tolerate waterlogged, acidified soils. When choosing a seedling, the region is taken into account. Trees take root better in the area where they are cultivated.
Peaches are planted in spring and autumn. In warm regions, seedlings are planted in the fall. The root system is trimmed, the above-ground part is not touched. The plant manages to adapt before the onset of frost. In the spring they actively begin to grow. If planting was done in the spring, then use breathable material and protect it from scorching sun rays. The soil is kept moist.
Spring planting is carried out in areas with a long spring. The earth needs to warm up. The optimal temperature is 12-15 degrees. The top of the seedlings is cut to 80 centimeters, the side shoots are trimmed by 1/3, and the root system is trimmed.
After planting, peaches require care: watering, fertilizing, crown formation, sanitary pruning. Also fight against diseases and pests. For protection purposes, preventive measures are taken.
Peach propagation methods
Peach trees are propagated by seed, vegetatively: by air layering, grafting, orchard peach cuttings.
Seed method
Planting material is taken freshly collected. Seed germination lasts 1 year. When sowing in spring, seed stratification is required for 3 months.
The peach pit is dipped into water. The solution is changed every day. After 5 days, the seed is freed from the shell and planted in open ground at a distance of 10 centimeters from the fence, depth - 7. The soil is dug up and fertilized before planting. The plantings are covered with a layer of grass.
Shoots will appear in the spring. Throughout the season, seedlings are periodically watered, fed, weeds are removed, and diseases and pests are controlled. The young plant stretches 1.5 meters over the summer, and side shoots appear.
In autumn, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. Prepare a pit 40x40x40 centimeters. The size guide is the root system of the seedling. A flat plate is driven into the hole. Used as protection against burns.
The bottom is covered with a layer of drainage (15 centimeters): sand, crushed stone. A layer of fertile soil is poured on top. Straighten the root, sprinkle the trunk to 2/3 of the depth. Spill water. As soon as the liquid goes into the ground, the trunk is sprinkled with the next layer. The root collar should protrude 3-4 centimeters above ground level. The bush is watered again and covered with a layer of mulch. With the seed method, fruits will appear in 5-6 years.
Peach propagation is carried out using green, lignified cuttings. The branches are harvested in the morning, in cloudy weather. Green cuttings are placed immediately in water. To ensure rooting is successful, use a root formation stimulator: honey, Heteroauxin, succinic acid.
Branches with 3-4 leaves are planted in the substrate so that they stand. Leaves are cut in half. Cover the cuttings with jars. Cuttings are planted at home. For successful rooting it is necessary to carry out the following actions:
- keep in a bright place, protect from direct sunlight;
- maintain the soil temperature at 18-25 degrees;
- maintain humidity. To do this, pour water into the pan. As soon as rooting occurs, the amount of water in the pan is reduced. The appearance of new leaves will be a signal that the cuttings have taken root;
- periodically ventilate the cuttings;
- keep the substrate moist but not wet.
After rooting, the containers are taken out into the garden and buried in the ground. The planting site should be shaded or “openwork”. The cuttings are watered as needed.After 30 days, they take it out with a clod of earth and plant it in a permanent place. The planting site is prepared in advance: it is dug up and organic fertilizer is added.
A positive result of propagation by grafting is obtained if certain requirements are met:
- take into account the compatibility of the rootstock and scion;
- the air temperature does not drop below +5 degrees during vaccination;
- select the maturation time of the rootstock and scion;
- The rootstock should be in a state of sap flow before grafting, the scion, on the contrary, should be at rest.
Wild plum and felt cherry are chosen as a rootstock. Seedlings for rootstock are suitable at 1-2 years of age. Cuttings are harvested in the fall, 35-40 centimeters long, with 2-3 buds. The lower part is immersed in water and sand until spring. Storage location: basement.
Successful grafting depends on the oblique cut. The steam is cut at an angle. Cannot be corrected. To do this, prepare a sharp knife. The length should be three times the diameter of the cuttings. The scion and rootstock are connected and wrapped with plastic film.
After 30 days, the branch is cut above the graft. The procedure stimulates kidney growth. As soon as the cutting grows to 20 centimeters, the bandage is removed.
Air layering
To propagate peach in the countryside by air layering, choose a strong branch. Age – 2-3 years, thickness – about a pencil. A specimen that is half lignified is selected. On the selected branch, a layer of bark is cut off in the form of a ring. Fruit buds above the cut are removed. Place the bottle upside down. Pour the substrate: moss, sawdust, soil. The incision is placed one third of the bottle from the bottom. The structure is secured with improvised means.
You should monitor the importance of the substrate and water it periodically.As soon as the roots appear, the structure is dismantled and the peach is transplanted to a permanent place.
Which method should I choose?
Propagating peach by seed does not require any special skills. The trees grow hardy and are disease resistant. Disadvantage - they do not always inherit maternal characteristics; the harvest will take place in 5-6 years.
When taken from cuttings, peaches begin to bear fruit earlier (2-3 years) and retain their maternal characteristics. The disadvantage is the stringent growing requirements.
Grafting increases yield, improves quality, and increases fruit size. One tree bears different types and fruits. Rare varieties are also preserved. The disadvantage is the high requirements for the selection of scion and rootstock.
The layering method allows you to get fruits in 3-4 years and does not require special skills.
The choice of propagation method is influenced by factors: preservation of maternal characteristics, obtaining a quick harvest, growing several species on one tree, excellent taste.
What varieties should be propagated?
Preference is given to zoned varieties.
- In central Russia, the Belgorod and Dnieper varieties are famous.
- In the southern regions, the Juicy, Reliable, White variety has taken root.
- Among the early ripening varieties, low, spreading trees are popular: White Swan, Redhaven.
- Mid-season varieties: Collins, Zolotaya Moskva, Sibiryak, Kremlevsky.
- Among the columnar peaches, the variety Golden Triumph and Anniversary of the Capital are propagated.