The Japanese have long appreciated the benefits and harms of daikon radish, because people of the East know how to use the healing properties of plants, including them in their daily diet. This root vegetable is present as an ingredient in many Chinese and Korean dishes. Eastern people are practical, they use not only the white pulp of the radish, they use everything: tops, roots, leaves.
Composition and nutritional value
The beneficial properties of radish are determined by their nutritional value, taste, and nutrient composition. It’s not for nothing that nutritionists value daikon: radish fully meets the body’s physiological needs for proteins and carbohydrates, and there are no fats in the pulp.
On a note. 100 g of daikon pulp contains 1.2 g of protein, 4.1 g of carbohydrates and only 21 kcal. When protein is broken down, 5 Kcal is released, carbohydrates - 16 Kcal.
In percentage terms, the energy value of radish can be expressed in numerical terms: carbohydrates 77.4%, proteins 22.6%. Its biochemical composition:
- cellulose;
- enzymes;
- pectins;
- phytoncides;
- microelements;
- vitamins.
When developing diets for weight loss, nutritionists take into account the low calorie content of the vegetable and the complex of useful components included in its composition.
Useful properties of daikon
Radish is good for health for people of any age. Daikon has valuable medicinal properties:
- The potassium it contains has a positive effect on heart function and reduces swelling;
- complex of B vitamins normalizes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, regulates insulin production;
- iron serves to prevent anemia and is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
- vitamin C protects against colds, stimulates the immune system;
- the root contains iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland;
- Phosphorus is necessary for a person for active brain activity, the formation of bones, teeth, its amount in 100 g of pulp is 28 mg;
- enzymes help digest food containing starch;
- the phytoncides contained in the pulp have a bactericidal effect;
- Pectins lower cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood.
Eating raw radish helps cleanse the body of harmful toxins and waste. This is facilitated by cleansing the intestines with fiber.By ridding the body of harmful substances, radishes reduce the load on the liver. Scientists have found a unique anti-cancer agent in the vegetable - isorodanoic acid, so consuming the root vegetable serves as a prevention of cancer.
General benefit
Analysis of the composition helps to understand how radish is useful for humans. Its use has general benefits for all people:
- strengthens the immune system;
- reduces excitability, calms the nervous system;
- helps to get rid of excess weight;
- cleanses the body (kidneys, liver, intestines).
Doctors recommend including root vegetables in the diet of people over 50 years of age. With age, the condition of blood vessels worsens and cholesterol levels increase. The antioxidants contained in radish facilitate the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Selenium (Se) is especially useful for older people, because over the years its content in the body naturally decreases. Regular consumption of daikon reduces the risk of cancer. Selenium helps prevent cancer:
- digestive system;
- prostate;
- colon;
- uterus.
Selenium is actively involved in the formation of cartilage in the spine and joints. This element is necessary in the treatment of osteochondrosis. By consuming root vegetables, people compensate for calcium deficiency and prevent the development of osteoporosis. Eating dishes with Japanese radish contributes to the overall health of the body, and the protein lysozyme accelerates the recovery process from influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. It has been proven that the vegetable is equally beneficial for both women and men.
What is useful for women
Most women care not only about health, they are no less concerned about their appearance. Daikon is useful during fasting days and weight loss diets.When adding radish to the diet for a long time, weight loss occurs, and the juice of the root vegetable cleanses the female body of toxins and promotes better breakdown of fat.
During pregnancy, women are allowed to eat daikon raw; it has diuretic properties, helps get rid of edema, alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis, and replenishes calcium deficiency.
What is useful for men
In eastern countries, the root vegetable is considered an aphrodisiac. Men who eat fresh, canned, or pickled radishes do not complain about potency. The medicinal properties of daikon promote men's health, improve blood flow in the genital area, reduce the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system, and speed up their treatment.
For men who lead a healthy lifestyle, daikon dishes help them stay in shape, control weight, and avoid overeating. It is useful to consume the root vegetable for men prone to obesity, those who move little, spend a lot of time at the computer or driving a car.
Using daikon
Fresh root vegetables bring more benefits to the human body; they are used in cosmetology and are included in folk recipes for many diseases.
In folk medicine
Grated daikon is used to treat minor mechanical damage to the skin: abrasions, cracks. The crushed radish mass is applied to the damaged surface and fixed with a bandage. Apply grated daikon mixed with honey and water externally: 3 parts radish, 2 parts honey, 1 part water. This rubbing helps with radiculitis and rheumatism, reduces pain.
In old age, the lives of many people are complicated by atherosclerosis. It is enough to include radish salad in the menu to reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. The daily consumption rate is no more than 150 g.
To reduce blood sugar levels, take daikon juice daily. Daily norm – 6 tbsp. l. in three doses after meals. Squeezed radish juice can be stored in an airtight container for no more than a day. To improve bowel function, it is enough to drink juice at night; it acts as a mild laxative. The problem of constipation can be solved without the use of pills.
In cosmetology
Intestinal problems affect the condition of facial skin. Rashes, poor color, increased dryness or oiliness are signs of poor bowel function. To treat the skin, Japanese radish juice is prepared and rubbed on the face. Possible results from using daikon juice:
- disappearance of age spots;
- pore cleaning;
- removal of inflammation;
- reduction in the number of fine wrinkles;
- improvement of complexion.
External use of radish juice is no less effective than when taken orally. Daikon face masks enhance the healing effect of the fruit on the skin. To prepare the root vegetable, grate it on a fine grater (50 g), mix with olive oil (1 tsp). The mass is applied to clean facial skin and washed off after 20 minutes. To rejuvenate the skin, use a daikon mask containing honey. To prepare it, use the pulp of a medium-sized root vegetable mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey.
In cooking
There has been an increase in the popularity of daikon among chefs around the world. The more experienced the cook, the more skillfully the root vegetable is used. Bitterness is distributed unevenly in the pulp: the tops have more of it, the middle part is sweeter. This is taken into account when preparing Asian dishes.
Important! Fresh salad is healthy; it loses most of its healing properties 30 minutes after preparation.
Many people will find this hearty recipe for daikon salad with boiled chicken useful. For 200 g of radish you need:
- 150 g poultry meat;
- 2 pcs. tomatoes;
- 2 pcs. cucumbers;
- greens (basil, cilantro, mint).
You need to season with unsweetened yogurt, you will need 4 tbsp. l. Vegetables (daikon radish, cucumber) are cut into strips, the meat is separated into fibers by hand, the tomatoes are cut into thin slices, the greens are chopped. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with unsweetened yogurt.
Easy-to-make spring vitamin salads are prepared from several vegetables, and the combinations with daikon can be very different. Many people like the taste of radish flavored with sesame seeds. The dish includes the following products:
- daikon – 300 g;
- white sesame – 2 tbsp. l;
- dill;
- green onion;
- parsley;
- cucumbers – 2 pcs. (not large).
For dressing you will need olive oil (3 parts) and soy sauce (1 part).
The cooking process will not take much time. Daikon can be thinly sliced or grated using a coarse grater. Cucumbers are cut into slices, dill and onions are chopped. Place everything in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and season with a mixture of sauce and butter.
In just 15 minutes you can prepare a side dish of daikon. For a dieter, it will be an excellent substitute for fried potatoes. The dish turns out tasty and low in calories.
On a note. When heat treated, the bitterness from the radish pulp disappears.
Product consumption for 1 serving of side dish:
- daikon radish – 350 g;
- bacon – 7 g;
- vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l;
- seasonings to taste (pepper, salt);
- greens (parsley).
Daikon is cut into small pieces and fried in oil until translucent for 10 minutes over medium heat. At the end of cooking, sprinkle the radish garnish with chopped bacon cubes and chopped parsley. The dish is consumed hot.
In dietary nutrition
Overweight people need to eliminate high-calorie foods from their diet and replace them with healthy, low-calorie vegetables. Nutritionists encourage the consumption of root vegetables containing fiber.
To cleanse the body of toxins, drink radish juice. It is recommended to drink ½ glass of a freshly prepared drink after dinner, while achieving positive results:
- removal of excess fluid from the body;
- weight loss;
- purgation;
- reducing bad cholesterol levels.
It is important to drink a smoothie made from fresh cucumbers, radish juice, and parsley.
Harm of daikon
Consuming daikon radish in moderation is not harmful. Unpleasant sensations in the form of bloating are possible when overeating. There are contraindications for people with the following diseases:
- stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
- individual intolerance;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- stones in the bile ducts.
It is necessary to observe the measure for patients with gout and with a diagnosis of urolithiasis. Signs of overeating daikon: flatulence, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
How to choose Japanese radish
When choosing radishes, you need to analyze the condition of the tops. Fresh, green tops are a sign of a high-quality root crop. The daikon peel should be smooth, without dents or bulges, and the flesh should be dense, elastic, and heavy.
Growing daikon on the site
In Japan daikon grown on an industrial scale. When growing radishes in the country, you need to follow simple rules:
- prepare the soil (the root crop grows well in loose soil);
- observe crop rotation (do not plant after cruciferous crops);
- sow seeds from late June to mid-July;
- organize regular and abundant watering.
Important. With rare watering, the size of the daikon is small and the flesh is dry.
Radishes can be grown in regions where summers are cool. In temperate climates, vegetable growers manage to collect giant specimens.
Collection and storage
Radishes should be stored at a temperature no higher than 5 °C. The cellar or vegetable compartment of the refrigerator is suitable for this purpose. Compliance with the recommended temperature conditions guarantees the protection of fruits from white rot and extends the shelf life. Harvesting begins 1.5-2 months after planting. The exact timing depends on the radish variety planted. Work is carried out in dry weather. Only healthy radish fruits without signs of rot or mechanical damage are lowered into the cellar.