How to properly freeze pumpkin at home for the winter

Housewives often have the problem of how to freeze pumpkin for the winter at home. If you doubt whether you can freeze pumpkin, you should take into account the advice of experienced gardeners. Of course, it is possible and necessary to prepare and freeze pumpkin for the winter, the main thing is to do it according to the recommendations of experienced craftsmen.

general information

Pumpkin is a fruit that can be perfectly preserved without spoiling for up to 20 months. To do this, it is enough to properly stack the crop after harvesting it in the cellar for the winter.But only when the vegetable arrives for storage in perfect condition. If the peel has cracks, scratches, or a stem is missing, the pumpkin will never last long. This also applies to those varieties that are not intended for long-term storage.

Another problem associated with storing pumpkin at home is that the vegetable often reaches a lot of weight and volume. A large fruit is difficult to use at one time, and after lying in the refrigerator in cut form, it quickly loses its valuable properties.

In such cases, the problem arises - how to preserve the pumpkin for the winter? The best modern way is to freeze. Many believe that after freezing the fruit will lose most of its vitamins, especially carotene, which it is so rich in.

There are also housewives who are sure that after storing in the freezer, the pulp becomes tasteless, almost inedible.

There are several simple solutions with a simple algorithm of actions. To understand how to freeze pumpkin, it is important to decide in advance how this semi-finished product will be used in the future:

chopped pumpkin

  • For children or filling for pies, frozen puree is suitable;
  • for side dishes - freezing blanched pieces of pulp;
  • for pancakes and casseroles - grated;
  • The most universal way is to freeze it raw into cubes.

Let's consider each option in more detail.

DIY freezing process

To prepare for the winter you will need:

  • cutting board;
  • sharp knife;
  • plastic containers for purees (special containers, dairy product jars or regular plastic cups);
  • plastic bags (regular or with a slider).

pumpkin preparation

When everything you need is at hand, you need to process the vegetable before storing it for long-term storage.

Preparation of raw materials

To better preserve frozen pumpkin at home in winter, you need to choose ripe fruits of an oblong oval shape of nutmeg varieties with bright orange juicy pulp. Selected specimens should be washed under running water, blotted with a napkin and left to lie until completely dry, then peeled from hard skin.

The most convenient way to clean it is to cut off the tops, place the vegetable horizontally on the table and remove the skin with a sharp knife. The pumpkin, cut into two parts, is thoroughly cleaned of seeds and inedible core.

It is recommended to chop the pulp into large pieces and dry it in the oven, which will make the mass sweeter, tastier and less watery, which will help significantly save space in the freezer. The seeds do not need to be thrown away, but can also be dried in the oven. The result is a tasty and healthy treat.

Freeze as puree

The vegetable is cut into medium-sized pieces. The peel is not cut off. Place on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. Bake on low heat for about an hour. Check readiness by piercing the pieces with a fork. If the pulp is well baked, it becomes soft.

The baked vegetable is easily separated from the peel. The fruit is peeled and blended in a blender until the consistency of a thick, homogeneous puree. Place in portions into pre-prepared containers, cover with cling film (if there are no lids) and put in a freezer for freezing.

This method is useful for those who have small children. Using this method, pumpkin is usually frozen for baby food and even for preparing first complementary foods, combining the product with other vegetable mixtures.

Freezing after blanching

This method will help to optimally preserve the taste of pumpkin and all its nutritional properties.When using this method, the vegetable does not need to be peeled. Selected specimens are cut into pieces, then blanched in boiling water for 3 - 4 minutes. Then they are immersed in very cold water for about the same time. For convenience, these manipulations can be performed by placing the raw materials in a colander. The main thing is to let the water drain after blanching.

pumpkin in bags

Then the semi-finished product is laid out on a tray so that the individual parts do not touch each other, otherwise they may stick together, and the pumpkin is left in the freezer. You can simply lay cellophane on the bottom of the freezer compartment and put the pieces there. After freezing, they are carefully packaged in portions in bags and the pumpkin is sent back to the freezer for winter storage.

Freezing after grating

The vegetable is cut into medium-sized pieces, which are then grated on a large or medium grater. The prepared mass is spooned into bags, leaving a small amount of air. The bags are slightly squeezed to make them flatter and placed in the freezer.

Pumpkin frozen in this way is usually used for casseroles, soups, as a filling for pumpkin pie, and even cooked in jelly.

Freezing in pieces

How to properly freeze pumpkin cut into pieces? It is necessary to cut the fruit into bars and cubes - their size depends on what dish the semi-finished product is intended for:

frozen in pieces

  • if you intend to use the blank for filling when baking, cut it into smaller pieces;
  • if the pumpkin is intended for boiling, use larger pieces.

It should be taken into account that the chopped pieces of pumpkin that are supposed to be stored together should be approximately the same size. Then they are laid out on some kitchen surface and allowed to dry a little from excess moisture.Pre-freeze in the same way as blanched pumpkin. Then they are packaged in single-use bags.

The bags are lightly pressed, giving them a flat shape, and placed in the freezer. This method is perfect for preparing various milk porridges - rice, millet and even semolina.

Tips for housewives

Frozen pumpkin should not be thawed before cooking. It is enough to add the required portion to the prepared dish. This will help minimize the loss of valuable substances contained in the vegetable and preserve its taste.

It is recommended that when storing pumpkin in the freezer, write the date of freezing on each package of frozen food. This way you will know when the products expire. You can sign that this is a pumpkin, so as not to be confused with frozen carrots - in the form of semi-finished products, these vegetables are very similar.


Freezing pumpkin is a great storage method if you don't have a basement. This will help diversify the menu, making the diet more healthy in winter, when the body experiences an acute shortage of vitamins. Pumpkin pulp is actively used in cosmetology: various masks are made on its basis for rejuvenating facial skin. It’s worth stocking up on such a valuable product for future use, using the secrets of how to properly store pumpkin for the winter.
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