In addition to edible russula, there are also poisonous mushrooms that have a similar structure and are similar in appearance. Their leg has the shape of a cylinder of a white or yellowish tint. The skin on the cap is easy to clean. Young russulas have dense flesh, while old ones crumble and crumble. Mushrooms are collected in coniferous and birch forests, but they do not grow under artificial conditions. Before looking for a recipe for making salted russula, you need to know which ones you can use and which ones are easy to poison.
- What types of russula are suitable for pickling?
- Preparing mushrooms for pickling
- How to salt mushrooms at home
- Hot method
- Cold way
- Classic recipe for pickling mushrooms
- Quick procurement method
- Dry salting
- Russula for the winter in jars with cilantro
- With bird cherry
- With cumin
- In oil
- With ginger
- How to store it correctly
Varieties of these lamellar mushrooms, and there are about 60 of them in Russia, have a cap that looks like a hemisphere, but over time it acquires a bell-shaped and flat shape.
What types of russula are suitable for pickling?
Representatives of different varieties of the lamellar genus differ in the color of their caps. In the most delicious mushrooms it has a light green and grayish color, but the pale toadstool has the same shade.
These russulas must be collected extremely carefully.
Red cap mushrooms tend to be bitter, but the bitter taste disappears when soaked in salt water for 3 or 4 hours. If it has a swampy tint, it is better not to take russula - a person will not get poisoned by eating it, but he will not get pleasure either.
Bright red mushrooms that smell like fruit should not be cut off - they contain poison. Russulas with yellowish and pink caps have neither taste nor aroma. There is no need to waste time preparing dishes from these mushrooms.
The bluish or brown color often causes concern, but the blues, as they are called, are prized for their walnut aroma, and dishes made from them are incomparable.
Preparing mushrooms for pickling
The processing time and the best option for canning or pickling depend on the type of russula. Hot salting is not suitable for all representatives of the lamellar genus. This cooking method is suitable for mushrooms that are not very bitter, but are soaked for 12 hours.
All types of russula can be pickled using the cold method, but they are left in water for a day, changing the liquid 6 times. It is recommended to resort to dry pickling if the mushrooms have not released juice and there is no burning aftertaste or bitterness. These russulas are soaked for no more than 5 hours, and this is not at all necessary.
Lamellar representatives of the forest break and are damaged when cleared of needles, sand, and leaves. Having collected the mushrooms in a basket or enamel bucket, place them in a basin or bowl filled with warm water.
After 15 minutes, remove any remaining pine needles or soil from the russula with a toothbrush. After this, they are washed under the tap and soaked.
How to salt mushrooms at home
After walking through the forest and collecting the crop, which is cut with a knife without touching the mycelium, they choose the appropriate option for harvesting russula. Such gifts of nature are marinated, fried, and salted.
Hot method
Lamellar mushrooms are salted, immediately placed in jars, stored not under tin, but under nylon lids in a cellar, cold basement. Soaked in spices, they acquire a unique taste. For hot salting you will need:
- salt – 4 liters;
- dill - 5 umbrellas;
- garlic – 3 cloves;
- a kilogram of bruises;
- allspice – 20 peas;
- bay leaf – 7 pieces;
- sunflower oil.
Mushrooms that have been washed and cleared of sand or soil should be soaked for an hour in salted water, transferred to a saucepan, where they should be cooked, removing foam, for 20 minutes. After this, the russula should be laid out in layers in sterile jars along with spices so that the caps are at the bottom, compacted and poured with sunflower oil on top.
Some housewives add cherry leaves and cloves during cooking. The mushrooms turn out to be very appetizing and surprise with their fruity aroma.
Cold way
Russulas are placed in cool water for 18 hours, and another 6 are soaked, adding salt in a proportion of 100 grams to 5 liters. Place at the bottom of the jar currant leaves. The mushrooms should be placed caps up in equal layers, divided into 10 parts, pour 2 tablespoons of salt into each, add garlic and dill.A liter of ordinary water is poured into a jar of russula, covered with gauze, and a plate with pressure is placed. The workpiece is stored in a basement or cellar under a nylon lid.
For cold salting use:
- mushrooms – 5 kilograms;
- salt – 500 grams;
- garlic – from 10 to 15 cloves;
- currant leaves - 5 or 6 pieces;
- water - liter.
After 2 weeks, you can already try the russula. Using this method, mushrooms were prepared for the winter back in the days of Ancient Rus'. They were not placed in jars, but in a wooden barrel.
Classic recipe for pickling mushrooms
Preparations cannot be made from gall, purple, or bright red russula. They are not poisonous, but are too bitter and pungent and have an unpleasant odor. The best ones for pickling are bruises, which have a sweetish taste and white flesh. To use the classic recipe, you need to select the following ingredients:
- salt – 3 tablespoons;
- mushrooms – 2 kilograms;
- cherry leaves - 8 pieces;
- garlic – 5 cloves;
- pepper – 10 peas;
- dill - a bunch;
The russula should be washed, debris removed and boiled. Then you need to sterilize a 3-liter jar. 15 grams of salt are poured onto the bottom and clean, dry and dried leaves are placed, and mushrooms are added on top. Each layer is seasoned with spices and salted, the workpiece is covered with bay and cherry leaves, gauze and a bag of water or any other weight is placed. After 10 days, the pickling can be eaten.
Quick procurement method
In just one day, the plate-like representatives produce a snack that will appeal to both family members and guests. Russulas grow all summer, in any forest; they are much easier to find than boletus or saffron milk caps. For quick preparation, you will need a kilogram of bruises or other edible types of mushrooms. Additional Ingredients:
- black pepper – 4 peas;
- salt – 1 large spoon;
- onion – 1 piece;
- sunflower oil (unrefined);
- dill.
Fresh russulas are washed with water to remove stuck leaves and needles. Clean mushrooms are cut, put into pieces in a bowl, salted, mixed and pepper is added. The container is covered with a plate on top and pressure is placed on it. After a day, you need to drain the released liquid, season the russula with onions, sunflower oil and dill. Mushrooms cooked in such a short time can only be kept in the refrigerator for a week.
Dry salting
Russulas, whose caps are green-blue in color, are not washed before cooking. They are not bitter at all, do not have a burning taste, and do not require soaking. To use dry salting, you only need 3 ingredients:
- mushrooms – kilogram;
- crystal salt - glass;
- dill seeds – 2 tablespoons.
Cooking consists of several stages, which are easy for novice housewives to master:
- Russulas are wiped with a wet cloth, the lower part of the stem is cut off, and the caps are cleaned.
- Mix coarse salt with dill.
- The mushrooms are placed in a ceramic or glass bowl, heads down, and covered with the prepared mixture. The semi-finished product must be covered with gauze or a napkin and a weight placed on top. The container with russula should be left in the refrigerator for several weeks.
You can please your family with a crispy snack and serve it along with other dishes at the holiday table. Thanks to the large amount of salt, forest products are well stored, have an attractive appearance, and an amazing taste.
Russula for the winter in jars with cilantro
Lamellar representatives are combined with any herbs - parsley, dill, basil. To prepare them for long-term storage, they are soaked in hot water for a couple of hours.If you managed to collect bruises, you don’t have to do this. For the classic pickling recipe take:
- sunflower oil;
- cilantro – 10 grams;
- russula – 1 kilogram;
- dill - a bunch;
- salt - half a glass;
- mint, tarragon - 5 grams each;
- garlic - 5 or 6 cloves.
You also need ordinary water. To seal mushrooms in jars, you need to do the following:
- All greens are washed, chopped, mixed and oil is added to enhance the aroma.
- Garlic cloves are cut into slices.
- Large russulas are divided in half.
- Mushrooms are mixed with salt, cilantro, tarragon, mint, transferred to jars and poured with boiling water.
- Roll up with tin lids.
After three weeks, the workpiece can already be consumed or left in a cold place for storage. The herb gives russula a special aroma and significantly improves the taste.
With bird cherry
Housewives who make salads from mushrooms and serve them with various dishes claim that an unusual smell is obtained when salted with juniper berries and bird cherry. Based on the recipe:
- The russula is washed under running water and the skin is peeled off the caps.
- The mushrooms are placed in a weak saline solution for several hours.
- Place them in a colander to drain the liquid.
- Russulas are sent to jars, where berries, salt and pepper are poured.
- Pour boiling water over and cool.
Store the gifts of the forest in the refrigerator, under a plastic cover. For such a preparation take:
- mushrooms – kilogram;
- bird cherry fruits – 20 grams;
- juniper berries – 10;
- salt – 60;
- pepper – 10 peas.
Russula obtained according to this recipe delights with its original taste, pleasant and unusual smell. The appetizer goes great with homemade liqueurs.
With cumin
To emphasize the original aroma of forest gifts, it is worth using grains of herbs for preparation. Fresh mushrooms should be washed and, if they are bitter, left for several hours in water with salt. For a kilogram of russula you need to take:
- oak leaves – up to 15 pieces;
- cumin – 1 spoon;
- allspice peas - to taste;
Mushrooms are placed in jars, sterilized for several minutes, sprinkled with herb grains, spices, and 4 tablespoons of salt. Having carefully compacted the workpiece, pour boiling water and roll up the containers with lids.
The russula will infuse within a week and will delight you with the unique aroma of the forest and a barely noticeable aftertaste. You can pickle them in this way for the winter. The spicy appetizer goes great with cognac or vodka.
In oil
It is not difficult to prepare a real culinary masterpiece from mushrooms, which can be served on the table in just a few days, if you use a recipe in which water is needed for soaking and cooking with salt for half an hour. As ingredients per kilogram of lamellar representatives, you need to take:
- dill - 4 umbrellas;
- bay leaves 6–8 pieces;
- allspice – 3 tablespoons;
- garlic – 5 or 6 cloves;
- refined oil;
- salt - a quarter cup.
Boiled russula should be placed in jars with the legs up, each layer sprinkled with spices. All components are compacted, laid out to the point where the container narrows, and sunflower oil is poured. Thanks to it, the preparation acquires a special taste.
With ginger
Spicy pickled mushrooms are prepared using the hot method. The lamellar representatives quickly infuse; the original aroma of the appetizer is given by bay leaves and dried ginger, of which no more than 2 grams are needed per kilogram of russula.
Small young mushrooms are left in hot water for 3 hours, and after soaking, they are cooked for 20 minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam. After removing from heat, strain and transfer to a saucepan, where add a teaspoon of sugar and 3 tablespoons of salt, add ginger and chopped garlic.
After an hour, the workpiece needs to be packaged in jars, place bay leaves at the bottom of each and pour boiling water over it.
How to store it correctly
Russulas are perishable products. In rainy weather, mushrooms brought from the forest must be cleaned immediately; collected on a dry day can lie in the kitchen for no longer than 6 hours. If you boil them for at least 20 minutes, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Representatives of the lamellar genus do not lose their taste and useful components; they are suitable for use throughout the year frozen at a temperature of minus 18°, at -12 degrees for 4 months, but before that the mushrooms must be blanched. It is necessary to fry or boil the gifts of the forest while defrosting.
Pickled russula, rolled up in jars, will not spoil in a dry cellar for a whole year, in the pantry - 8 months. When opening the container and storing at a temperature of 10 °, mushrooms should be consumed within 16-17 hours, at 2 degrees - within 3 days. Fried russula can be stored in the freezer for up to six months..