The climate in the Leningrad region is transitional - from maritime to continental, the weather is unstable. For the eastern regions, the average temperature in January is -10 °C, in the west it is about -6 °C, so growing rosemary in the Leningrad region has its own characteristics.
Specifics of growing rosemary in the Leningrad region
The popularity of rosemary is growing. Gardeners value it for its decorative qualities, medicinal properties and original spicy taste.It is used as a seasoning when preparing fish and meat dishes; it is part of a mixture popular among chefs - Herbes de Provence.
Rosemary comes from warm Mediterranean countries, so in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region only enthusiasts grow it. The shrub cannot withstand winter in the open ground even under cover; short-term frosts down to -5 °C are destructive for it.
Rosemary seedlings (bushes) are planted in open ground in the spring after the onset of warm weather, and in the fall, before the onset of the first frost, the plants are dug up, planted in pots of a suitable size and sent for the winter.
It is important to choose the right time to transplant rosemary into a pot in the fall and not wait for low temperatures. To prevent the plant from being stressed by temperature differences, replant when the average daily temperature is about 10-12 °C.
A mistake many novice gardeners make is keeping plants in rooms with temperatures above 20 °C. Such conditions are detrimental to rosemary. It winters well in bright, cool rooms where the air does not warm up above 10 °C (maximum 15 °C). If it is possible to create such conditions for wintering, then there will be no problems with growing it.
Plant propagation method
The shrub propagates vegetatively (cuttings, dividing the bush, layering) and by seeds. You will have to spend a lot of time growing seedlings from seeds. As practice shows, you need to purchase planting material from different manufacturers. Their quality varies, and there are many complaints about poor germination.
For example, seeds from one company germinate unevenly and after 3 months, while from another company they germinate smoothly and after a month. We conclude: sowing material from different companies increases the chance of growing seedlings. For sowing you will need:
- planting containers (transparent plastic glasses with a volume of 0.5 l are suitable);
- flower soil (neutral, slightly alkaline);
- vermiculite;
- seeds;
- lamp for additional lighting.
The soil is mixed with vermiculite (1:1), moistened, the surface is slightly loosened with a needle or toothpick, and seeds are scattered over the surface. Before covering the containers with transparent film, pour a thin layer of vermiculite on top and moisten it from a spray bottle with water at room temperature.
Cups with future seedlings are placed on a window (preferably south), and after the sprouts appear, turn on the lamp. Lighting is needed in the morning, evening and in cloudy weather during the day. The soil needs to be moistened periodically. Seedlings are planted in separate containers when the seedlings grow up.
Important! 2-3 month old rosemary seedlings are planted in open ground, so you need to sow the seeds already in early February; the temperature for germination is from 25 °C.
Vegetative methods of propagation are easier to master. Most gardeners take cuttings. Cuttings are taken in the fall from an adult plant. An apical part of the shoot about 10 cm long is required. It must have at least 3 internodes. The lower part of the cutting is cleared of leaves and placed in a stimulator for a few seconds.
Cuttings are rooted in water or a mixture of light soil and vermiculite. The second option is preferable. Until the roots appear, the container with the cuttings is kept in a warm room. It is necessary to exclude direct sunlight and ensure constant substrate moisture. A sign of rooting is the appearance of young leaves. Rooted shoots are planted in separate pots.
Cuttings are obtained from an adult rosemary bush. They can be formed from early spring to mid-July. The lower shoots of the bush are bent to the ground and pinned, covering the area with earth.When the cuttings begin to grow leaves, they are separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place.
Rosemary grown indoors is propagated by dividing an adult bush. In the fall, you can divide plants growing in open ground by transplanting them into pots for winter storage.
You can grow rosemary in open ground or in the form of a potted culture at home. Seedlings grown by any of the methods described above are used as planting material.
In the open ground
Gardeners in the Leningrad region begin planting rosemary in the ground at the end of May. When choosing a place, adhere to the following rules:
- no draft;
- lack of shade most of the day;
- drainage;
- loose soil.
Large seedlings are placed according to a 50*50 cm pattern, small bushes - at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The planting hole is made according to the size of the root ball. The bush is not buried. It is recommended to pinch the tops of the shoots a few days after planting. This will increase the decorative value of rosemary and will stimulate the formation of new shoots.
At home
Planting rosemary in pots for growing at home can be mastered by a novice gardener. You will need:
- pot (diameter 10 cm);
- expanded clay;
- priming.
It is optimal if the soil consists of equal parts of turf and leaf soil with the addition of sand and humus. Many people prefer ready-made soil (universal), mixed 1:1 with vermiculite.
Cultivation care
Caring for the crop in the ground and on the windowsill differs only in that the houseplant must be periodically rotated so that the bush is illuminated evenly.In spring, it is better to place a pot with a plant in the fresh air (terrace, loggia, balcony). All other procedures are identical. In addition to watering and fertilizing, rosemary bushes require formative pruning.
Moderately moist soil is required for root development. Insufficient watering has a bad effect on the appearance - the leaves on the lower shoots turn yellow. When overwatered, the plant sheds its leaves. Water only at the roots. Loosening the soil is required when growing rosemary in open ground.
Top dressing
Rosemary growing in a pot begins to be fed in March and ends in September. Use mineral fertilizers containing calcium. Street bushes are fertilized with the same complex preparations throughout the growing season. At the end of the season, nitrogen is excluded from fertilizing, and emphasis is placed on products containing phosphorus.
Diseases and pests
There is no need to worry about pests if the plant is healthy. It produces natural insecticides that repel pests. A weak, diseased plant is threatened by spider mites, and the appearance of scale insects is possible.
With sharp fluctuations in temperature and air humidity, the plant’s immunity suffers. Leaf spot is one of the most common rosemary diseases. They fight it with drugs containing copper.
Flowering is the time of harvest. It lasts about 3 weeks. The flowers are small, blue-violet. Young, tender shoots are used for harvesting; they are cut off while they have flowers. The raw materials are dried and used to prepare homemade medicines.