The African Clary Catfish is a fish that is popular among many fish keepers. With the proper preparation of a business plan, the purchase of all the required equipment, food and fry, such an activity will become a source of high profit. The fact is that the cost of a kilogram of this fish is quite high. For a business project to be successful, it is important to take into account a number of features and nuances.
Description of the fish
The name of the fish directly speaks of the continent where the catfish originally lived.In Africa, water often dries up. Therefore, the fish are forced to live under a crust of dried mud. Therefore, the catfish was able to adapt to difficult conditions. As a result, it has a unique epibranchial organ called a claria. With its help, the fish were able to breathe air from the atmosphere. Other individuals have nothing like this. Due to the presence of this unique element, the catfish began to be called clarium.
How does she look
Based on visual characteristics, the African catfish resembles the common species living in Russian rivers. This fish is distinguished by an elongated body, which is slightly compressed from the side. African catfish is considered a tasty and undemanding fish that grows quickly. In addition, it has both gills and lungs, so it can live without water for 2 days, using ordinary air for breathing.
This type of catfish is characterized by a large head, which is slightly compressed. It also has small eyes and a large terminal mouth, above which there are 4 pairs of antennae. Another feature is the presence of a rounded caudal fin. In this case, the dorsal and anal fins are considered quite long. The color of catfish varies. It can be sandy yellow or gray with olive or green-brown spots. The abdomen is white.
Where does it live?
In Africa, this fish is found everywhere. It is found in Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan. The fish also lives in several European countries. It is also found in South America and Asia. This catfish lives in lakes, streams, rivers and swamps that constantly dry up.
Also, clariid species can be found in swamps and floodplain creeks. They live in large pools for up to a year, but then move to temporary reservoirs that are located near the shore. This is where these fish reproduce.In addition, many people breed them in artificial conditions.
Keeping in artificial conditions
This fish is considered undemanding. But when breeding it, you still need to follow a number of rules. Fish farmers need to maintain optimal water temperatures and provide the fish with adequate nutrition.
Selecting a location
Like California catfish, African catfish are suitable for temperatures of +18 degrees. However, it is quite acceptable to grow this fish in the range of +8-35 degrees. At the same time, catfish are able to reproduce only at temperatures above +18 degrees. For feeding, a temperature regime above +25 degrees is required.
To fill artificial ponds, you should not use water from rivers or lakes. It may contain infectious agents that the catfish cannot cope with. Therefore, a suitable solution would be to use ordinary water from wells. You can also use special installations that help reduce alkalinity.
Features of feeding
When raising catfish at home, it is important to provide it with adequate nutrition. To properly prepare a diet, it is worth determining the age and size of the fish. Ready-made store-bought mixtures can be used as a power source. Fish and tripe are also suitable for this purpose.
In order for African catfish fry to rapidly gain weight, they need to be fed up to 10 times a day. From birth to several days, the larvae eat zooplankton. In the second week, they can be switched to compound feed, which is sold in the form of a paste.
For fry from 100 milligrams, professional porridges are considered the main component of the menu. They need to be fed at least 10 times per day. It is important to adhere to the norms, which amount to 10% of body weight.
When the fry reach 1 gram, ready-made food and crushed spleen are introduced into the diet.At the same time, the number of feedings at this stage is reduced to 8. After 1.5 months, the young animals gain 20 grams. After this, the frequency of feedings can be reduced to 5.
Fish over 2 years old need to be fed 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to include thawed carcasses and fish waste in the mixtures. Combination food for trout is also suitable as a food source. Each individual should eat at least 4% of its own weight per day. It is important to consider that hungry catfish are capable of eating their fellows. During breeding, females need an increased diet.
When raising African catfish in artificial conditions, it is necessary to adhere to a special technology for obtaining offspring. Such methods have been developed in a number of developed countries, but they are patented and therefore not publicly available.
In the post-Soviet space, such technology has not yet been fully developed. Therefore, all planting material is imported from other countries. As a result, production costs increase by 15%. Currently, a fry of this fish weighing 10 grams will cost 50 cents.
Producers of individuals are raised separately from commercial young animals. To form a broodstock, it is worth choosing the best specimens. After this, they are advised to provide ideal conditions and quality nutrition.
African catfish are capable of spawning monthly. However, this requires stimulation of the queens. After which the eggs must be fertilized with the sperm of males. This is done artificially. Then the material must be placed in aquarium-type incubators. When the fry grow a little, they need to be transferred from the incubator to the pools. This technique is used on large farms.
It is quite difficult to obtain fertilized eggs when growing catfish in a small area. Therefore, summer residents who breed this fish simply buy caviar from special farms.
Features of spawning
In order for the eggs to mature successfully, it is important to provide the females with suitable conditions. In this case, water with a temperature of more than +25 degrees is beneficial. Ovulation is observed 12 hours after the pituitary gland injection. This type of catfish is characterized by a restless disposition. Therefore, fish farmers are forced to euthanize females in order to obtain eggs. To do this, the fish are injected with an anesthetic. In most cases, Propiscin is used for this purpose.
Caviar must be obtained from each female separately. According to the standards, its mass should be at least 20% of the individual’s weight. After manipulation, the females should be placed in a KMnO4 solution for an hour. When preparing it, you need to take 0.5 grams of the product per 100 liters of water.
After receiving the caviar, it must be divided into several parts. It is not recommended to mix eggs of females. The weight of one serving is approximately 300 grams. After this you need to take 3 milliliters of milk. It is best to take them from several males. Thanks to this, it will be possible to increase the efficiency of fertilization. Milk and caviar need to be immersed in water and mixed thoroughly for 5 minutes.
How to raise catfish
The first stage lasts 20-25 days. At the same time, the African catfish acquires the ability to inhale atmospheric air. At this time, it is worth planting approximately 100 larvae per 1 liter of water. The water is gradually filled with oxygen. This helps to establish metabolic processes in the pool.
During this period, it is recommended to feed the larvae with tubifex. It is also permissible to use decapsulated brine shrimp.After a week, starter food is added to the diet. It is important to comply with lighting requirements. It is important that it is muted. The larvae are prone to cannibalism, so by the end of the first stage, out of a hundred individuals, usually no more than 25-50 survive.
Future fish need to be sorted in the third week. Intervention in a body of water poses serious stress for fish. Therefore, sorting must be done extremely carefully. After this, it is recommended to place the individuals in an antibacterial solution for an hour.
The second stage takes 35 days. Initially, 300-500 milligrams of sorted larvae need to be placed in the pool. Sorting involves dividing into 2 parts. At the same time, small and large larvae are separated. It is recommended to replant the fry based on their weight and the size of the pool. Feeding is carried out 3 times a day. In this case, the volume of feed is determined at the rate of 5% of the weight of the fish.
The third stage takes several months. At this time, the weight of the fish is 130-200 grams. The rate of development of fry is affected by stocking density. For a pool with a capacity of 5 thousand liters you need to use 2.5 individuals per 1 liter. It is important to maintain water temperature parameters at +27 degrees. At this stage, the fry need floating food. Water needs to be changed at intervals of 2 hours.
Possible diseases
Diseases cause great harm to African catfish and can lead to negative consequences. The most common problems include the following:
- Water mold - in this case, the gills, fins, skin and eyes are covered with patches of white or gray. The infection usually spreads rapidly.To cope with the pathology, fish need to be placed in baths with a 5% sodium chloride solution for 1-2 minutes.
- White bud disease - in this case, individuals stay near the surface of the water, and their bodies take a vertical position. With the development of pathology, catfish swim rather sluggishly. In addition, the skin near the mouth and gills becomes covered with white spots. To kill bacteria, antibiotics must be added to the feed. Effective drugs include Terramycin, Oxytetracycline, and Chloramphenicol.
- Deformation of the head - in this case the fish loses its appetite and dies. The disease is accompanied by swelling of tissues on both sides of the head. Most often, the pathology occurs in catfish up to 10 centimeters in length. Dead fish have a thickened and deformed skull, which indicates the appearance of cracks. To avoid such problems, it is worth systematically adding vitamin C to fish food.
- Peptic ulcer disease - with the development of pathology, the skin of the jaws and caudal fin are covered with white or red ulcers. In addition, the fish become lethargic. To avoid pathology, it is important to monitor water quality. It needs to be changed systematically.
- Intestinal injury syndrome - in this case, there is swelling of the abdomen. At the same time, the color on the abdomen is darker, and the anal area becomes red. At the final stage, damage to the abdominal wall is observed. High-quality food that is well digestible will help to cope with the problem.
How profitable is it to raise catfish?
Growing African catfish is considered quite a promising activity. Already in six months they can be caught and sold. At this stage, the marketable weight of individuals reaches 1 kilogram.At the same time, the exact parameters of productivity depend on the quality and quantity of feed.
The African clary catfish is gaining weight according to plan. Therefore, the entrepreneur is able to calculate in advance how much the fish will gain when using a specific amount of feed. This makes it possible to calculate profit.
Beginning entrepreneurs should use extensive or semi-intensive growing methods. Businessmen with good start-up capital often choose the intensive method.
Before you get into this business, it is important to create a business plan. It is based on the calculation of costs and annual profits. It is worth considering that at the initial stage you will have to invest money in the construction of a small reservoir and the creation of a suitable ecosystem. It is also necessary to install auxiliary equipment, including lighting systems and filters. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permits, calculate the costs of purchasing food and fry, and establish relationships with suppliers.
What problems do owners face?
The main problem in growing African catfish is the need to reduce production costs. At the same time, it is important to remain competitive. Experts say it is better to improve the pond ecosystem than resort to increasingly intensive cultivation methods.
African catfish is considered a fairly popular fish species that is grown for sale. It is valued for its undemanding conditions, omnivorousness and disease resistance.