Description and characteristics of currant variety Treasure, cultivation and care

Black currant is a popular berry crop among gardeners. The Sokrovische currant variety has become widespread due to its high vitamin content, ease of care, large yield and resistance to external influences.

Description and characteristics of currant Treasure

After reading the description of the Treasure blackcurrant, you can get an idea of ​​what the harvest will be like. Knowing the detailed characteristics of the variety will also help ensure suitable growing conditions for the plants.


The currant variety is valued for its high and stable yield. With comprehensive care and favorable environmental conditions, it is possible to obtain about 4-5 kg ​​of berries from one bush.

Berry size

The fruits in the cluster have uniform dimensions. The berries are medium-sized and weigh 1.6-2.1 g. The shape is round or oval.

Ripening time

The currant variety belongs to the category of early ripening. The first fruits begin to ripen after 40-50 days after flowering. Fruiting is consistent, so the harvesting process does not drag on for a long period.

currant treasure

Taste qualities

The taste of the berries is sweet with mild sourness. The pulp contains a large number of small grains. The skin is thin, with a slight coating, almost unnoticeable when eating the berries.

Disease resistance

Currant Sokrovische has a high level of resistance to common diseases and harmful insects. At the same time, lack of proper care or negative weather conditions can provoke damage to the bushes. For protection, it is recommended to periodically carry out preventive treatments of green spaces.

currant treasure

Bush size

The berry bushes are slightly spreading, medium-sized, up to 1.5 m high. Erect shoots of medium thickness with weak pubescence and an anthocyanin tip are formed on the branches. Over time, the shoots on the plants change color from green to brown.

Main advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a variety for planting on a summer cottage, it is important to study its positive and negative sides.The benefits of Treasure currants include:

  • stable harvest with high taste;
  • self-pollination without the participation of insects and other pollinating varieties;
  • universal purpose.

currant treasure

One disadvantage is its average drought tolerance. To prevent a reduction in yield, it is necessary to carefully regulate the frequency and intensity of soil moisture.

The nuances of growing a variety

An important condition for obtaining a large currant harvest is the observance of a number of nuances when planting and subsequent cultivation of plants.

To plant currants, you need to select a suitable location on the site, prepare the seedlings and sequentially plant them in the soil.

Place and time of landing

Constantly lit and well-ventilated areas are ideal for planting Treasure currants. The soil must have low acidity. If the soil is too acidic, you will need to pre-treat each planting hole with a desalination agent (dry plaster, cement or chalk) in an amount of 0.5-1 kg. It is also possible to sprinkle the bottom of the holes with crushed eggshells.

planting currants

It is recommended to transfer seedlings into the ground in October, when the ambient temperature is between 7 and 15 degrees Celsius. During the winter period, the plants adapt to new conditions and take root, and with the onset of spring they will begin to form the first shoots.

Selection of seedlings

When purchasing currant seedlings, you need to carefully examine the plants, paying attention to their general and individual elements, including branches and roots. The main criterion for choosing seedlings is a powerful and developed root system. The length of the roots should be more than 20 cm, without defects or signs of drying.Experienced gardeners recommend using two-year-old seedlings, since they quickly take root in the ground and are characterized by early fruiting.

planting currants

Step by step process

When planting currant bushes, you should follow the step-by-step instructions. It includes the following steps:

  1. 2 months before planting, the area is cleared of weeds and the soil is dug up to a depth of about 0.5 m. The dug up soil is fertilized with humus, superphosphate and potash fertilizer.
  2. Dig a hole 40 cm deep and up to 50-60 cm in diameter. The hole is filled ⅔ full with fertile soil and watered.
  3. The seedling is kept in water for 3 hours to moisten the roots and placed in a hole at a slight slope. The roots are straightened and sprinkled with earth to deepen the root collar by 5-8 cm.
  4. The ground part of the seedling is trimmed, leaving 3-4 buds. Otherwise, the bushes will age prematurely.
  5. The top layer of soil is leveled, watered and covered with a layer of mulch made from sawdust or humus.

planting a bush

Basic rules for caring for currants

In the process of growing currant bushes, it is enough to adhere to basic care rules. Plants require periodic watering, shaping, protective treatments and shelter during cold weather.

Watering and fertilizing

Currants are considered a moisture-loving crop, and with insufficient moisture, the development of shoots is inhibited and the berries become smaller. You can water the plants 4-5 times during the season - during the growing season, during the formation of inflorescences and ovaries, before the berries ripen and after harvesting. In dry and hot summer conditions, currant plants are watered every 7-10 days, as the soil dries out.

watering currants


The formation of currant bushes allows you to maintain them in a healthy and fruit-bearing state.Regular pruning gives plants a decorative appearance and prevents the development of infections. During the pruning process, it is necessary to remove old and damaged branches, maintaining the correct ratio of branches of different ages.

Plants are formed in the spring, when the likelihood of return frosts disappears, or in early autumn.

Shelter for the winter

In anticipation of the onset of frost, it is necessary to prepare the plants for winter. When the ground is covered with a crisp layer of snow, the bushes are protected with covering material. First, the branches and stems of the bushes are wrapped with twine so that they are positioned next to each other. It is important not to tie the plants too tightly, so as not to damage the fragile branches.

Then the entire bush is tilted down and wrapped in a spiral direction. The top of the plantings is covered with specialized material or improvised means - a blanket, thick fabric, pine branches.

currant shelter

Protection from diseases and pests

In early autumn, preventive treatments of plants should be carried out to prevent the spread of diseases and the occurrence of pests. First you need to dig up and loosen the soil around the bushes and remove all the weeds. Then the surface of the soil is sprinkled with wood ash, which at the same time serves as a top dressing.

To disinfect the soil, use solutions of potassium permanganate, copper sulfate or laundry soap.

If currants grow in unfavorable conditions and preventive treatments do not provide adequate protection, additional control methods must be used.Plants should be constantly inspected, and if primary signs of disease or pest damage are detected, it is necessary to spray with fungicides and insecticides.

ripe berry

Harvest and storage

The Sokrovische currant variety is classified as an early ripening variety and bears fruit in the middle of the summer. Ripe berries are carefully picked and placed in shallow containers so as not to crush the bottom layer. During collection, it is advisable to immediately inspect the fruits and select only high-quality specimens that do not have damage or signs of rotting.

When freshly picked, the berries can be stored for 2 weeks at temperatures up to 10 degrees. If you leave the crop in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 degrees, the shelf life is extended to 1.5 months. At an ambient temperature of -3 degrees, the crop can be stored for 3 months.

Currant fruits of the Treasure variety are distinguished by good transportability and retain their presentation and taste when transported over long distances. The collected berries can also be consumed fresh, used for preservation and preparation.
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