Red cedar building materials have become extremely popular today. Many people confuse the tree with Siberian cedar, but these are completely different plants that do not belong to the same family. A detailed acquaintance with this Canadian centenarian will allow you to better understand the characteristics of the plant and the products presented from it, which abound in the market.
What kind of tree is this
Red cedar is native to Canada and North America. Evergreen giants can reach 70 meters in height with a trunk diameter of up to 5 meters. The plant lives up to 2000 years. The tree belongs to the thuja family, and it is correct to call it giant thuja or folded thuja.
Where is it used?
Red cedar wood is used in construction, in the manufacture of finishing materials, parquet, and furniture. It has long been used in shipbuilding and for finishing yachts.
Beneficial features
There are many reasons to choose such building materials. Main advantages:
- The straight-grain structure of the wood ensures ease of processing.
- Wood has low thermal conductivity and shrinkage percentage.
- It does not rot, it will not be damaged by harmful insects (bark beetles, moths and mosquitoes are repelled by the subtle aroma and strength of the wood).
- Red cedar does not crack, does not warp, and has high wear resistance.
- Low degree of flammability.
- Pleasant aroma, high content of essential oils that are not allergens.
A beautiful appearance is ensured by a wealth of shades. The color smoothly transitions from amber to beige and deep brown. There is a beneficial effect on the human nervous and respiratory system; with constant exposure, the manifestations of allergic reactions decrease.
Origin story
Red cedar is common in British Columbia (Canada) and is found along the entire Pacific coast of North America. The harsh climate, humid air, saturated with sea salt, made the wood of this tree durable and not susceptible to rotting. It practically does not burn, is easy to process and fasten.
Application area
Today, garden furniture, gazebos, and parquet are made from this tree. Red Canadian cedar is used for the construction of houses, baths and saunas.Interior decoration of objects with high humidity with this material makes the room warmer, reduces the risk of fire, and ensures the saturation of the air with phytoncides beneficial to humans.
Lining for wall decoration, furniture for a bath, all this is not only beautiful in appearance, but also functional. The pleasant aroma inherent in wood lasts up to 8 years.
A terrace or gazebo made of folded thuja is not afraid of cold and dampness and retains its original appearance. Furniture made from this material is durable and beautiful; the ease of processing red cedar adds to the attractiveness of the material. Parquet made from folded thuja retains heat, is not afraid of dampness, and does not dry out over time.
Due to the abundance of phytoncides in wood and its healing effect on human organs and systems, red cedar is used for finishing children's rooms.
And in a house made of such material it will be warm and comfortable, there will be no dampness, insect pests cannot stand being in the vicinity of this tree.
Wood processing
Red cedar is easy to work with. Sawing is not difficult, the resulting materials do not require additional protection, and the fastening materials adhere tightly to the wood. It does not split, does not curl, does not contain voids, knots, or cracks. Does not require additional coating to change color. When fastening the lining into the grooves, the structure holds firmly without drying out over time.
All this allows you to carry out installation work yourself. They do not require serious physical effort. In this case, the owner will be pleased with the result.
Canadian red cedar has recently appeared on the domestic market. Thanks to the quality of the wood, the beauty of the finished products made from this material, the ease of processing and installation, it has already secured its popularity.