Causes of red spots in pig diseases, what to do and how to treat

Raising domestic animals requires certain knowledge from the farmer. Sick individuals are found on private farmsteads and on livestock farms. But the meat of such animals cannot be eaten. You need to be able to identify the disease when you see red spots on the skin of pigs and carry out proper treatment.

Causes of red spots in pigs

Skin rashes on the skin of pigs are not uncommon. More often they are associated with the inability to create comfortable conditions for animals.When pigs are kept in dirty, unventilated areas, they are not vaccinated on time, and they are fed poorly, then any minor wound on the skin will cause illness. The consequences of infection can be unpredictable.


The very name of the pathology indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the deep layers of the skin. By scratching the body, the pig allows pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi to penetrate into the dermis. The inflammation caused by microorganisms spreads further, infecting neighboring areas. The pathological process occurs faster when there is a lack of vitamin B in the animal’s body. A large amount of protein in the feed is an excellent soil for the development of dermatitis.

When the pig is covered with red spots, you need to see if there is swelling of the tissues and determine the presence of purulent discharge from the wounds.

In the latter case, the development of infection is detected. Along with purulent inflammation, ulceration of the affected area occurs, followed by tissue necrosis. The severity of dermatitis depends on timely treatment of red spots. It is dangerous to leave an animal without treatment, as this leads to the development of gangrene.

the pig is sick


If the skin is infected with a fungus, the source of infection must be identified. If at least one individual is sick, it is necessary to protect the rest of the pigs from contact with it. A fungal infection occurs when they start cleaning with dirty equipment. The disease is transmitted by small rodents.

The main signs of trichophytosis include:

  • the appearance of red spots;
  • loss of stubble in infected areas;
  • severe itching;
  • anxiety in behavior.

If the pig's skin becomes red, contact a veterinarian immediately.


The pathology develops as a result of scabies mites getting under the skin.There the parasite settles, gnawing its passages. Soon the female lays eggs in the upper layers of the epidermis.

the pig is sick

The disease most often affects young piglets from 2 months to a year during the spring and autumn seasons. At the same time, the animals begin to itch incessantly. At the site of scratching, crusts form. Pigs become infected from each other. The tick can spread to other representatives of livestock and humans. Most often, the disease is chronic and protracted. Mass infection of piglets leads to weight loss and weakening of animals.


When the skin is infected with staphylococcus, pus accumulates in the hair follicles on the skin. The loose tissue around it becomes inflamed and red. With the naked eye you can see swelling of the tissues around the affected area.

The reasons for the appearance of inflammation include the fact that the pig:

  • kept in a dirty room;
  • scratches the skin;
  • does not receive enough vitamins;
  • has a metabolic disorder.

The appearance of pustules should alert the farmer. He must pay attention to the nutrition and maintenance of pigs.

the pig is sick

Vesicular disease

The formation of ulcers and vesicles on the skin is the first symptom of the disease. They are accompanied by high body temperature. In the first days of infection, the piglet is lethargic and has poor appetite. Vesicles cover the limbs of pigs, partly the muzzle and tongue. Inside the formations there is a light yellow liquid, which pours out after the vesicles open. Sores remain on the affected area. The virus that causes the disease is quite tenacious and is transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones.


Healthy animals can contract lichen from sick pigs or contaminated equipment. A fungal infection is determined by:

  • oval-shaped lesions on the skin;
  • flaky areas;
  • thickening of the epidermis;
  • itching.

If the fungus penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, abscesses may occur.

spots on a pig


The infection is caused by a bacterium that enters the pigs' body. After a week, symptoms of erysipelas appear. The skin is affected, turning red, and bluish spots are visible in the abdominal area. The animal develops a high temperature. The pig cannot get up, lies down, refuses food.

The disease without manifestations of a rash on the skin is especially dangerous. It occurs at lightning speed, affecting the entire body of the animal. The subacute form is characterized by a profuse rash on the skin. With proper treatment, the disease is cured within 1-2 weeks.

Treatment methods

Elimination of the symptoms of the disease is associated with the selection of therapeutic methods that act on the causative agent of the infection. Dermatitis is combated by including antibiotics. Mild forms are cured by smearing red spots on the skin with ointment containing Furacilin. Compresses using Chlorhexidine help. Severe inflammation can be removed with intramuscular injections of penicillin.

Fungal diseases? like trichophytosis or ringworm? amenable to treatment with antiseptics. Ointments containing zinc and sulfur are effective.

A piglet will get rid of scabies if its skin is sprayed with a solution of Neostomazan at a concentration of 1%. Before treatment, carefully wash the skin to remove crusts and dirt using a soapy solution of warm water and creosote. Among the anti-scabies drugs, the most effective are Doramectin and Ivermectin, which are administered intramuscularly once every 14 days.

drug Neostomazan

Boils in pigs must be combated by treatment with alcohol solutions. This includes iodine, salicylic alcohol and brilliant green. Applications with ichthyol ointment help.Vesicular disease requires treatment by a specialist. And for erysipelas, antibacterial medications are needed.


Raising highly productive, healthy pigs is a complex matter that requires zootechnical skills. To protect the pig population from diseases, it is necessary to properly maintain the animals. It is necessary to disinfect the access roads around the farm. Workers should not wear dirty work clothes. All work equipment is regularly treated with antiseptic solutions.

At the first signs of disease, red spots on the skin, the individual is separated from healthy livestock. Most often, the cause of disease is errors in the diet and maintenance of pigs. Piglets become infected from the sow. It is necessary to vaccinate individuals in a timely manner and separate young animals from adult animals.
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