Types and symptoms of skin diseases in pigs, treatment and prevention

The development of skin diseases in pigs is considered common. In order to promptly identify pathology, it is worth taking into account the symptoms that appear. Depending on the diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes one or another treatment. To quickly cope with the pathology, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the recommendations of a specialist. Compliance with the rules of prevention is of no small importance.

Types of skin diseases in pigs and methods of their treatment

Today there are many known dermatological pathologies that occur in pigs.To cope with disorders, it is recommended to make an accurate diagnosis in time.


Animals of any age are susceptible to this pathology. The disease often develops in winter and spring. The reason may be crowded conditions in the pigsty. The skin becomes inflamed after traumatic injury and secondary infection of the affected fragment. Infection with erysipelas or anthrax leads to the problem.

In acute dermatitis, the hair is erased, the skin turns red, and pain appears in the affected area. When an infection occurs, pus is released from the affected area. Complex forms of pathology negatively affect the general condition. To cure pathology, it is recommended to eliminate the underlying disease. In case of traumatic injury, lotions based on Furacilin are made. Ointments can also be used - Tetracycline or Prednisolone.

skin diseases in pigs


This pathology is caused by mites that parasitize the skin. They feed on epidermal cells and lay eggs in its structure. Scabies can be ear or total. As the disease develops, redness and gray-white crusts appear on the animal’s body. After some time, the mites infect the entire body, thickening of the skin is observed, and a brown tint of the crusts appears.

Pigs become aggressive when they have scabies. If measures are not taken, there is a risk of death. To cope with the disease, it is worth using ointments, injections, and aerosols. Doramectin and Ivermectin are effective agents. For treatment to be effective, before using any anti-tick medication, you should wipe the animal with soap and water and remove the crusts.

skin diseases in pigs Scabies


With this disease, damage to the dermis by fungi and spores is observed. The disease occurs in all animals. However, young pigs are more susceptible to it.

The disease is transmitted by contact. Ringworm can occur in a latent form for a month. Over time, lichen patches form on the animal's body.

It is recommended to immediately isolate an infected animal. For therapy, it is worth using a special vaccine prescribed by a veterinarian.


This pathology is caused by staphylococci. When they enter the hair follicle, they provoke purulent inflammation, which is accompanied by the formation of a painful boil. The cause of problems may be a lack of vitamins or poor hygiene. If pathology develops, the affected areas should be treated with iodine solution or brilliant green. Paraffin is also considered an effective remedy.

skin diseases in pigs Furunculosis


The cause of this dangerous disease is considered to be infection by bacterial microorganisms. It is accompanied by the development of sepsis. This condition is characterized by fever, metabolic disorders at the tissue level, dystrophic and necrotic processes in tissues. The disease can cause death.

2-3 days after infection, red spots appear on the pig. In mild cases, necrotic foci form in their place, and after 10-12 days the pig recovers. In difficult situations, without adequate help, the animal dies. The main method of treatment is antibiotic therapy. A special serum is also injected into the sick animal. To improve the prognosis, it is worth introducing a lot of vitamins and proteins into the diet.

Vesicular disease

This is a viral pathology that is characterized by an acute course. It develops after infection with an enterovirus. When a pig is affected, it develops a severe fever, and a rash and blisters filled with clear liquid appear on the skin.

Vesicular disease

The first symptoms appear a few days after infection. In this case, the ears, nipples of females, and limbs become covered with small bubbles. If the nervous system is damaged, there is a risk of death. There is no specific therapy for the pathology. If the disease develops, you should contact your veterinarian. To prevent the disease, vaccination is recommended.

Prevention measures

To avoid the development of dangerous diseases, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • provide pigs with suitable living conditions;
  • vaccinate piglets;
  • use high-quality food;
  • observe the rules of hygiene.

Dermatological pathologies in pigs develop quite often. To avoid such problems, it is worth providing the animals with suitable conditions.

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