What to do if a pig does not get to its feet, causes of the problem and methods of treatment

Pigs, like any other animal, can get sick. There are many diseases that piglets suffer from. However, the most common problem is when they fall on their feet. Many farmers don't know what to do when a pig doesn't get back on its feet.

Why do pigs and piglets have leg failure?

Before you fix the problem, you need to familiarize yourself with the main reasons for its occurrence.

Infectious diseases

The main reason why the mumps stopped getting on its feet is the emergence and development of infectious diseases.Common diseases include:

  • Plague. This is a dangerous disease that affects pigs at any age. If treatment is not started in time, the animal may become completely paralyzed. In sick pigs, their legs fail, their appetite worsens and weakness appears.
  • Erysipelas. The disease develops in young pigs 3-4 months old. The animals' joints become inflamed, causing them to stop walking and sit on their feet.
  • Flu. As swine flu develops, piglets may stop walking. The remaining symptoms are the same as in humans.
  • Teschen's disease. The disease is more common in young pigs under six months of age. Sick animals develop diarrhea, vomiting and symptoms of rhinitis. Also, due to a decrease in body temperature and weakness, the pig cannot rise to its feet.

the pig doesn't get up, what should I do?


If the pig sits on its hind legs, you should not immediately think that it is sick with something. This problem does not always appear due to illness. Sometimes this happens due to stressful situations. Most often, stress occurs in animals that live alone in a barn. Piglets also face stressful situations and are often relocated to a new location. In this case, the animals get back on their feet on their own immediately after the stress ends.


Another common reason why pigs fall on their feet is parasites. Most often, small pigs encounter worms. They have a negative impact on them, since the weakened body of young animals cannot cope with the toxic effects they have. Because of this, they gradually become exhausted, weaken and stop walking.

the pig doesn't get up

In order for the pig to start getting back on its feet, the worms will have to be removed from its body.To do this, they are given special drugs against parasites. The dosage is determined individually depending on the weight of the pig.

Violation of containment conditions

If a piglet falls on its feet, you should think about the conditions in which it is kept. The following may cause this problem:

  • increased humidity levels;
  • cold floor, on which there is no additional straw bedding;
  • low air temperature in the barn;
  • draft.

Therefore, if the barn is too cold and damp, you should insulate it or choose another room for keeping piglets.

the pig can't stand up

Lack of vitamins and microelements

If your piglet's legs are failing, it may be lacking micronutrients. Sometimes animals lack iron, which leads to the development of anemia. Because of this, they weaken and stop walking normally. The problem also occurs in gilts with calcium deficiency.

A lack of this substance leads to the appearance of rickets, which negatively affects the functioning of the limbs.

Diagnostic methods

Determining the reason why a piglet stopped walking is not as difficult as it might initially seem. For example, if a piglet shows symptoms of one of the infectious diseases, then most likely it fell on its feet precisely because of this. Problems with stool and digestion in an animal indicate the presence of parasites.

the pig can't stand up

How to deal with the problem

Eliminating the problem directly depends on the causes of its occurrence:

  • Infections. If an animal suffers from infectious diseases, it will have to be treated. In this case, treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Stress. Walking outside the barn will help relieve your pig from stress.
  • Parasites. Levamisole, which is administered intramuscularly, will help cure worms.
  • Unsuitable conditions. To improve living conditions for animals, it is necessary to insulate the floor and walls. It is also recommended to organize a ventilation system so that it is not too stuffy in the summer.
  • Vitamin deficiency. To prevent animals from developing vitamin deficiency, they are regularly given vitamin complexes.


The following preventive measures are distinguished, thanks to which the pig will not fall on its feet:

  • add foods that contain minerals and vitamins to your diet;
  • regularly let animals out for walks;
  • periodically carry out worming;
  • Get vaccinated to boost immunity.


Many farmers who raise pigs are faced with the fact that they stop getting back on their feet. To get rid of this problem, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence and methods of elimination.

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