Vietnamese pigs are very popular among livestock farmers. Animals have good immunity and do not require complex care. Sows are fertile. Usually farrowing Vietnamese pigs for the first time does not cause problems at home. For childbirth to be successful, you need to properly prepare for the process. It is also important to understand the peculiarities of farrowing pigs.
How to determine pregnancy in a sow?
The onset of pregnancy in a Vietnamese pig can be determined by several signs. Common symptoms:
- behavioral characteristics - the pig behaves apathetically. The animal sleeps restlessly, and in the first weeks there is a loss of appetite;
- white discharge with a curd consistency sometimes appears from the genitals;
- signs of sexual desire disappear.
In the second half of pregnancy, the animal rapidly gains weight. The belly increases significantly. During this period, the pig becomes lethargic and mostly lies down. Notes of fearfulness appear in behavior or an intention to defend the territory is noticed. During this period, it is recommended to isolate the female from other animals and provide her with peace.
Signs of farrowing in a Vietnamese pig
A few days before giving birth, the sow's good-natured or apathetic behavior gives way to anxiety. The pig refuses to eat, its stomach drops, and lobes form. There are several sure signs of a quick resolution:
- the pig walks restlessly around the pen or tries to lie down on its side;
- the animal begins to build a nest, tramples down the bedding;
- chews hay to make it softer.
The nipples become very swollen and take on a bright pink hue. When you press on them, a special secretion is released - colostrum. Farrowing usually occurs in the evening or at night.
What you will need before you start
The pen needs to be prepared for the upcoming birth. In order for the process to be successful and without complications, a part of the pen is fenced off for the sow, while separating a nook for the piglets (so that the pig does not accidentally run over them). The room is washed with an alkaline solution and left to dry. The walls are whitened with slaked lime, the floor is covered with clean straw. In the cold season, several lamps are installed near the piglet's nook to provide newborn animals with the required air temperature (not lower than 30 ° C).
In order for the first birth to take place without complications, you need to prepare the necessary materials, instruments, and medications.
To receive and process piglets, prepare several clean diapers, scissors, threads for tying the umbilical cord, a roll of cotton wool and iodine. The scissors are pre-wiped with alcohol. The drinking bowl is filled with clean water, and warm water is also prepared for washing the sow and piglets.
How does the birth process work?
Some breeders do not consider it necessary to assist the sow during childbirth. However, it has been noticed that in the presence of the owner, the pig behaves calmer, and the birth process occurs faster and easier. If labor is delayed, you can inject the pig with Oxytocin (a stimulant) at home. One injection is given before and after childbirth, the syringe is inserted into the area behind the ear. Typically, the process of giving birth to a Vietnamese breed sow lasts 3-5 hours. In exceptional cases, it can take up to 10-12 hours.
Main stages of farrowing:
- the walls of the uterus contract, and the sow’s behavior changes: the animal constantly gets up/lies down, tries to urinate, lies on its side;
- after a while, attempts begin, which are noticeable by contractions of the abdominal muscles;
- contractions and attempts become more frequent and end with the opening of the cervix. Several strong contractions result in the appearance of a piglet;
- the animal calms down for a while (5-30 minutes), and then labor resumes for the birth of the next calf.
After the birth of the last piglet, there is a rest period (30-60 minutes). The birth process ends with the release of the placenta. It is carefully collected and removed.
Important! The sow must not be allowed to eat the afterbirth.It is believed that if the placenta is eaten, the sow may eat the newborn piglets.
Possible complications
Most often, the birth process in Vietnamese pigs occurs without dangerous consequences. But the owner of the animals needs to be prepared for some complications. Common problems that occur after farrowing:
- rapid labor can cause vaginal rupture;
- Dry labor occurs when the membranes rupture prematurely. To facilitate labor, warm solutions (flaxseed decoction, vegetable oil, petroleum jelly) are injected into the birth canal;
- The placenta usually comes out 1.5-3 hours after birth. If this does not happen, it is recommended to seek help from a veterinarian;
- uterine prolapse. The pathology can be corrected manually - the organ is disinfected and carefully adjusted. But it is advisable to invite a specialist;
- improper positioning of the fetus can cause strong contractions and prolonged pushing. In such a situation, there is a danger of uterine rupture. To correct the position of the fetus and facilitate childbirth, a veterinarian is invited.
If the situation is not critical, you can help the animal yourself. But with complex farrowing, you cannot do without the help of a specialist. Otherwise, there is a possibility of serious consequences or even death of the sow.
Postpartum care
After farrowing, the pig’s contaminated mammary glands are washed with clean water. The vulva area must be treated with a disinfectant solution. The animal is wiped dry. Be sure to change the bedding - remove dirty straw and lay clean straw. After farrowing, you need to allow the animal to regain its strength. Be sure to give clean water to drink (3-4 liters).
During farrowing, it is advisable to provide round-the-clock vigil near the sows. To ensure that the first birth of a Vietnamese pig is successful, it is better to invite a veterinarian. The specialist will provide assistance to the animal and explain the owner’s actions in the event of a difficult birth.