Instructions for using the vaccine against erysipelas in pigs, side effects and contraindications

Breeding domestic animals and poultry is a profitable business even for a small private farmstead. However, sometimes farmers have to face some problems that require quick response and decisive action. One of them is a disease such as swine erysipelas, a vaccine has been developed, instructions for its use, but if you do not use it as quickly as possible, the animal may die within 3 days. Since the disease is infectious, it can wipe out the entire population.

Release form, composition and packaging of the vaccine

The drug for combating erysipelas in pigs is made on the basis of a culture of the VR-2 strain. Externally, the medicine is a dry mass of white-yellow color, which dissolves well in saline solution. The drug Ruvak is supplied to the market in 20 ml glass containers. It is securely sealed with rubber stoppers and additionally rolled in with aluminum caps. Each vial contains from 10 to 100 doses of the vaccine. Glass vials are packed in paper boxes, 10 pieces each.

In what cases is it recommended to use

The drug is used for preventive or forced vaccination of pigs against erysipelas. Young piglets are vaccinated three times.

The first time the procedure is carried out at the age of 2 months, then 1 month after the first vaccination. The third time vaccination will be required 5 months after the second. It is recommended to vaccinate sows once a year, 2 weeks before the planned insemination.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the vaccine against swine erysipelas is that it does not harm the animal or human body, protects against the negative effects of infection and promotes the development of immunity. Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely.

vaccine against erysipelas

Among the disadvantages are:

  • immunity is developed only a few days after the vaccine is introduced into the body;
  • the drug has more of a preventive effect than a therapeutic one;
  • For regular protection, repeated vaccinations are required after a certain period of time.

It is not advisable to use the vaccine during an epidemic, since immunity may simply not have time to develop.

Instructions for use of the vaccine against swine erysipelas

Vaccination of pigs is carried out for the purpose of prevention or treatment. The frequency of use, as well as the dosage of the drug, depends on this. For prevention, it is used once and in the dose recommended by the manufacturer on the bottle. As a rule, they indicate the number of required milliliters per kilogram of live weight. This norm is multiplied by the weight of the piglet.

vaccine against erysipelas

If treatment is required, the recommended doses are doubled. The drug is used together with a prescribed course of antibiotics. If necessary, the injection is repeated after 2 weeks. An important point is that the temperature of the finished serum at the time of injection should be 37-38 0C.

The erysipelas vaccine for pigs is injected behind the ear or into the inner thigh. There are almost no contraindications for use. There are also no restrictions regarding the use of meat after using whey.

Side effects

As a result of the use of the vaccine against erysipelas, the body temperature of pigs sometimes rises to 40 degrees. Such symptoms are observed during the first 1-2 days. The animal's condition is depressed, the appetite is poor. Such side effects go away on their own and do not require drug treatment.

vaccine against erysipelas

Contraindications for use

Pigs with clinical forms of erysipelas cannot be vaccinated. Also, vaccinations are not given if animals are infected or suffer from parasites or are malnourished. Vaccination of weakened piglets is contraindicated.A week before vaccination, it is not recommended to take a course of antibiotics or other medications that suppress the immune system.

Transportation, storage and disposal

The medicine against swine erysipelas should be stored in a dark place with a temperature of +4...10 0C. Under no circumstances should children or pets have access there. The drug is suitable for use within 1 year from the date of production.

The vaccine should be transported exclusively in hermetically sealed containers, packed in boxes. If the vaccine's expiration date has expired, the bottle is missing a label for some reason, the container has become depressurized, and any impurities are visible in the drug, the product cannot be used. If there are bottles with vaccine residues left on the farm, they should be disinfected by boiling for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

When working with the drug, you must always use disposable medical gloves, especially if there are abrasions or damage to the skin on your hands. After completing the work, hands should be washed thoroughly with laundry soap.
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