Planting and caring for chickweed in open ground, the best varieties and growing from seeds
Gardens and flower beds are not always filled with exquisite exotic flowers; simplicity, endurance and unpretentiousness attract
Planting and caring for jasmine, propagation of shrubs, pruning and replanting
Modern gardeners grow jasmine not only on the windowsill, but also in the open ground. Decorative
Planting and caring for hosta in open ground, description of varieties and their cultivation
To revitalize and decorate the garden, many people plant hosta in it. This plant is popular
Medicinal properties and contraindications of Echinacea, use and side effects
Echinacea is a flower whose benefits are known all over the world. It was also used by tribes
Planting and caring for Kampsis in open ground, reproduction and cultivation
Campsis is a vine-like plant with bright, red-orange flower stalks. The culture blooms all summer and takes root
Medicinal properties and contraindications of peony evasive, composition and use
Maryin root has long been known to folk healers and is used as a remedy in official medical practice.
Features and description of the Bartzella peony variety, planting and care rules
Among all varieties, Bartzell peonies are considered the most expensive. This variety appeared back in 1948
Characteristics and description of petunia variety Sophistry, planting and care
Petunia has long won the love of gardeners - now not a single plot can do without these
Description and characteristics of peony variety Henry Boxtos, cultivation
Not a single summer cottage is complete without a fragrant, lushly blooming peony bush. Especially popular
Planting and caring for scylla in open ground, description of species and varieties
Scylla, aka scilla, is a fragile and delicate flower that, without waiting, will disappear
Planting and caring for kobeya in open ground, growing from seeds and how to preserve
An annual tropical shrub-liana is used in the garden plots and summer cottages of Russian gardeners for landscaping gazebos
Description of the Chinese astilbe variety Visions in ed, cultivation and propagation
Among all the varieties of Chinese astilbe, Visions in red is considered one of the most attractive. Large


