What are the differences between floribunda rose and hybrid tea rose - 5 criteria
Since ancient times, roses have been considered one of the most popular and sought-after flowers
The benefits and harms of castor beans, their varieties and cultivation, use and care tips
Christ palm, Turkish hemp, Paradise tree - the names of one unique plant native to Ethiopia, which
Varieties of fritillaria, its planting and care rules, use of the plant
Fritillaria (lat.) is the name of a beautiful plant, renamed by the people as hazel grouse. Also, in simple terms, it is often called
Description of marigold, types and beneficial properties of the flower, its use
The description of marigold, its types and properties, as well as its application are of interest to many. This beautiful primrose
Description of blue cornflower, its cultivation and use, the best varieties of flower
Cornflowers have been known to gardeners since ancient times. In Rus', these wildflowers were considered a symbol of innocence.
Planting and caring for lilacs in open ground, popular varieties and applications
In spring, lilac bushes become one of the most beautiful plants. Their lush, cluster-like inflorescences
Description of sundew and its cultivation, planting and care, what to feed and how to replant
Sundew is a culture from the carnivorous category. This is one of the easiest plants to grow.
Description of mouse peas and its properties, plant types and uses
Mouse pea is a perennial plant that blooms from June to September. In the official
Description of spring adonis, where it grows and the properties of the plant, use
Spring Adonis is a medicinal crop that is often used in medicine. Extract based
Growing Decembrist flower, planting and care at home, reproduction
Decembrist is a flower that belongs to the genus of cacti. It comes from tropical forests
Description of sansevieria and photo of the flower, names of species and varieties, planting and care
Sansevieria is called one of the most popular indoor plants. This flower is considered very unpretentious in


