Growing Decembrist flower, planting and care at home, reproduction

Decembrist is a flower that belongs to the genus of cacti. It is native to the tropical forests of southeastern Brazil. There this culture grows at an altitude of 900-2800 meters above sea level. The culture came to European countries in 1816. It was brought by collector Alan Cunningham. Today this flower is grown by many people. To get a strong and healthy plant, it is important to provide it with proper care.

Description of the plant

The Decembrist flower is a tropical epiphyte that lives on tree branches.Typically, this crop grows in the form of a strongly branching shrub that has flat, jointed shoots.

This plant is characterized by zygomorphic terminal flowers with a long tube. It can have any color - orange, white, red, pink or soft purple. Decembrist flowers begin to bloom at the height of the tropical summer, which occurs in November or December. Moreover, this process ends at the end of January.

Initially, only 2 types of Decembrists became widespread - with white and red flowers. However, thanks to the efforts of breeders, their number has increased. Today, the most popular types of Decembrists include the following:

  1. Rousseliana - this crop is distinguished by lush flowering and has a tendency to branch. The size of the shoots reaches 1 meter. The tubular flowers resemble bells with long stamens.
  2. Truncated is a spreading bush that is distinguished by long shoots of a light green hue. Flowers are characterized by a multi-tiered structure. They have pointed petals and a whole cascade of stamens. At the same time, the color can be different - from white to lilac.
  3. Buckley is a shrub that does not exceed 40 centimeters in height and is distinguished by fleshy shoots of a dark green hue. The size of the flowers is 8 centimeters. Moreover, their shade depends on the variety.

Today, hundreds of Decembrist hybrids are known. They are combined in a series. Moreover, the differences between plants often concern only the shades and sizes of flowers. The conditions for growing the crop remain the same.


Growing conditions

In order for the cultivation of the Decembrist to be successful, it is important to provide it with suitable conditions:

  1. Lighting – the flower does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight.However, this does not mean that it can be kept in the dark. For a culture to develop normally, it requires diffused lighting. It is best to place the pot on an eastern or northern windowsill. In the summer, you can take it out onto the balcony or take it to the country house. However, even in such conditions, the Decembrist needs shade.
  2. Soil - a flower needs a loose substrate that allows moisture and air to pass through well. Experienced gardeners usually use a mixture of indoor plant substrate and coarse sand to grow the crop. These components must be mixed in equal parts. You also need to add peat to the composition. As a useful fertilizer, charcoal should be added to the container. It is recommended to place a drainage layer at the bottom.
  3. Humidity – Decembrist is of tropical origin, so it needs high humidity. That’s why the container with the plant is often placed in the kitchen or bathroom. To maintain optimal water balance, you can use a humidifier. It is also recommended to spray the flower regularly.
  4. Temperature – the flower does not respond well to high temperatures. The optimal parameters for growing crops are +15-25 degrees. Before flowering begins, they should be reduced to +13-15 degrees. However, it is also not recommended to overcool the flower. A prolonged decrease in temperature can lead to the death of the crop.

How to choose a suitable pot

To get a strong and healthy plant, it is recommended to choose the right planting container and nutrient substrate. Decembrist has a compact root system, so it is necessary to give preference to low pots with a large diameter. You should buy clay, plastic, and ceramic containers in specialized stores.Be sure to ensure that the container has drainage holes.

Decembrist photo

Planting methods

It is necessary to plant a young plant in a new container in the spring. In this case, it is recommended to transfer the flower to a pot of larger diameter. It is strictly prohibited to carry out the procedure during the flowering period. It is recommended to do the following:

  • form a drainage layer;
  • partially fill the new container with soil;
  • replant the crop along with a clod of soil;
  • water the soil generously.
To get a new plant, you can plant seeds and root the shoots. It is also permissible to use small fragments of the stem, leaves and cuttings for propagation.


Planting cuttings to produce a new crop is considered a long and painstaking process that should be carried out in late spring or early summer. It is recommended to do the following:

  1. Select the desired segment on the shoot of the main crop.
  2. Break off the escape. It must contain aerial roots.
  3. Treat the cut with charcoal.
  4. Prepare the rootstock. For this, it is recommended to use pereskia vines or prickly pear stems.
  5. Split the prepared stem.
  6. Sharpen the lower part of the shoot into a wedge shape.
  7. Fix the shoot into the divided stem of the rootstock.
  8. Secure the structure. This can be done using adhesive tape or rope.

Experts advise grafting several shoots at once. This will make it possible to choose the most powerful and healthy shoot. It is permissible to remove the material used for fixation only after the shoot and scion have completely grown together.

Decembrist flower

Stem cutting

To plant stem sections, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Choose escape. It is important that the process does not have mechanical damage and does not show signs of disease.
  2. Separate the selected fragment and place it in a container with clean water. It should be at room temperature.
  3. Systematically add the required amount of water and grow the root system.
  4. After the roots have become stronger, root the young plant.

To get a beautiful crop that has a lush crown, gardeners recommend planting several shoots in one container at once. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to use chlorinated water for irrigation, as this can cause the death of planting material.


Growing a new crop by seed is considered a rather complex method, which is usually used by breeders. To use this option at home, experts advise using ready-made planting material. Seeds collected independently have low germination and require special processing.

In order for planting material to germinate, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • provide a greenhouse effect;
  • observe the temperature regime;
  • systematically moisten the soil.

To propagate a flower, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Warm up the seed material. This needs to be done for 2 days.
  2. Soak the seeds in a growth stimulator.
  3. Disinfect grains.
  4. Select a container for planting and a nutrient substrate.
  5. Disinfect the container.
  6. Disinfect the soil.
  7. Distribute the seeds over the surface of the ground without covering them with soil.
  8. Moisten the soil surface. This should be done using a spray bottle.
  9. Create a greenhouse effect. In this case, the container must be systematically ventilated.
  10. Pick up young seedlings. This should be done at the stage of formation of several leaves.


This growing method is time consuming. This process can take more than 7 months.However, experts do not recommend using this method at home.


This method of planting the Decembrist is considered not very popular. However, sometimes it is still used. To get good results, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Choose strong and healthy leaves.
  2. Dry the cut area. This needs to be done for several days. In this case, the leaves must be kept in a dark and cool place.
  3. Prepare a container and substrate for planting.
  4. Deepen the bottom of the sheet.
  5. Create a greenhouse effect and systematically moisten the soil.
  6. When a strong root system is formed, you can transplant the crop into a new pot.


Planting cuttings is considered the most popular method of Decembrist propagation. It is best to do this in the spring. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Select planting material. There must be at least 4 segments on the cutting.
  2. Prepare a temporary pot and nutrient substrate.
  3. Plant the crop horizontally in moist soil.
  4. Create a greenhouse effect. This requires using a plastic bottle or bag.
  5. Systematically ventilate the structure and moisten the soil.
  6. Transplant the crop into a permanent flower pot. This needs to be done after several new leaves appear.

Care instructions

To get a strong and healthy plant, it is important to follow the rules of agricultural technology. The frequency of watering depends on the stage of crop development. To moisten the soil, you should use settled water at room temperature. From October to January, the period of budding and flowering begins, and therefore the plant needs abundant watering. It is important to avoid stagnation of moisture in the pan.


Decembrist also needs regular fertilization. To do this, it is worth using a complex preparation for cacti. It is recommended to fertilize according to the following scheme:

  1. From February to March there is a period of rest. At this time, you only need to slightly moisten the soil. To prevent the substrate from drying out, it is recommended to place moss and expanded clay in the tray. It is not recommended to feed Decembrist during this period.
  2. From April to the end of summer, the crop begins a period of active growing season. During this period, the plant needs systematic moderate watering. In this case, ammonia can be added to the water. For 1 liter of liquid, use 1 small spoon of the substance. Fertilizers should be used at 2 week intervals. In this case, you need to use the NPK complex. In this case, the dosage should be halved.
  3. In September, the crop prepares for active flowering. At this stage, watering should be limited. At the same time, the moss in the tray should be moistened in order to maintain optimal humidity parameters. When buds appear, it is recommended to increase the amount of watering and start applying fertilizers.

Despite the fact that Decembrist is characterized by slow development, it requires periodic replanting. If, upon purchase, roots stick out from the drainage holes, transplantation is carried out immediately. If the roots are not visible, this can be done at 5 years of age.

It is best to carry out the procedure at the end of flowering. The plant has a developed root system, so it is worth using a wide, shallow pot. In a container that is too free, the roots will grow too actively, which will negatively affect flowering.

When transplanting an adult crop, the pot first needs to be filled one-third with drainage. The remaining space should be compacted soil.To move a flower from an old pot to a new one, you need to thoroughly clean the roots from the old substrate. After this, you need to carefully sprinkle the roots with soil and water a little. As the ground settles, a small amount of new substrate can be added.

A young plant does not need pruning. In this case, it is enough to remove the buds that have bloomed. After flowering is completed, it is necessary to form the crown of adult bushes. To do this, it is recommended to carefully remove flaccid shoots and buds with your hands.

Decembrist is a popular crop, which is grown by many gardeners. For this process to be successful, it is important to strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology and provide the flower with high-quality and complete care. It includes timely watering, fertilizing, and pruning.
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