Not only thanks to its gorgeous flowering, but also the decorative nature of the bush, the hybrid rhododendron Nova Zembla looks great in any garden or landscape composition. The variety has been known since the end of the last century as the most beautiful and winter-hardy red-flowered rhododendron. It was created by crossing the Katevbinsky variety with a hardy wild plant. The variety is named after the island of Novaya Zemlya.
- Description, characteristics and features
- Choosing a landing site
- Soil preparation
- How to plant
- Preparing the pit
- Planting scheme
- Care
- Watering
- Top dressing
- Proper pruning
- Protection from diseases and pests
- Wintering
- Bloom
- When and how
- Care before and after
- If it doesn't bloom
- Transfer
- Reproduction
- Cuttings
- By layering
- Use in landscape design
- Reviews
Description, characteristics and features
Rhododendron Nova Zembla (Nova Zembla) is a perennial, evergreen, multi-flowered, spreading shrub up to one and a half to two meters high, with a dense dome-shaped crown and a shallow root system.
Valued for its beauty and excellent winter hardiness. Adult plants tolerate frosts down to -32 ⁰С, but at -25 ⁰С, flower buds can freeze. Straight, highly branched branches are covered with dark green, slightly silvery underneath, large, elongated leaves with a leathery structure. The flowers are large, red, without fragrance, collected in spectacular inflorescences.
Choosing a landing site
The plant prefers quiet, bright areas, protected from drafts and bright sun. This could be light partial shade near northern walls, fences, or diffused light from the crowns of coniferous trees. For full development, Nova Zembla rhododendron requires acidic (pH 4.5-6.0), loose, fertile, moderately moist soil. Areas with heavy clay soils, long-term stagnation of water, and swampy areas are unsuitable.
Soil preparation
The optimal structure of the soil mixture: leaf soil, coniferous litter in a ratio of 3:1. Add 50-60 g of complex fertilizer for rhododendrons.
How to plant
The further well-being of the Nova Zembla rhododendron depends on proper planting.
Preparing the pit
Work is carried out in the spring:
- The depth of the planting hole is at least 60 cm, the width is 80 cm. When replanting an adult bush, the dimensions are increased depending on the volume of the root system.
- The bottom is filled with drainage (20 cm). You can use coarse gravel, sand, broken brick.
- The root collar is left a couple of centimeters above the soil surface, the roots are covered with prepared soil, and pine needles and soil are placed on top. The result should be a raised trunk hole.
- The seedlings are watered and sprayed and mulched with peat, bark, and pine needles.
Planting scheme
Plants are planted singly or in groups at a sufficient distance from each other, taking into account that in 4-5 years a voluminous shrub will be obtained.
Proper care ensures abundant flowering, beautiful appearance and protection from freezing.
The soil in the tree trunk circle must be kept moderately moist. In hot weather, water 2-3 times a week and spray the bush. Water used is rainwater or settled, soft, acidified.
Top dressing
On prepared, fertile soils, Nova Zembla rhododendron needs two feedings:
- In the spring, add a mixture of ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate (2:1.5:1) at the rate of 50 g per 1 m2.
- After flowering - superphosphate and potassium salt (1:0.5).
Proper pruning
10-15 days after flowering, formative pruning of last year's shoots is carried out, by about one third. The event allows you to create the desired shape of the bush and stimulate the establishment of flower formations.
Protection from diseases and pests
The main diseases that worsen the appearance of the Nova Zembla rhododendron are rust and leaf mosaic. For prevention, the plant is treated in the spring and after flowering with copper-containing preparations. In the fight against the rhododendron bug and spider mite, Confidor, Aktara or other insecticidal preparations are used.
Despite their winter hardiness, it is recommended to cover young bushes and adult plants in the northern regions with artificial material, kraft paper or spruce branches.
Advice! After removing the cover in April, the bush is shaded so that the leaves do not get burned.
The timing of the onset of flowering, its quality and duration are influenced by the climatic conditions of the region, the condition of the plant and the ambient temperature.
When and how
Hybrid rhododendron Nova Zembla blooms in May-June. Large, up to 10 cm wide, bell-shaped flowers are collected in inflorescences of 6, sometimes up to 12 pieces. The dense ruby color of the petals with brown splashes and golden anthers looks gorgeous. The seeds ripen in a brown seed capsule.
Attention! In plants of the first year of life, the formed inflorescences must be removed to activate the growth of the bush.
Care before and after
Immediately after the Nova Zembla rhododendron blooms, the faded inflorescences are carefully broken out by hand at the very base. It will not be possible to obtain high-quality seeds, so the plant’s energy is directed to growth and the formation of new inflorescences. Abundant watering is combined with phosphorus-potassium fertilizing.
If it doesn't bloom
Difficult weather conditions and lack of moisture at high air temperatures can lead to shedding of the buds of the Nova Zembla rhododendron.
It is not recommended to replant adult bushes.
When sowing seeds, it is impossible to preserve the characteristics of the Nova Zembla variety, so vegetative propagation is used.
Prepare planting material and convenient containers for planting:
- Semi-lignified cuttings of rhododendron Nova Zembla with 2-4 leaves measuring about 8 cm are cut in early summer.
- A growth stimulator is added to the water and the cuttings are kept for several hours to improve root germination.
- The cuttings are planted in moist nutrient soil at a slight slope and the soil is thoroughly compacted.
- To preserve moisture, the container is covered with film and kept in a warm place, constantly maintaining humidity.
Rooting will take about 3 months, after which the cover is removed.
By layering
Reproduction of Nova Zembla rhododendron by layering is the simplest and most effective way:
- Choose a healthy shoot.
- In early spring, press it tightly with a bracket to the ground and sprinkle it.
- The soil is constantly kept moist.
- A root growth stimulator is periodically added to the water.
Next spring, the cuttings can be separated from the mother bush. A full-fledged Nova Zembla rhododendron bush can be obtained after 2 years.
Use in landscape design
Rhododendron Nova Zembla is so self-sufficient that it is good alone or in groups of 2-4 bushes. To fully enjoy flowering, Nova Zembla is planted along paths, recreation areas, along the edges of lawns, and in oriental gardens. The bush looks ideal against the background of coniferous crops, green plants and in a composition with bright flowers of a contrasting color.
You can plant rhododendron near a fountain or pond, but in places protected from northern winds. For a spectacular look, it should not be constrained by neighboring plants.
Vera Korsak, Gagarin, 35 years old: “Nova Zembla looks wonderful in my large garden. All care costs are repaid many times over with abundant annual flowering. It overwinters well, but I play it safe a little and cover the bushes for the winter. I feel calmer this way.”
Svetlana, Smolensk, 29 years old: “I am still a weak gardener, but I also have an object of pride and adoration - this is the Nova Zembla rhododendron. I monitor the humidity, acidify the water, sometimes spray the leaves, loosen them and feed them. I can say: a very grateful plant.”
Fedor, Chelyabinsk, 65 years old: “Wonderful bush.It modestly took its place by the fence, but looks gorgeous. Nova Zembla rhododendron requires no more care than other plants. Winters well. I recommend".