The balanced composition of "Polyfide", the presence of a dozen varieties of the product and its quality have made a series of fertilizers from
To increase the productivity of garden and vegetable crops or improve the development of ornamental greenery, special phytohormone preparations are used,
“Microvit” is understood as a nutrient that includes everything necessary for the development of crops. It contains
The use of root formers for the preparation of seedlings and seedlings has long been practiced in farms and private households.
Experienced gardeners successfully use waste from the wood processing industry in their summer cottages. They are used
Green manure is used in agriculture and on personal plots to fertilize the soil and improve
Proper care of plants is a determining factor in growing crops. However, it is difficult to grow greens
Compost made from organic materials is an excellent fertilizer that can be used in the household for
Consumers of agricultural products are increasingly paying attention to their environmental friendliness. Manufacturers also want
The use of humic fertilizers for plant nutrition has a positive effect on the taste of fruits and vegetables, strengthens
Indoor floriculture takes little time if you properly care for your plants. Hydrogel will help solve
The use of "Gibbersib" helps to activate the development of plants. The drug is a natural crop growth regulator. Active